A message to Tom Hanks

JFK Assassination
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A message to Tom Hanks

Post by dankbaar »

Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

The change for Lee Harvey Oswald killing JFK is as good as my son hitting the bullseye with a wind gun for the first time he used it..

Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

let us know if you get a response. id like to know what he says.
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Check this jackass out!!!!

Post by Pennyworth »

an insult to journalism...pure propaganda....we will probably see more of the same.....there is no underestimating morons...

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An open letter to Tom Hanks

Post by Bob »

Dear Mr. Hanks,

There is no doubt that you are a brilliant actor and an excellent producer. I have enjoyed both of those areas of your career. However, there is a possibility that you might consider producing a program that tries to debunk the JFK conspiracy theories. Please say it ain't so, Tom! I understand that you grew up in the Bay area of San Francisco/Oakland. That is usually an area that normally sees things a little left of center. I know Berkeley is not too far away. Please take some time and look at what this website can offer you. The forum can be educational as well. I sincerely hope that you will reconsider producing a fictional program. I believe that your reputation will be tarnished if you proceed and produce this blatant attempt at giving some credence to the Warren Commission. Our proud country is still being led by the same forces that assassinated John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 11/22/1963. Produce something about that! Again, please look at what this website can offer you. There is a library of information. Even if you don't believe James Files (which I do), there is a ton of information that precludes Lee Harvey Oswald from being the sole assassin. In fact, I don't believe he was a shooter at all. He certainly played a role in the intelligence community based on everything I have read or researched. I hope that you really look at EVERYTHING regarding this. If not, my respect for your great accomplishments will be severely diminished.

Mike Bruni
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Re: Check this jackass out!!!!

Post by Mike Bruni »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:an insult to journalism...pure propaganda....we will probably see more of the same.....there is no underestimating morons... http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=21102

Unfortunately, some people still drink the Kool-Aid.

john hines
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Post by john hines »

All I can say is, Wow! But then, I have to consider the source.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

any response from Hanks yet Wim?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

After the election of 2000 someone asked a little old lady in Florida what happened. She said "THEY HAVE BEEN TOO LONG OUT IN THE SUN!" Looks like the same thing happening now in California, they have also been too long out in the sun. First Mark Furman book, then Bugliosi, now Hanks. Furman is lucky he did not face a perjury trial in the O.J. Simpson case, he lied under oath with no consequences. And many people are questioning the Michael Skakel conviction in the Martha Moxley case. Bugliosi did not solve the Manson case, a jail inmate of one of the Manson women overheard a conversation that led to Manson's arrest. I am a huge fan of Tom Hanks and I hope he comes to his senses before he does something that will forever link him with Nazi types.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Regarding Mr. Prager's article:
You know one side has exhausted all of it's propaganda tactics when they decide that everyone who believes in a conspiracy is an Aetheist.
I am a conservative, Roman Catholic and a believer in God. They used to paint us with the C brush (crazy). That isn't working anymore. So now they have to doubt our religious beliefs, and oh, next he will be saying we are not patriotic. That is the latest tactic when we question our nation's leaders.