Is anyone else hooked?

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Is anyone else hooked?

Post by Ricky Clow »

I've been into the assassination for a bit over a year now and am completly hooked, some times i'll be up for over a day finding information. It's pretty much my lifes sole purpose to do this. I am so commited I wear a JFK pendant around my neck all the time (yes a little weird but still). I myself am finishing my grade 9 year and can't wait for two more years untill the 45th annaversary as I'm going to go to Dallas and visit Dealy Plaza. Many of my friends care nothing about the assassination, as I's like to thank Wim Dankbaar with all the thanks I have for making this forum and so I can share my thoughts with all of you guys. So what I'm asking are you guy hooked to ? I love this interest im 15 and am nuts about this and have die go to the grave loyalty saying that there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy. Thank you all.

Ricky Clow
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

hi Ricky,
yes i'm hooked too. I'm 53 and i recall watching JFK funeral on tv... The sixties were a great decade... JFK, Vietnam war, Mohamed Ali, the Beatles, Woodstock, landing on the moon, etc... But i wonder... you're 15... JFK was shot in 1963.... Why are you so hooked on that ?

Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

It's kind of hard to explain one day me and my friends stepdad were talking about conspiracys and stuff and The JFK assassination came up and I never knew anything about it then i just started looking at stuff about it and was finding information and I just got hooked it was just like that.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

will we know the very bottom of that one day ?
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

If you man Nov. 22nd 1963......someday but not soon.
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Post by Giovanni »

I don't think we'll ever know the truth.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

mafia's job... so it's Omerta... nobody talk...
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

So glad to hear you are interested in what happened so many years ago. So many young people nowadays are just interested in partying and making money. Bless You!
However, take it in stages and do not let it consume you. You will do better and see things more objectively if you take periodic breaks from this.
Go out and have fun and have a life!
I was 11 when JFK was killed and am a native Texan. I see things a little differently because of that. People just do not understand how things work down here. The good ole boy system is still alive and well but we are trying to change that. The color of justice is green.
When you lived through the civil rights struggle of the south in the 60's, you have an entirely different perspective. I was there to see the "colored" water fountains, restrooms, and waiting rooms. I used to think that "colored" on the sign meant that the water that came out might be red or blue. I was young.
One thing I do remember, very vividly was the day the Life magazine came in the mail with the photo of LHO on the front and the rifle. I may have only been 11 but I remember being totally creeped out by it. I knew even then at that age that something was wrong with that photo.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

Thanks and I still have fun. And if only I could have been alive during the 60's.
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
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Ricky/Growing up in the 60s

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Growing up in the 60's was not all it is cracked up to be. The music was great but living with the constant threat of the cold war was not. I used to have recurring nightmares about it after the Cuban Missile Crisis. We also faced alot of media censorship back then that you don't have now. But I guess better that than the terrorist threat now. Sometimes I think that there is too much public access now which is also not good.
I did however have one brief shining moment in the early 60's when I had the distinct honor of seeing and shaking hands with Robert Kennedy when he was campaigning in Texas for his brother. What an incredible smile he had. I often think RFK would have made the better President. He did not have the demons that his older brother had and I think he was a more disciplined individual and more family oriented. Not to take anything away from JFK, however, who performed admirably during the worst of times.