Who would've wanted Kennedy alive?

JFK Assassination
john hines
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Who would've wanted Kennedy alive?

Post by john hines »

I've had one lingering question that has been lingering with me for the past couple of months since I veiwed the taped interview of LJB's mistress. The day before JFK was killed, she stated that he just left a meeting with some very powerful higher ups and his face was beat red, as it always was when he was extremely upset. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said something to the effect of "Those bastards are gonna see after tomorrow."

Who were those people LBJ was meeting with? Was there a power struggle, or LBJ was dared by his fellow constituents to pull this thing off?

No doubt JFK had political and business liasons and there were people that were benefiting. I'm not as well rehearsed in alot of the power struggle in this country, maybe Wim, Paul, Bruce or whomever in their infinite wisdom could shed some light.
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Post by Bob »

The meeting was at Clint Murchinson's house...a big wig in oil. Others supposedly at the meeting include LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon and "Poppy" Bu$h.
John Zeroski
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Who would've wanted Kennedy alive?

Post by John Zeroski »

It seems to me, rather, the question is who would have wanted Kennedy dead the most, or who would have benfited the most from his death.
I think I good answer to this question is to be found in a short book by
Donald Gibson titled Battling Wall Street. There are many, many reasons in here for wanting Kennedy dead.
If you can find this book relevant, you might want to try Gibson's The Kennedy Assassination Cover Up.
John J McCloy, the Establishment figurehead, was also at the Murchison meeting. He is a prominent figure in Gibson's second book.
I think this is a good lead for anyone wishing to pursue this subject matter from an elitist point of view.
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Post by Giovanni »

Kennedy's enemies:

1. Fidel Castro (Kennedy was planning on assassinating Castro)

2. Cubans (Mad at Kennedy for the Bay Of Pigs)

3. The Mafia (For double crossing them. The Mafia put him in the White House. If they have the power to do that, then they have the power to take him out.)

4. The CIA (Kennedy didn't want Vietnam)

5. Oil Men (?)

6. LBJ (He wanted to win the '64 election)

7. Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK was against communism? I DON'T KNOW?!!!)
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

Don't forget about Nixon, who lost to JFK. And then RFK was going to beat him again in the '68 election.
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Post by Giovanni »

Nixon had nothing to do with President Kennedy's murder. Neither did LBJ.
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Post by Bob »

Nixon not involved in JFK's murder? You must be kidding me. Nixon began his political career as a Prescott Bu$h protege...er...puppet. He also had a guy by the name of Jack Ruby work for him. Nixon was one of the guys that helped plan the Bay of Pigs in the last days of the the Eisenhower administration. Nixon lost the 1960 Presidential election to JFK. Nixon was in Dallas on 11/22/1963. The Watergate tapes provide other clues. Bob Haldeman said in his book the everytime Nixon mentioned the "Bay of Pigs", he was REALLY referring to the JFK assassination. Nixon also fired almost everyone at the White House, except George "Poppy" Bu$h, saying "Fire everyone except George Bu$h. He will do ANYTHING for our cause." What was ANYTHING? Like helping kill a President? Nixon should know. Please see this...

From a radio interview with investigative journalist Jim Marrs:

J – Yes, George, and let me say this: I don't want everybody to think that just Lyndon Johnson was involved in this, or that it was just the democrats or whatever. I’m looking here at a book written by H.R Haldeman, who was ...G – He was one of Nixon’s men!J – Yes, one of Nixon’s boys, and here he writes , he says, if you all remember during Watergate the Nixon Tapes and all the focus over that: Nixon went to pay 2 million dollars to E. Howard Hunt, a CIA officer, who was leading and training the anti-Castro Cubans, he (Nixon) said: "Pay him the 2 million dollars! This could open up the whole Bay of Pigs thing! This could look bad for us, this could look bad for the CIA!"And in Haldeman's book, he says that it seems that in all these Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs, he was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination!
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I was watching a show on the tv yesterday called JFK's Woman. It said that if he wouldnt have been assassinated his reputation would have been ruined and that it was the better that he was shot? I was like who the hell are these people they like dumb or someting? I saw a cartoon and it said that the assassination is a mystery and that Kennedy was just to sexy for the white house lol
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

First to Ricky's reply: Kennedy haters will always use the philanderer part of JFK's life to almost make it seem like he was expendable because he couldn't keep his pants zipped. My God, if they got rid of every president or politician in Washington with that problem there would be no one left! They use the immorality of marital infidelity to try to get you to forget the immorality of the brutal crime of the murder of the President.
Next regarding LBJ, Being a native Texan, I have heard for decades of his legendary antics. He won his first state office by stealing names from local cemetaries and having dead people vote for him. He won by so few votes that he was always known as "Landslide Lyndon" after that. He hated Kennedy because he was about to be dropped from the ticket in 64. He had become a tremendous political liability due to alot of illegal dealings with some really shady characters both foreign and domestic who were under indictment and about to finger him to get lighter sentences. He stood to gain just as much as the Mafia if JFK were eliminated.
He and his little homo friend J Edgar were thick as thieves. They collaborated in the assassination.
As for Nixon, he was involved because during Watergate, E. Howard Hunt tried to blackmail him over the assassination to save his own skin. Nixon was going down anyway. They have the conversations on the infamous "White House Tapes" the ones that Nixon was refusing to turn over to the government.
But if you would like my personal opinion, the man who did the most to seal the fate of JFK and RFK was their own father Joseph P. Kennedy. The things that man did in the name of money and power were absolutely horrendous. Many Mafia kingpins were interviewed about it. He bought the 1960 election by paying off the Chicago Mob on the promise that the government would leave them alone. He just didn't bother to tell his sons about that. He was part of the Irish Mafia during Prohibition days. He was into the same things the Chicago Mob was into. He had his own Presidential hopes but was branded as a Nazi sympathizer before WWII. Then his next hope was Joseph P. Kennedy Jr who was killed in WWII. JFK never wanted to be president or even in politics. He wanted to be a writer and he was a damned good one, but old Joseph would have none of that. He was dragged kicking and screaming into politics. I think he was haunted by the deaths of his brother Joe and sister Kathleen. He took to reckless living like his father, but the worst thing of all was he made his brother the Attorney General not knowing his father had made a deal with the Devil.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

If the goverment wantd kenndy out of office so bad then why wouldnt they wait a few months till the election then fix it so he lost soo much easier.