The dumbing down of America

JFK Assassination
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The dumbing down of America

Post by dankbaar »

Most Americans are not tought to think for themselves. Instead they are - like a herd of sheep - being brainwashed to adhere to authoritive messages, cranked out by corporate owned media.

The latest example being Vincent Bugliosi's 1600+ page rehash of the Warren Report, which has already been officially overturned by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who concluded that JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy.

Yet again, Bugliosi attempts to persuade Americans that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone frustrated deranged loser, with no connections to anyone, who wanted to make a name for himself by killing the most powerful man in the country.

But if Americans would think for themselves for just one minute, they would understand that this theory does not wash with Oswald's fierce denials of guilt. In reality he proclaimed his innocence at every opportunity in the short time left for him.

According to Bugliosi, Oswald planned the crime weeks ahead by ordering an antique misaligned rifle and taking a job at the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Oswald's killer Jack Ruby made a vain attempt to let Americans think for themselves. Had the media shown his letter to the public, he might even have been successful when he wrote:

Isn't it strange that Oswald who hasn't worked a lick most of his life, should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Book Building two weeks before the president himself didn't know as to when he was to visit Dallas, now where would a jerk like Oswald get the information that the president was coming to Dallas? Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson who knew weeks in advance as to what was going to happen, because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip for the president, this had been planned long before the president himself knew about, so you can figure that one out. The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson, and he was in a car in the rear and safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the president? If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn't he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him.

Gary Mack, curator ot the 6th floor museum, and portrayed by corporate media as the leading authority on the assassination, even contends that Oswald didn't mean to be caught. He suggests that Oswald deliberately took the difficult shots from behind on Elm street, rather than the easier shots from the front on Houston Street, in order not to be seen by witnesses looking up to the 6th floor window:

But if Americans would think for themselves for just another minute, they would see that if you shoot the president from the top floor of a public building, with two exits on the ground floor, and with police officers all around the building, there is no way of escape (let alone by way of public transport). Unless you have some help from the inside, which of course is exactly what the real assassins got.

Therefore, in addition to the iron clad evidence denying Oswald's guilt, the best clues Americans will get on what happened, defying the official brainwash, are given by some sheer intelligence and common sense. That is, if they still have that. With over 80 % voting for conspiracy, we can close on an optimistic note.

Wim Dankbaar

Oh, and by the way, it's the same here in Europe
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Post by Bob »

No doubt Wim!!! First we had the imbecile Posner. What a freaking joke he is. Then Gary Mack pulls a Benedict Arnold and changes sides. Then we have Bugliosi. Let's see, Bugliosi thinks Oswald acted alone, but thinks Sirhan didn't in RFK's assassination in 1968. At least he did. Unless he changed his story. Like Gary Mack.
LTC Daniel Marvin
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The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Post by LTC Daniel Marvin »

Having been a part of the cover-up and having been briefed by the CIA in the Spring of 1964 with regard to the "hit" on JFK, I have no doubt that it is Wim Dankbaar, James Files and Dennis David that we had better believe and better do something to cure the sickness in the White House, CIA and FBI or we will have a repeat in our lifetime.. perhaps many more...
What follows is my letter.
Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, USA Ret'd
Post Office Box 538, Cazenovia, New York 13035-0538

Author of Expendable Elite - One Soldier’s Journey Into Covert Warfare♦
Victory Edition published in July 2006 w/Preface by Douglas Valentine

16 June 2007 File: Aiding Enemy & EE

Robert Burns
Associated Press
2021 K Street
Washington, DC 20006

Mr. Burns,
Aiding the enemy (article 104 of the UCMJ) and murder (article 118 of the UCMJ) are two Uniform Code of Military Justice articles exempt from the statute of limitations (article 43a of the UCMJ) and those parties who are suspected of aiding the enemy or murder may be tried and punished at any time without time limitation.
It is a fact, proven in a juried trial concluded on 30 January 2006 in the Federal District Court in Charleston, SC, that my book Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare, which states unequivocally that our government aided the enemy in the Vietnam conflict is a fact corroborated by General William C. Westmoreland in his autobiography A Soldier Reports. In fact, I had attempted to have court action taken against General William C. Westmoreland and his subordinate officer, Colonel William Tuttle, for aiding the enemy in accordance with the UCMJ. It was to no avail inasmuch as there was no military jurisdiction with courage enough to go against the political hierarchy that gave the illegal orders to aid the enemy and who sent an ARVN Regiment to attack and destroy my Special Forces Camp in An Phu, South Vietnam in June of 1966. During the preparation for the January 1966 trial General Westmoreland passed away and since the trial - where my publisher and I won victory over the Special Forces Association's engineered trial against us - Colonel Tuttle passed away.
I am now attempting to demand action that would have our Congress pass a law that would prohibit any person or entity within the government from ordering that our enemy be aided or abetted and also prohibited action being ordered overtly or directed covertly by military or political leaders, including the President of the United States that would result in the murder of our own armed forces personnel.
I enclose for your personal review a signed copy of the Victory Edition - Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare. This 2nd edition contains an added 100+ pages that cover details of the trial and photocopies of evidence offered in court. It also includes a Preface written by Douglas Valentine, who you most likely know to be a world-renowned expert on CIA assassination programs (he is the author of The Phoenix Program). Trine Day owner Kris Millegan also added a Publisher's Foreword.
Further, I enclose copies of letters written by me to the General Officers in command of the four major military organizations who should take immediate and aggressive action to assure that our armed forces are not ordered into a situation wherein we give the enemy an advantage, even safe-havens thereby increasing the likelihood of our armed forces suffering more KIAs and WIAs. Letters sent are as follows:
a. 15 June 2007 to MG David H. Huntoon, Jr., Commandant of the U.S. Army War College.
b. 15 June 2007 to General Bryan Brown, CG of the US Special Operations
c. 15 June 2007 to LTG Franklin L.Hagenbeck, Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
d. 16 June 2007 to MG William H. Caldwell, IV, CG of the US Army Combined
Arms Center.
I also enclose a copy of the 15 February 2006 article by Independent Journalist Tim Bates titled LTC Marvin: NOT GUILTY and the "series of e-mails" provided the addressees of the above letters.
I ask that you investigate and report to the public what is a crucial and illegal activity that our government, as proven in Federal Court, has taken in the past, and I believe continues to take to aid the enemy and to attempt, when "they" feel it necessary or expedient, to kill our own personnel. I and my Special Forces Team A-424 can attest to as fact, as told in my book and proven in the aforementioned trial in Federal Court.
Most sincerely,

LTC Daniel Marvin
US Army Special Forces (Retired)

Encl: a/s
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.18.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers: 06.18.2007 - Mr. Wim Dankbaar first Posted this Accurate, Provocative Headline.Wim Dankbaar I compliment you completely on your piece about the Dumbing Down Of America. Unfortunate,but true, as we have often discussed.As Wim Dankbaar, Zack Shelton, Dan Marvin, Tom Jeffers, Richard Potter, Darrell Graf, Bob Fox, Ken Murray, Phil Dragoo, Joe Hall, J and B, and many others have often discussed, or written among ourselves, this is a growing trend that will not be reversed for some time to come, if at all. I predict that it will increase and worsen, perhaps geometrically. My Opinion.As always I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about aSubject Matter, and then formulate your own opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Post by ChristophMessner »

LTC Daniel Marvin wrote:Having been a part of the cover-up and having been briefed by the CIA in the Spring of 1964 with regard to the "hit" on JFK, I have no doubt that it is Wim Dankbaar, James Files and Dennis David that we had better believe and better do something to cure the sickness in the White House, CIA and FBI or we will have a repeat in our lifetime.. perhaps many more...After reading through'm asking myself: where are this film and the photos of William Pitzer right now? Can anybody lead to it?
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Re: The dumbing down of America

Post by Jsnow915 »

if that was the truth that Oswald was a lone nut...then why didn't he shoot at Kennedy on Houston street...a clear shot would have taken him out...if he was a nut,a nut wouldn't think rationally about where he's shooting had to be arranged for JFK to be in the middle of a "turkey shoot"...and like I said,Oswald never had his day in court and WAS NEVER given a lawyer...thats enough for me to think it was a set-up.
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Re: The dumbing down of America

Post by Bob »

Speaking of the dumbing down of America, I''ll let the late and GREAT Bill Hicks and George Carlin say it for me... ... fKguI0NFek
Rob Waters
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Re: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Post by Rob Waters »

LTC Daniel Marvin wrote:Having been a part of the cover-up and having been briefed by the CIA in the Spring of 1964 with regard to the "hit" on JFK, I have no doubt that it is Wim Dankbaar, James Files and Dennis David that we had better believe and better do something to cure the sickness in the White House, CIA and FBI or we will have a repeat in our lifetime.. perhaps many more...What follows is my letter.=================================================Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, USA Ret'dPost Office Box 538, Cazenovia, New York 13035-0538Author of Expendable Elite - One Soldier’s Journey Into Covert Warfare♦ Victory Edition published in July 2006 w/Preface by Douglas Valentine 16 June 2007 File: Aiding Enemy & EERobert BurnsAssociated Press2021 K StreetWashington, DC 20006Mr. Burns, Aiding the enemy (article 104 of the UCMJ) and murder (article 118 of the UCMJ) are two Uniform Code of Military Justice articles exempt from the statute of limitations (article 43a of the UCMJ) and those parties who are suspected of aiding the enemy or murder may be tried and punished at any time without time limitation. It is a fact, proven in a juried trial concluded on 30 January 2006 in the Federal District Court in Charleston, SC, that my book Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare, which states unequivocally that our government aided the enemy in the Vietnam conflict is a fact corroborated by General William C. Westmoreland in his autobiography A Soldier Reports. In fact, I had attempted to have court action taken against General William C. Westmoreland and his subordinate officer, Colonel William Tuttle, for aiding the enemy in accordance with the UCMJ. It was to no avail inasmuch as there was no military jurisdiction with courage enough to go against the political hierarchy that gave the illegal orders to aid the enemy and who sent an ARVN Regiment to attack and destroy my Special Forces Camp in An Phu, South Vietnam in June of 1966. During the preparation for the January 1966 trial General Westmoreland passed away and since the trial - where my publisher and I won victory over the Special Forces Association's engineered trial against us - Colonel Tuttle passed away. I am now attempting to demand action that would have our Congress pass a law that would prohibit any person or entity within the government from ordering that our enemy be aided or abetted and also prohibited action being ordered overtly or directed covertly by military or political leaders, including the President of the United States that would result in the murder of our own armed forces personnel. I enclose for your personal review a signed copy of the Victory Edition - Expendable Elite - One Soldier's Journey Into Covert Warfare. This 2nd edition contains an added 100+ pages that cover details of the trial and photocopies of evidence offered in court. It also includes a Preface written by Douglas Valentine, who you most likely know to be a world-renowned expert on CIA assassination programs (he is the author of The Phoenix Program). Trine Day owner Kris Millegan also added a Publisher's Foreword. Further, I enclose copies of letters written by me to the General Officers in command of the four major military organizations who should take immediate and aggressive action to assure that our armed forces are not ordered into a situation wherein we give the enemy an advantage, even safe-havens thereby increasing the likelihood of our armed forces suffering more KIAs and WIAs. Letters sent are as follows: a. 15 June 2007 to MG David H. Huntoon, Jr., Commandant of the U.S. Army War College. b. 15 June 2007 to General Bryan Brown, CG of the US Special Operations Command c. 15 June 2007 to LTG Franklin L.Hagenbeck, Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. d. 16 June 2007 to MG William H. Caldwell, IV, CG of the US Army Combined Arms Center. I also enclose a copy of the 15 February 2006 article by Independent Journalist Tim Bates titled LTC Marvin: NOT GUILTY and the "series of e-mails" provided the addressees of the above letters. I ask that you investigate and report to the public what is a crucial and illegal activity that our government, as proven in Federal Court, has taken in the past, and I believe continues to take to aid the enemy and to attempt, when "they" feel it necessary or expedient, to kill our own personnel. I and my Special Forces Team A-424 can attest to as fact, as told in my book and proven in the aforementioned trial in Federal Court. Most sincerely, LTC Daniel Marvin US Army Special Forces (Retired)Encl: a/si like to think it is still possible to reverse directions but its hard for me to see how it could be done. It would take ALL americans standing up and literally kicking in the doors of the white house, pentagon etc and taking it back physically, but too many Americans are brainwashed into thinking what its government has been doing for years is in the name of freedom and democracy. Fight them over there so we dont have to fight them over here when if they think for themselves for one minute as Wim says, they will realize that all they have to do is get into Mexico and walk across the border like the MILLIONS of others are doing, if thats what they really wanted to do. Its rediculous and sad...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:No doubt Wim!!! First we had the imbecile Posner. What a freaking joke he is. Then Gary Mack pulls a Benedict Arnold and changes sides. Then we have Bugliosi. Let's see, Bugliosi thinks Oswald acted alone, but thinks Sirhan didn't in RFK's assassination in 1968. At least he did. Unless he changed his story. Like Gary Mack.I agree with you on everything you just said, EXCEPT that I don't think Posner is an imbecile. I think he knows EXACTLY what he's doing (disinformation) and is doing it at someone's behest. I think he's a cunning mouthpiece.On a related note, doesn't Posner look like he's had facial reconstructive surgery or plastic surgery? Seriously....I also noticed something about Posner and Dale Myers (Myers is the guy who did the computer simulation of Dealy Plaza and the assassination). They both seem to speak in confident tones like they were taught to speak that a used car salesman is trained to speak. That's just my observation.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: The dumbing down of America

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:Most Americans are not tought to think for themselves. Instead they are - like a herd of sheep - being brainwashed to adhere to authoritive messages, cranked out by corporate owned media. The latest example being Vincent Bugliosi's 1600+ page rehash of the Warren Report, which has already been officially overturned by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who concluded that JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy. Yet again, Bugliosi attempts to persuade Americans that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone frustrated deranged loser, with no connections to anyone, who wanted to make a name for himself by killing the most powerful man in the country. But if Americans would think for themselves for just one minute, they would understand that this theory does not wash with Oswald's fierce denials of guilt. In reality he proclaimed his innocence at every opportunity in the short time left for him. According to Bugliosi, Oswald planned the crime weeks ahead by ordering an antique misaligned rifle and taking a job at the Texas Schoolbook Depository. Oswald's killer Jack Ruby made a vain attempt to let Americans think for themselves. Had the media shown his letter to the public, he might even have been successful when he wrote: Isn't it strange that Oswald who hasn't worked a lick most of his life, should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Book Building two weeks before the president himself didn't know as to when he was to visit Dallas, now where would a jerk like Oswald get the information that the president was coming to Dallas? Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson who knew weeks in advance as to what was going to happen, because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip for the president, this had been planned long before the president himself knew about, so you can figure that one out. The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson, and he was in a car in the rear and safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the president? If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn't he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him.Gary Mack, curator ot the 6th floor museum, and portrayed by corporate media as the leading authority on the assassination, even contends that Oswald didn't mean to be caught. He suggests that Oswald deliberately took the difficult shots from behind on Elm street, rather than the easier shots from the front on Houston Street, in order not to be seen by witnesses looking up to the 6th floor window: if Americans would think for themselves for just another minute, they would see that if you shoot the president from the top floor of a public building, with two exits on the ground floor, and with police officers all around the building, there is no way of escape (let alone by way of public transport). Unless you have some help from the inside, which of course is exactly what the real assassins got. Therefore, in addition to the iron clad evidence denying Oswald's guilt, the best clues Americans will get on what happened, defying the official brainwash, are given by some sheer intelligence and common sense. That is, if they still have that. With over 80 % voting for conspiracy, we can close on an optimistic note. Wim DankbaarOh, and by the way, it's the same here in Europe is KEY for these people, so I've taken it upon myself to INFORM as many people as I can.I DID get through to a friend of mine who served in the U.S. Marine Corp in the 1970s. He had NEVER seen the Zapruder Film. He's seen still pictures from the film. I e-mailed him the film clip, and he said he had NEVER known that JFK's head was thrown back like that. SO...the disinformation people have done their work, and we have OUR work cut out for us to UNDO what those creeps have done. I think the disinformation people have muddied the waters and outright LIED enough to make the average person not know what to believe, and the task of sifting through the information becomes a daunting task for them.