JFK vs. C.I.A.

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

JFK vs. C.I.A., The Central Intelligence Agency's Assassination Of The President, by Michael Calder, 1998, printed by West LA Publishers, Los Angeles, California.


I. Who in the Central Intelligenc Agency organized the President's

II. The criminal case against Lee Harvey Oswald.

III. The social, political and economic factors which led to the decision to
terminate JFK'S Presidency.

IV. Step by step analysis of the conspiracy as it climaxes into treason.

"But I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions prove groundless."

Abraham Lincoln
November 21, 1863.

An excellent book by Michael Calder that the very serious Researcher, Investigator, and Writer about JFK and the C.I.A., and all related issues
can really sink his/her teeth into.

Comments both Pro, and Con, are invited that are of a serious Academic
Approach. If you are a serious JFK Forum Member, PLEASE read this book.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

When was the CIA created and by who? At who's request was it formed?

http://www.questionsquestions.net/feldm ... man07.html



Allen Dulles and General Donovan were both council members at the time of creation and ever since 1960 every single CIA director has een a CFR member BEFORE getting his post.


They created the FED the CIA and TAXES!

Kennedy went after the CIA the FED and anything else he thought they controlled. First thing he did:
President Truman issued an executive order establishing the Psychological Strategy Board. The Board was run by CFR members Gordon Gray and Henry Kissinger. The PSB has close ties to the State Department and Intelligence Organizations. The purpose of the PSB was to co-ordinate psycho-political operations. Many of those operations were focused at Americans. The people became wary of the Psychological Strategy Board. Eisenhower issued an executive order changing its name to the Operations Coordination Board. The OCB was a bigger more powerful PSB. Gray and Kissinger ran the OCB too. President Kennedy abolished the OCB. It became an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group," which exists today. The PSB/OCB/Special Group always has CFR members running and sitting on it. Since the Special Group was not formed by Executive Order it cannot be abolished.
It is not rocket science.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear R. Croxford,

I have just reviewed yor email.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself, and ask Jimmy if he was aware
of any of this while he was actively working for the C.I.A.

I was not aware of some of the information that you posted here. I will study it carefully this weekend.

Thank You for your input.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

To truly understand the depth of corruption in the CIA and our government, this book is a must read for any serious JFK Researcher.

I would like to hear the thoughts of those who have read this book.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK vs. CIA:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.22.2006 - I first Posted this Headline about Michael Calder's excellent book.In light of recent CIA revelations, which are minimal in my opinion, I even more strongly recommendMichael Calder's book, at this point in time.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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JFK vs. CIA:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.16.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.22.2006 - I first Posted this Headline about Michael Calder's excellent book. I like to read books, and analyze and study complete works. I found Michael's book to be extremely well written, and highly understandable. My Opinion.For those of you who are of similar thinking, this is great authoritative material for Newer JFK Forum Members,or those who have not yet read Michael Calder's book. It puts many things in order in an easily readable format.Michael covers much material well in a highly informative manner, including intelligent observations that many/most others don't make.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspectof this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may notbe as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder is ironically now a member of this forum, and based on my discussions with Michael and checking out his website, I do plan to get the book. His current work in progress regarding the RFK assassination looks to be fantastic, based on what he has posted on this site. MK-Ultra was used in the RFK assassination, but also the fact that there were Sirhan look-alikes in the area of the assassination is very interesting based on the many Oswald look-alikes in the JFK assassination. Bottom line, the CIA was involved in both assassinations...there is NO question about that. Just remember the words of David Morales..."I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard."
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Re: JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Hmmmmm Calder makes some good points.And in fairness being down in NZ it makes it hard to get many publications, in particularly when they are independants. So no I have not read the full thing. But I have taken an interest in it and have endeavoured to find out as much as I could.So yup its me in party pooper mode again Bruce. It seems like a lot of Mikes stuff had actually been explored a little earlier. He also seems to have gone for the Exner line, now this whole angle has been pretty much destroyed and I came across this rather unintentionally humorous piece from Mike posted on some site."Over the last few years I've gotten use to authors grabbing ideas from my book,JFK vs. CIA and making them their own. I've never complained because their use was judicious and ideas can't be copyrighted and I'm a little flattered that my book could influence theirs. But JFK- the unspeakable goes to far. It's my book only not as well written. Only Shane O'Sullivan(RFK) has ever given me any credit. So much from lessons learned from Thomas Merton. If you like your truth Raw and Uncensored, check out JFK vs. CIA at http://www.jfkcia.com Then be afraid. It's going to happen again and soon."You gotta be real careful about making statements like this, while stumping for the bogus Jude Exner sideshow. The Fourth Decade, Probe and guys like John Judge, Gaeton Fonzi, Dan Ratcliffe, Fletch Prouty, Carl Ogelsby, Jim Di, Jim Garrison, John Newman, Bob Groden and others had long pumped a number of excellent CIA angles and influenced a fair few people along the way. But the key thing here is that unless its been an utterly blatant mangling of their works they havent needed to trumpet their achievements. Baring in mind that Mikes book came out in 96. Sheesh, there had been a lot of stuff acumulated by the great names above well before this title came out. Thats the danger of being Maverick and going for self publication I prefer a collaborative approach to writing because truths arent truths unless challenged or verified by others. Harold Weisberg fell into it a little bit as well, he got very tense about people using what he perceived as his stuff. Look. its very hard to know whats your idea and whats someone elses. Because of course people often reference from the same sources. For sure, were I too see Mikes book and think "Yeah I like that" I'd reference his material thats academic. But its just sooooooo hard to say what that your work is pristine. All I've gotta say is that much of what we have thought about with regards to the JFK assassination has been thought of before no doubt written about as well. Theres just so much stuff out there. I'd love to say for that my stunning posts have inspired Ken, Bob and everyone else on Murder Solved indeed I've seen stuff posted by people I've thought did that SOB read my mind or what? Bob made a good point in the other topic posted by Bruce about how one of Bruces posts inspired himself to post Executive Action this in turn inspired me to post the Parrallax view. Just as one of Kens sentences about Latin America inspired me to do a tribute to Liz Montgomery lol. Now okay that did bring out something of a nostalgic horn dog theme which was not my intention.Futhermore Jim Douglas's book is nothing like JFK vs CIA (he didnt buy that Exner dud for one thats a huge lemon). Bar the one factor that both believe it was not Lovelady in the Altgens photo but Oswald. This is I believe one of Douglasses few mistakes in his book and I think that Bob Groden effectively put this puppy to bed in his 1995 book "The Killing of the President". Hey but some of you might think its Oswald Im cool with that, it doesnt really change much.Maybe Mike would be better served doing a revised edition with the information he now has available to him? He certainly has a framework with which to launch from and many of the CIA angles are becoming evermore truthful as time rolls back the layers of lies. Thus with a few nips, tucks I'll certainly endeavour to get it and give it a fairer critique than the one I just have. For the time being however I'll have to say that there is far superior stuff out there and unless he's prepared to lose a lot the bullshit I aint buying.
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Re: JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by Bob »

By the way, Michael's website is http://www.jfkcia.com/main/.Included on the site is this passage by Michael...DallasI’m rolling into Dallas. Having written JFK vs CIA I’m finally visiting the scene of the crime. Seeing the Texas School Book Depository looming large in the distance is thrilling. Too bad the murder of a president is the source of this excitement. There is a parking lot above Elm Street overlooking Dealey Plaza and I park my car. I take the tour of the 6th Floor Museum glancing at the “Sniper’s Nest” but what interests me more is where the rifle was found. Walking the length of the floor I realize that was quite a walk for the person who actually fired from the sniper’s nest. Anxious to do the real tour I walked out of the building and into Dealey Plaza. There is the tower that Lee Bowers was a top when the shooting occurred. As the railroad switchman he had a commanding view of the Plaza. I could see the vehicles he spoke of with out of state license plates slowly moving in front of the tower shortly before the president’s motorcade arrived. One vehicle had a Goldwater bumper sticker and Mr. Bowers saw a driver speaking into a radio microphone. He also spoke of two men on top of the grassy knoll twenty minutes before the shooting watching as it made its way down Main Street. Asked by the Warren Commission if the two men were at the same location when the shots were fired he answered, no. The younger man in the plaid shirt was in the bushes and the older man in the suit was standing alone next to the bushes. He implied the man in the bushes was firing at the president. Lee Bowers died a couple of years after his testimony in a one car traffic accident. My own speculation is the man in the suit may be Jack Ruby. A man named James Files claims to be the shooter and when asked what he was wearing that day he said, “a plaid shirt.” Interesting.Yes...very interesting. I believe it was James Files in the plaid shirt. The older man in the suit may have been Jack Ruby. Or it may have been Edward Lansdale. Files recently confirmed that Lansdale spoke to him just before the assassination. We KNOW that Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza...or at least people who should know do. Look at this from the Fletcher Prouty website as "Lansdale" passes by the three tramps..."The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring. It's Lansdale." - Lt. Gen. Victor Krulak
Michael Calder
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Re: JFK vs. C.I.A.

Post by Michael Calder »

Bruce Patrick Brycheck.I've spent the last 24 or more hours thinking what to say. I'm speechless. Not a good thing for a writer. I'm thrilled that someone "got it" and actually recommended my book. That makes you an accessory to truth. My goal was to preserve historical truth and give voice to JFK to what he was trying to do. I just wanted the truth written down somewhere, anywhere and if truth seekers found it so be it. Also, I wanted Richard Helms to know he didn't get away with it. Each passing decade, Helms picking up the latest book on the assassination, gloating as anyone and everyone is blamed for the assassination except the one who did it -himself. I wanted Richard Helms to pick up my book, smirk until he got to the chapter on himself, and then have his smirk turn to shock and then to anger as he realized he had been outed. To realize his reputation in the coming decades and centuries would be that akin to Benedict Arnold. I wanted his ass. I got it to. So thanks, keep swinging, keep the forces of evil off balance and know there are more of us then there are of them.Michael Calder www.jfkcia.com