Random idea

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Random idea

Post by Ricky Clow »

I was bord the other day and was just thinking of reasons why Oswald would have killed Kennedy if he did. Here's one idea: We know that Oswald was in the CIA, What if he herd about the assassination from someone and thought this is my big chance to get famous, eh probly had the ability to kill. He might have decided to kill him before the goverment got there chance, and the goverment had to cover up the whole thing so no-one would find out that Oswald was in the CIA and that they were conspiring to kill Kennedy. It was just a rather dumb thought that I thought I'd share with you all and I'd like to hear your thoughts on this and any other make-up ideas for reasons Oswald would kill Kennedy as The Warren Commision didn't really give any reasons for Oswlad to kill Kenndy and I need to keep my mind open as I just purchased Reclaiming History.

Thanks: Ricky Clow
Posts: 140
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Post by Giovanni »

Crappy idea.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

ya i know i was just messing around.
Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

Ricky, Not necessarily a crappy idea! Why? Because we don't really know who Lee Oswald was. There is pretty good evidence that Lee Oswald was a composite character; so maybe the 'Lee Oswald' who was in the Marines was not necessarily the same guy who went to Russia (like how did Lee Oswald suddenly become so good at speaking Russian?. I have a very intelligent friend who is trying to learn Russian and it is very difficult).

So, was Lee Oswald who was shot by Jack Ruby the same Lee Oswald who was up to all the other stuff in New Orleans etc?

It looks like various CIA agents borrowed the name Lee Oswald (and Alek Hidell) and used the name as and when it suited them.

But in any case, I don't think it was a spur of the moment idea by the guy. The assassination was planned for 6 months or more. The team that did the body alterations to JFK at the autopsy had practiced for many months. It was all planned long in advance.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

I think they should have planned in advance a little more casue they made a mesy job of it. Of corse you can't contol the way bullets go in mid-air. But there was bound to be something go wrong?

Ricky L. Clow
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Again I will reiterate my response to you on another thread, especially now that this Bugliosi book is out.
The fundamental question-----If Oswald wanted to make a name for himself in the Kennedy killing, then why did he DENY doing it?
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Thats one point that i always forget about , If he was making a name he would admit it. he would laugh and that camera and say haha I shot the president.
Posts: 140
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Post by Giovanni »

If Oswald acted alone, could he have killed Kennedy because he was soft on Communism?
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Anything is possible. but if he killed kennedy because he was soft on communisim then he would have killed alot more people.
LiAnn Simpson
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Oswald and Motives for Murder

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Really when you think about it, most people unless they are totally insane kill for but few reasons, the main ones being--
1. Self Defense
2. Money
3. Revenge/Jealousy
None of those fits the scenario with Oswald. And he was definitely not insane, even though the CIA tried to set him up with a job at the mental hospital which would have made it appear that he was mentally off, although if you ask me he would have had to be a patient there, not a worker to appear to be crazy.
However all three of those fit with other suspects: CIA (Self-Defense/Job Preservation), Military Industrial Complex (Money and Job Preservation), Revenge (Mafia)