What I think about the Kennedy Assassiantion

JFK Assassination
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What I think about the Kennedy Assassiantion

Post by Giovanni »

I believe John F. Kennedy's assassination was a conspiracy. Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a gun that day, but is still guilty because of his involvement. The Mafia killed President Kennedy and the CIA cover it up.

2 or 3 shooters were involved in the assassination. James Files isn't involved in my theory. Carlos Marcello's hitmen did the shooting. 1 shooter in the Book Depository and one on the Grassy Knoll.

Based on the Dictaphone tape:
Shot #1- Hit JFK in the neck, came out his throat (Book Depository)
Shot #2- Hit Governor Connally (Book Depository)
Shot #3- Hit JFK in the head (The Grassy Knoll)
Shot #4- Missed (Book Depository)

Jack Ruby was told by Marcello to silence Oswald. So, Ruby did.

"The Kennedy Contract" by John H. Davis

As for Officer Tippit, 2 men killed him. Don't know who. Tippit was shot at 4 times. 3 bullets hit Tippit and one missed. 4 shells were found. Two of the 4 shells came from a automatic pistol. The other two came from a totally different gun.

The Warren Commission said Lee Oswald killed Tippit using a Revolver. If you know anything about guns, Revolvers don't eject shells. So, the shells had to be planted there.

Why was Tippit killed? Probably because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and the conspirators killed him.
SOURCE :"Killing Of A President" By Robert Groden

As for Oswald, I just don't know. Why did he leave the Depository minutes after the assassination? Why did he go to his rooming house to pick up his gun? Why did he sneak in the Texas Theatre and try to shoot a cop when he wgot arrested?

What about the Walker shooting? His wife Marina said he planned everything on his own?

And the Backyard photographs? How can people say their fake is Marina herself came forward and said she took them herself?

I'm looking at both sides of the case? The Lone Gunman theory and the Mob Hit theory.

The JFK Assassination is a very complicated case. We may never know the truth. Lee Harvey Oswald is one mysterious character.

WHO WAS LEE HARVEY OSWALD? Is there proof that he worked for the CIA? Did he know ssomething? Are the rumors about Oswald and Ruby knowing each other really true?

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

You give a good point it is one hard of a thing and we peobly never will know what actully happened, I'm also a conspiracy buff but I'm keeping my mind open to anything on the assassination. Not to critisize you but in my opinion the Backyard photos are fake but they might not be, and did you know that there was another backyard photo where Oswald had the rifle above his head but Marina and Oswalds mother tore it up and flushed it down the toilet the day after the assassination. I can't imagine what would have been going through Marina mind when her and Mrs. Paine were watching the tv and herd that Kennedy had been shot then not an hour later and probly glued to the TV hearing that her husband had killed him . I don't know what I would have thought. But as in Oliver Stones movie JFK the character that portraies David Ferrie says that the assassination is a giant mystery wrapped inside an inigma.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

Ricky, you kind of stole some of my thunder a little from the JFK movie. David Ferrie also said, "Even the shooters didn't even know who killed Kennedy." That statement has always stuck with me all of these years.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

lol wow I was going to put that in to but I wasnt sure exactly how it went : and it stuck with me to.
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Post by Bob »

I have always believed that there were "teams" of assassins in Dealey Plaza that day that had their "own" assignmenets and weren't privy to what others were doing. This is my theory...

The Shooters

Anybody who has read Wim's book or done any real research into the JFK assassination knows that Dealey Plaza was a mini-convention for people associated with the CIA/mob/Operation 40 types. All of these folks were on a need to know basis only and the teams were given specific orders, but only regarding their particular functions. By the way, Poppy Bu$h was a recruiter for Operation 40 (see below). James Files recognized some cronies in Dealey Plaza like Frank Sturgis. But who were the shooters? We know Files and Chuck Nicoletti were two of the shooters. There is a good chance that David Morales, Richard Cain and possibly Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository and were shooters/spotters. Marshall Caifano was also most likely a shooter. Other possibilities include the participation of Charles Harrelson and "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio. Tosh Plumlee who was on the South knoll (as a member of the abort team) thought one of the shots came from near his area. Was there also an additional shooter near Files? Was there really a "Badgeman"? Chauncey Holt was not with Harrelson at the time of the shooting. Was Harrelson a shooter near Files? He had easy access to the rail car from the knoll. Holt said that Harrelson and Rogers (the other two "tramps") were already at the rail car when he arrived after the shooting. We also know that Posado Carriles and Orlando Bosch were in Dealey Plaza as well. What were their roles? Some feel Carriles was a shooter on the Dal-Tex roof. Others feel that Bosch was a spotter sitting on the curb at the time of the assassination. There is real good chance that E. Howard Hunt was there as well. Lots of questions still remain. Thanks to Wim and others, we have a lot of answers, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush?

James Files: Oh Yeah!

Jim Marrs: What was his role?

James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of.

Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do?

James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group.

Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and Anti Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion. JM/Wave is headed by CIA official Theodore Shackley. James Files, the confessed gunman on the grassy knoll, was recruited for the CIA by David Atlee Phillips on a recommendation of Ted Shackley. Shackley becomes George Bush's deputy director for Covert Operations in 1976. The CIA controller of JFK's assassin is provably close to Shackley, Shackley is provably close to Bush. Not significant?
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

didn't Luis Posada Carriles write a book on the assassination called Ultimate sacrifice?
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Post by Bob »

"Ultimate Sacrifice" was written by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann. Although the book has some compelling information, the CIA is basically given a free pass in terms of their involvement. My previous post in this thread obviously disproves that theory.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

ya I just knew his name had something to do with the book.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Lee Harvey Oswald Was At Least CIA:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.20.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum members and Readrers:06.20.2007 - Mr. Giovanni Posted this interesting Headline.A discussion evolved covering many facts, points of informations, andopinions that many may not be aware of today.Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, the real life person, was portrayed by Donald Sutherland in Oliver Stone's movie JFK. Prouty "... flew from Okinawa to the Japanese Air Base "Atsugi" on September 01, 1945, the day before the official Japanese surrender. He flew in U.S. Marines, a part of the elite guard for General Dougla MacArthur.""Atsugi became a U.S. Naval Air Station. The CIA established a Far East Headquarters for its U - 2 'Spy Plane' operations at Atsugi. Lee Harvey Oswald served at Atsugi with a compliment of U.S. Marines during 1957 - 1958. Customarily, Marines on such highly classified duty are carefully selected and have outstanding records. Oswald had U - 2 and radar experience."Colonel L. Fletcher ProutyJFK, The CIA, Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy,page 60, d, in the photo section.Commentary:I have never read, or even heard of a book that covers the development of the ColdWar, Korea, Viet Nam, and the prelude to the JFK Assassination better than ColonelL. Fletcher Prouty's book. Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin and Jimmy Sutton - Filesboth worked in one or more of the White Cloud operations that oversaw the WhiteStar Mobile Operations.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

Any fellow members recall if there was another team or teams beyond the overpass. Imagine, by some miracle if Kennedy had made it to that point or beyond, then was eventually killed, we wouldn't be where we are today debating if Oswald killed Kennedy. Understandibly, Files said he was not to make it out of there alive.