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A 7.65 Mauser

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:12 am
by dankbaar ... 5793686311

Roger Craig talks about the Mauser found in the Texas School Book Depository after the JFK assassination. See the news reports you never saw again after the lying started.

See also affidavits of Boone and Weitzman:

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:47 am
by john hines
Throughout life we all can say that we've witnessed some form of history in the making. But there is nothing satisfying about witnessing the metamorphisis of one of the biggest lies in US history. I'm saddened and ashamed.

The affadavits

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:20 pm
by LTC Daniel Marvin
And the truth shall make you free. Thank you, Willem Dankbaar for your continuing efforts to let the world know of the truth of what happened that day in Dallas when our President was murdered by his own government. I pray those who are still alive are held accountable and the record of those guilty ones who have passed away be changed to reflect the truth of their heinous deeds.

Re: A 7.65 Mauser

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:56 am
by Andre Murel
dankbaar wrote:Roger Craig talks about the Mauser found in the Texas School Book Depository after the JFK assassination. See the news reports you never saw again after the lying started. ... /boone.jpg

Man, isn't this obvious? It strikes me over and over again
how corrupted this whole thing was.

Is the presence of the 2nd riffle changing or adding in anyway
to the theory of the shooting on 22nd of november 63?

Can these facts mean that there was a 2nd shooter in the
Book Deposit store?


Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:33 pm
by Giovanni
come on guys, there must be a explanation for the second rifle in the video. It might of been one of the police officer's rifles. All of them walked in the building with all types of rifles and shotguns. It's possible.

We must ask questions and investigate before jumping to conclusions.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:06 pm
by john hines
The second weapon we can debate all day. It's the contradiction of the Mauser and the one Oswald used.

Re: A 7.65 Mauser - "Second Shooter"

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:21 am
by LTC Daniel Marvin
Andre Murel wrote:dankbaar wrote:Roger Craig talks about the Mauser found in the Texas School Book Depository after the JFK assassination. See the news reports you never saw again after the lying started. ... one.jpgMan, isn't this obvious? It strikes me over and over againhow corrupted this whole thing was.Is the presence of the 2nd riffle changing or adding in anyway to the theory of the shooting on 22nd of november 63?Can these facts mean that there was a 2nd shooter in theBook Deposit store?Andre
When undergoing Assassination training as a TOP SECRET portion of the Special Forces Officer instruction at the US Army Special Warfare Center on "Smoke Bomb Hill" at Fort Bragg in the spring of 1964 I recall the CIA instructors stating that there were two mafia shooters in downtown Dallas. One was on the Grassy Knoll (Happens to be Jimmy Files who I know personally) and one on the rooftop of the building adjacent to the Texas Book Depository. There were two other shooters from the Corsican Mafia with spotters who covered the two routes from where the hit was made on JFK to the hospital. Their job, using high-powered binoculars - was to determine if JFK would "make it" to the hospital. If the spotter thought he needed a another "hit" - the shooter would take care of that.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:58 am
by Giovanni

Reply to LTC Marvin

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:56 pm
by Brian White
Just curious,sir- were the Corsican Mafia
members of the team ever named? Lucien
Sarti was Corsican,and so were his two
colleagues,now supposedly identified as
Jean-Paul Angeletti and Francois Chiappe.
Do those names sound familiar?

Thanks, Brian

Praise For Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin, Retired:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Lieutenant Colonel "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, Retired,My sincerest, heartfelt thanks from both James Earl Sutton/Files, and myself,for your public statement. I will personally share it with Jimmy this weekend. Dan, I don't know what else to say than Thank You, and that is surley not adequate enough. Jimmy and I communicate regularly with Dan. Jimmy and I vowed to never disclose anything that Dan knows out of respect, admiration, and the fact that Jimmy said he "... would rather die being called a liar and a hoax, than to hurt our highly trusted friend, Dan, who has been through more than any person who does not know Dan would ever believe."Also, praise and Thanks to our highly trusted friend, Wim Dankbaar, who has never broken any confidence of ours.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.