
JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Guys, Help Me!! I think i'm going to the dark side
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Post by Giovanni »

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

the dark side (pro-oswald)
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Post by Bob »

Ricky...Ricky..Ricky. With all the information we have on this site here, including some great information from You Tube, it pains me to hear your recent opinion. My opinion is that Oswald was definitely in the intelligence field as an informant to the FBI and also one that was close and worked with the CIA. I think he may or may not be involved in the JFK assassination, but he was definitely NOT a shooter. Many people have placed him as a friend to Jack Ruby. Jimmy Files tells of his activities the week before the assassination. There are many examples of his close ties to the FBI, including the note he sent to the FBI just before the assassination, that was ultimately destroyed. He was a Marine that learned Russian. He also went to the top secret air base that the U2 flew out of. He then "defected" to the U.S.S.R. and the U2 was coincidentally shot down. He then comes back to the U.S. and is not IMMEDIATELY arrested and tried for treason. Why? Because he was an intelligence operative. The reason he went to Russia and he was also an operative regarding Cuba under Guy Bannister made him a PERFECT patsy. He realized that when he was arrested. As you may remember, Oswald said to the media, "I am just a patsy!". Here is another morsel connecting Oswald to the CIA. Please see this article below. The Maurice Bishop chararcter is REALLY David Atlee Phillips of the CIA. Phillips was Files' handler as well.


Also, look at the photo as well regarding the LCAP (Louisiana Civil Air Patrol) connection to the assassination. Members of the LCAP fraternity includes David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald and James R. Bath. The LCAP was always known as a breeding ground for the CIA. We all know about Ferrie and Oswald. Who was James R. Bath? Well, he has a BIG connection to both the Bu$hes and the bin Ladens. First, Bath was buddies with Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard. Like Dumbya, Bath was suspended from flying for refusing to take a medical exam. After that, Bath became the money man for the bin Laden family in Texas. One of the companies that Bath invested the bin Laden money into was the Arbusto oil company, a failed business run by Dumbya Bu$h. One other note, the LCAP was founded by David Harold Byrd. Guess what building Byrd owned on November 22, 1963? The Texas School Book Depository! Byrd was also very good friends with LBJ. Also, add another name to the list of members in the LCAP...Barry Seal. The biggest drug smuggler in U.S history who died with Poppy Bu$h's private phone number in his vehicle when he was killed in his car. Another member of LCAP was Charles Rogers, one of the "Three Tramps". Enough coincidences for you?
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Thanks Bob,
I don't know what I was thinking, I was watching to many Pro-Oswald videos and Articles . I don't know what I was doing but THANK YOU for learing all of this up for me, when I somewhat realized what I was thinking I really didn't want to belive what I thought. I guess that I forgot about all the leads about Oswald to the intelligence. I guess we must all have our troubled moments in this area of interest. Thanks again.

Ricky L. Clow
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Post by Bob »

It is good to see you haven't gone to the Dark Side, Luke...er...Ricky. We'll leave that to Posner and Bugliosi and the other idiots. I remember a lecture I went to when Bugliosi spoke in the late 70's. He definitely thought the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. But the JFK assassination was because of a lone gunman now? What about David Morales being at both killings? (see below) Remember, the words of Deep Throat when the Dark Side keeps lying..."Follow the Money". The Modus Operandi of the Bu$h family!!!


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Post by Giovanni »

Sirhan Sirhan didn't shoot RFK?
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Post by Bob »

Sirhan shot AT RFK, but never hit him. Sirhan caused a definite commotion which allowed the REAL assassin to do his job. Here is the scenario...

The real RFK assassin was Eugene Thane Cesar. Cesar was the security guard that was directly behind RFK at the time of the shooting. A witness saw Cesar draw his gun and fire. The witness was a reporter who immediately reported this to the television station he worked for. Cesar also worked at Lockheed and had right wing leanings and voted for George Wallace in 1968. He was on record about hating the Kennedys. Yet this man was assigned as a security guard to "protect" RFK. Thomas Naguchi, the L.A. coroner said that all 3 wounds to RFK, including the fatal head shot came from behind and to the right of the Senator. That was precisely where Cesar was. The fatal head wound was fired from a distance of 1-3 inches away from Kennedy's head. Sirhan never got closer than 3-6 feet away from RFK and was also always in front of Kennedy. Cesar started firing as soon as the crowd was distracted by Sirhan firing his weapon. Even with all this, the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night. Speculation is that Cesar fired a .22 caliber handgun at RFK . Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting. Cesar suspiciously sold this weapon just months AFTER the assassination after lying to police and the FBI that he sold the weapon BEFORE the murder. Cesar also fled the scene of the assassination after the shooting, but returned to retrieve his clip-on tie. It was on the floor right besides RFK's mortally wounded body. Some have speculated that RFK knew who was shooting him and that he grabbed Cesar's tie before collapsing. So yes...Sirhan was a patsy like Oswald. Another "lone nut". Yet David Morales was there in both cases. Who did David Morales work for again? The CIA!!! Morales also worked for Operation (Group) 40. Who recruited assassins for this group again? Poppy Bu$h.

Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush? James Files: Oh Yeah! Jim Marrs: What was his role? James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of. Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do? James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group. Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and Anti Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion. JM/Wave is headed by CIA official Theodore Shackley. James Files, the confessed gunman on the grassy knoll, was recruited for the CIA by David Atlee Phillips on a recommendation of Ted Shackley. Shackley becomes George Bush's deputy director for Covert Operations in 1976. The CIA controller of JFK's assassin is provably close to Shackley, Shackley is provably close to Bush. Not significant?
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Post by Giovanni »


If there was a assasin firing from behind and a another in the front, wouldn't the assasin in the front hit the assassin behind?

Think about it. Wouldn't the shooter in front of Kennedy accidently hit the shooter behind?

And where's the proof Sirhan worked for the CIA? I don't buy the "brainwashing" theory or the "gun firing blanks theory".
john hines
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Post by john hines »

Unlike law enforcement, I'm sure there is not a "Safety of other Assasins" policy. If one of these assasins goes down, I'm quite certain, as we've seen demonstrated, there is a cover story. These guys wouldn't be in place if they weren't hired guns and weren't good a hitting their intended target.