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How did they keep everyone quiet??

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:02 pm
by Arthur Overweel
I just watched the first part of ''Evidence of Revision'', indeed an impressive piece of work. It get's one thinking about the whole organisation that was behind the assassination. Which government official was not dirty??
The statements of Robert Craig, policeman on the scene at the time, were mindblowing, how he survived several attempts to take his life because of his knowledge of what had happened. Crazy. So many people saw so many things, it seems to me every possible witness just disappeared! So few people have come forward with statements concerning what really happened. I mean: at the time the shooting started (of course already some time before that) the secret service backed off, THEY KNEW, Jimmy Files was aided after he fired the fatal headshot by two mysterious men (according his 2003 interview) who prevented the police officer that was running up the knoll to investigate the surroundings and thus prevented him to catch up with Files, THEY KNEW. The Dallas police department KNEW what was going to happen, Robert Craig himself specifically said he was ordered not to go protecting JFK. Just a few examples... Again, so many individuals knew and were dirty, how come so few of them started talking during the years?? How did they keep everyone of them quiet???

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:02 pm
by Ian Irving
What is 'Evidence of Revision' please? I haven't come across this.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:09 pm
by Bob
Ian, here is the link to "Evidence to Revision" that one of our forum members found. It is fantastic. However, it is a 5 part series, and part 4 is not available with this link. ... 1355447870

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:36 pm
by Ian Irving
Thanks Bob, Part 4 not available?

Reminds me of when I arranged to go the the library at the US embassy in London having specifically asked them if I could look at Appendix 7 of the WCReport. (The SS statements)

When I got there every Appendix was on the shelves except Appendix 7 !!

They said they did n't know where it was!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:17 pm
by Bob
Speaking of the Secret Service, did you ever see the video below? Talk about something sinister about to happen. No wonder Greer was pretty "obvious" in his driving ability. ... rvice_jfk/

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:56 pm
by Arthur Overweel
I have seen this video earlier, it confirms how ''well'' organised the assassination was. Still, I cannot understand how the US government succeeded in shutting up everyone about his or her share in this dirty conspiracy. Ok, a lot of people received some pretty ''unpleasant'' phonecalls/threats, still I don't think that those threats could prevent people from talking SOMETIME in the future... weird...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:01 pm
by Ian Irving
Yes Bob, I have seen that clip of film - probably the most telling and obvious evidence that the SS were ordered by somebody not to protect JFK.

A clip of film that I wish far more people were aware of.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:45 pm
by Bob
Arthur, just remember the key people that were "shut up" for good. When the HSCA was bringing in witnesses about this assassination in the 70's, think about all that were murdered. Giancana, Roselli, Morales, De Morenschildt and others. Guess who was head of the CIA at the time? George H. W. "Poppy" Bu$h. Others were bought off, but thankfully someone (Jimmy Files) helped us out. The newly disclosed CIA documents about who was trying to assassinate Castro, only helps give credence to Files' story.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:18 pm
by Pennyworth
[quote="Bob"]Arthur, just remember the key people that were "shut up" for good. When the HSCA was bringing in witnesses about this assassination in the 70's, think about all that were murdered. Giancana, Roselli, Morales, De Morenschildt and others. Guess who was head of the CIA at the time? George H. W. "Poppy" Bu$h. Others were bought off, but thankfully someone (Jimmy Files) helped us out. The newly disclosed CIA documents about who was trying to assassinate Castro, only helps give credence to Files' story.[/quote
You brought up some interesting revelations that I haven't heard of before now..I knew that Giancana was murdered but the rest of this info is new to me..thanx for sharing Bob. And I really hope and pray for a fast recovery in regard to your accident..You sound ok from here...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:05 pm
by Bob
Hi Paul, I'm doing well. Day by day, but thanks. Anyway, in 1976, the House Select Committee on Assassinations undertook reinvestigations of the murders of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1979, a single Report and twelve volumes of appendices on each assassination were published by the Congress. In the JFK case, the HSCA found that there was a "probable conspiracy," though it was unable to determine the nature of that conspiracy or its other participants (besides Oswald). By the way, I forgot one other important person that was murdered on March 29, 1977...Charles Nicoletti. One of the shooters (and Jimmy Files' mentor). Sam Giancana was killed in 1975 during the investigation regarding assassination attempts on Castro's life. Johnny Roselli was killed in 1976. George De Morenschildt was killed in 1977. David Morales was killed in 1978, apparently by a "heart attack".