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what do you think of this theory?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:14 am
by Giovanni
4 shots, 4 gunmen

The first shot (Z193): fired by Charlie Nicoletti in the Dal-Tex building. Hits JFK in the right shoulder and exits his throat.

The second shot (Z224): fired by David Morales from southwest window of the Book Depository. Hits Connally in the back.

The third shot (Z312): fired by Richard Cain from the southeast window of the Book Depository. Hits JFK in the back of the head, exits out the right side, and goes on to hit the windshield. James Tague is hit by a bullet fragment.

The fourth shot (Z313): fired by James Files from the Grassy Knoll. Hits JFK in the right temple and exits out the back of his head.

I thought of this theory earlier. Let me know what you all think. Is it possible or is it just dumb.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:03 am
by LiAnn Simpson
All of those shooting sights are from somewhat of an angle. Who fired the shot that hit Kennedy square in the throat from the front, as the doctors at Parkland wrote that it was a wound of entry. Also there was another bullet that hit the limo windshield which also was fired from the front.
I Google-Earthed Dealey Plaza, it had to come from the overpass based on the trajectory, someone was on that overpass shooting!
Also the fact that the limo got on Stemmons from Elm proves to me that there had to be a change in the route, there is a much quicker way to get on the freeway and all the downtown people had already seen him! They indeed, created that killing zone for a reason. I firmly believe the limo driver was in on this deal, he nearly comes to a stop and doesn't speed up until after the fatal shot and he is even looking back at JFK when he is hit!
Of course there were multiple shooters in multiple locations.
Also, does this mean that James Files is "badgeman"? I noticed some similarities in facial structure, hairline, etc. Did he say he was wearing a Dallas policman's uniform? What about that guy Lucien Sarti? Was he in on it at all?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:26 am
by Ricky Clow
that sounds good to me, and I'm glad that your back

ricky L. Clow

Different Shooting Theories

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:47 am
by Giovanni
The Dallas Police Dictabelt Recording (HSCA, 1978):
Shot #1: JFK in the neck (TSBD)
Shot #2: Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot #3: JFK in the head (Grassy Knoll)
Shot #4: Missed (TSBD)

Shooter #1: Texas School Book Depository (Sixth Floor)
Shooter #2: The Grassy Knoll (Behind the fence)

The "French Assassins" theory:
Shot #1: Hit JFK in the neck (Dal-Tex)
Shot #2: Hit Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot #3: Hit JFK in the head (Grassy Knoll, Lucien Sarti)
Shot #4: Missed (Dal-Tex or TSBD)

John H. Davis - "The Kennedy Contract" (Book):
Involves 2 gunmen in the Book Depository and 1 on the Grassy Knoll.

Shot #1: Hit JFK in the back, didn't exit (TSBD)
Shot #2: Hit Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot #3: Hit JFK in the back of the head (TSBD)
Shot #4: Hit JFK in the right temple (Grassy Knoll)

Oliver Stone's "JFK":
Involves 3 gunmen firing 3 shots. 4 hits, 2 misses

Shot 1- missed (Dal-Tex)
Shot 2- JFK in the throat (Grassy Knoll)
Shot 3- JFK in the back (Dal-Tex)
Shot 4- Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot 5- Missed (Dal-Tex or TSBD)
Shot 6- JFK in the head (Grassy Knoll)

"The JFK Conspiracy", Hosted by James Earl Jones:
Involves 4 gunmen firing 6 shots. 5 hits, 1 miss
Shot 1 - JFK in the throat (Grassy Knoll)
Shot 2 - JFK in the back (Dal-Tex)
Shot 3 - Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot 4 - Missed (Dal-Tex)
Shot 5 - JFK in the back of the head (TSBD)
Shot 6 - JFK in the right temple (Grassy Knoll)

"Investingating History (History Channel Program)":
Shot 1 - Missed (TSBD)
Shot 2 - ? (?)
Shot 3 - Hit JFK and Connally (TSBD)
Shot 4 - Hit JFK in the head (Grassy Knoll)
Shot 5 - Missed (TSBD)

The 1992 movie "Ruby":
Inolves 2 gunmen. A cuban firing from the Book Depository and a guy on the Grassy Knoll.
Shot 1 - Hit JFK in the neck (TSBD)
Shot 2 - Hit Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot 3 - Hit JFK in the head (Grassy Knoll)

The Warren Commission, Gerald Posner, Vincent Bugliosi, Del Myers:
Shot 1 - Missed (TSBD)
Shot 2: JFK and Connally (TSBD)
Shot 3: JFK in the head (TSBD)

Mark Furhman, Life Magazine, The FBI:
Shot 1 - JFK in the neck (TSBD)
Shot 2 - Connally in the back (TSBD)
Shot 3 - JFK in the head (TSBD)


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:05 am
by R Croxford
I think....A group of people shot a shit-load of bullets at the limo.
I we are clueless how to prove it.
We have fact after fact after fact.
They still do not care

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:24 am
by Giovanni
Let's count the shots

1. JFK's throat (Grassy Knoll) z186
2. JFK's back (Dal-Tex or TSBD) z228
3. JFK's head (Grassy Knoll) z313
4. Connally's back,chest,wrist,thigh (TSBD) z236
5. Main St. curb (Dal-Tex or TSBD)
6. manhole cover/the grass (Grassy Knoll or Records Building)
7. Elm Street curb (TSBD or Overpass)
8. limo's windshield chrome (Dal-Tex)

1. road sign (Grassy Knoll)
2. street (Dal-Tex)
3. limo's floor (Records Building)
4. limo's windshield (overpass or south knoll)

11-13 shots!? Witnesses heard only 2 or 3. The most shots heard were 4.

Reactions to shots in the Zapruder Film (Frames 154, 186, 226-240, 295, 313)


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:34 am
by R Croxford

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:40 am
by Giovanni
Some shooters used silencers and some did not? Doesn't make sense.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:42 pm
by Rob Waters
i tend to think there were no more than 4. you have to think, these guys are supposed to be professionals. how can they have so many misses. files only needed 1. i could be wrong though.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:59 am
by r christen
Too many cooks spoil the brew. The more gunmen and shots, the less chance of putting the blame on a lone nut. Oswald was probably the No. 1 option for taking the blame. But there would have been backup options such as anti-Castro Cubans or whatever.

It is quite possible that only one person knew exactly how many gunmen and where they were placed. If Files is telling the truth, and I believe he is, then his shot made it so much more difficult to convince people that Oswald was the assassin.

A lot of planning went into this, possibly starting from just before JFK was elected. During his presidency JFK received high-level warnings that his personal life was making some people see him as a loose cannon. The go ahead to plan Dallas or wherever probably came in 1962 or early in 1963. Then the planner only had to wait for the green light to proceed.