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One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:45 am
by John Bruno
Q #1: Who shot General Walker?
Q #2: Were Oswald's plans to hijack a plane true?
Q #3: Was he a violent, abusive, disturbed man?
Q #4: Was he proud of serving his country?
Q #5: Did Oswald really own a rifle and pistol?
Q #6: If Oswald did bring a gun to work on 11/22/63, where did he hide it until noon?
Q #7: Did Oswald bring a gun to work on 11/22/63?
Q #8: Did Oswald work for the CIA?
Q #9: Did Oswald really try to shoot an officer in the Texas Theatre?
Q #10: Did Oswald hate Kennedy?
Q #11: Was Oswald a poor shot?
Q #12: Did Oswald kill J.D. Tippit?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:20 am
by Tommy Bullgotti
Q #1: Who shot General Walker?
Could have been anyone... Could Oswald have been instructed to kill Walker? Yes it is possible, but not probable.

Q #2: Were Oswald's plans to hijack a plane true?
I never heard of this. But just hearing your description makes me feel it is probably untrue.

Q #3: Was he a violent, abusive, disturbed man?
Not at all. This is not nearly the description of the people who were closest to him throughout his life. Especially George Demornschidlt, and his Marine friends.

Q #4: Was he proud of serving his country?
I would say yes, up until his defection to Russia. The Lee that went to Russia was not the same one that was arrested.(They were the same person, only completely different attitudes and personalities), probably from his training and assignment for the CIA during his supposed defections.

Q #5: Did Oswald really own a rifle and pistol?
I would say yes. This is based on Marina and George Demornchildt's testimonies. I would say he definitely had weapons of some sort. Even he himself admitted to owning the pistol found on him during his arrest.

Q #6: If Oswald did bring a gun to work on 11/22/63, where did he hide it until noon?
Probably in the domino room. Or maybe the 6th floor. I personally do not believe he carried a rifle in that day.

Q #7: Did Oswald bring a gun to work on 11/22/63?
It is possible, but based on those who saw him with the package, I would say, no. Could he have been instructed to bring the rifle there and leave it for the true assassins? Yes.

Q #8: Did Oswald work for the CIA?
Yes. He was an informant, and possibly an agent. He was indeed working for the CIA during the November days.

Q #9: Did Oswald really try to shoot an officer in the Texas Theatre?
Probably not. I cannot trust the offiicers words. He may of pulled his gun out, but it is not probable. He said he hit the cop, the cops agreed with this until they were interviewed years later, when they claimed he pulled his gun on them.

Q #10: Did Oswald hate Kennedy?
None the least. If he truly was an extremely left wing supporter he would love Kennedy for his policies on Communism. George Demornchildt said he admired Kennedy, and actually supported some of his ideas.

Q #11: Was Oswald a poor shot?
Yes, and no. He was probably average, marksman. It is not that hard to attain marksman. Or even sharpshooter for that matter. Especially when you make it by just 2 points. He was probably average. COULD he have done the shooting by himself with his skill? I would say, yes he COULD. But did he? No. Not based on the looking glass.

Q #12: Did Oswald kill J.D. Tippit?
I have always thought it is possible that he did. I mean, he was wandering the streets for a while before the theatre. He could of known what was to come. One of my theories says that Tippit was told to arrest Oswald in a secluded area, without media or witnesses and then take him in as fitting the description given by Howard Brennan. Oswald knew, got scared. Killed Tippit, and ran off. I have not ruled that one out yet. However, as of right now, I do not believe he did. If he did, then what stopped hm from shootin every cop that approached him in the theatre?

Oswald is enigmatic to say the least. He has so many ties that he could be linked to, in yet none of them have 100% solid ground. The cover up worked well, and Oswald's death silenced the truth from us all. Because as much as we look for the truth from Oswald and his connections, we will never know for certain, because what he could of said was killed that day in the police station.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:42 pm
by Timothy Franzen
I'm not considered among the upper crust of the researchers here on this
board, but I have done some of my own Investigating and found this link to
an interview Oprah conducted with Marina Oswald.

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:49 pm
by Gibson DelGiudice
John Bruno wrote:Q #1: Who shot General Walker?I'd say that Oswald could have been involved, and I do know the man who owned the 1958 Ford that Walter Coleman saw a potential shooter toss something into. I know the person who possessed the automobile at that time (no, it was not its original owner), and who could have provided it to Oswald.John Bruno wrote:Q #2: Were Oswald's plans to hijack a plane true?Marina testified that it was so. I'd tend to believe the word of a woman who lived with Oswald day in and day out. On that note, perhaps Judyth Baker could provide more information on that.John Bruno wrote:Q #3: Was he a violent, abusive, disturbed man?Abusive, yes; Marina's testimony confirms that. Violent? He had tendencies, as seen in his Marine days and again with Marina. Disturbed? Probably not.John Bruno wrote:Q #4: Was he proud of serving his country?He was an unrecognized American patriot, if you ask me.John Bruno wrote:Q #5: Did Oswald really own a rifle and pistol?A pistol, yes. Why else would he have one on him in the Texas Theatre? And if he didn't have it before November 22, he did have one that day, probably given to him by Jack Ruby. John Armstrong unearthed evidence in that regard.John Bruno wrote:Q #6: If Oswald did bring a gun to work on 11/22/63, where did he hide it until noon?If he did bring it, I'd say he hid it on the fourth floor, where other testimony than the WC accepted says that it was, in a spot not everyone would look. I highly doubt his gun was actually used, however.John Bruno wrote:Q #7: Did Oswald bring a gun to work on 11/22/63?Evidence suggests he did, but for what purpose is as yet unclear (in case you couldn't tell, I'm a CT).John Bruno wrote:Q #8: Did Oswald work for the CIA?Just because no identification was found, does not mean that he didn't work for the CIA. Evidence suggests that he did that, served as an FBI informant at some point, and as Joan Mellen has found out, might or might not have been involved in a case for Customs.John Bruno wrote:Q #9: Did Oswald really try to shoot an officer in the Texas Theatre?Oswald never said he didn't, in fact he stated emphatically that, to him, the only thing he had been arrested for was "popping a cop in the face," or words to that effect, suggesting he punched someone.John Bruno wrote:Q #10: Did Oswald hate Kennedy?No, he did not, and almost all testimony agrees on that.John Bruno wrote:Q #11: Was Oswald a poor shot?Several sources agree that he was.John Bruno wrote:Q #12: Did Oswald kill J.D. Tippit?

My personal tack is that just because he didn't kill JFK, doesn't mean he didn't kill Tippit, or at least witness something involving it.

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:14 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Readers and Researchers:03.23.2006 - Mr. John Bruno Posted this Headline and these questions.Has anybody, anywhere documented any more specific answers and details since then by anybody, anywhere on these, or this subject matter to anybody's satisfaction ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:10 pm
by kenmurray
Read this: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend: ... 315-5.html

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:05 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Ken Murray:Ken - I had never seen this before.Excellent contribution. Interesting.Respectfully,BB.

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:54 pm
by kenmurray
Bruce, Bill Simpich whote the article on Oswald appeared recently on BOR:

An Instant Visa Gets The Marine Into Moscow

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:34 pm
by kenmurray
Part 2: Bill Simpich on BOR Show #598:

Re: One Dozen Questions about Lee Harvey Oswald

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:39 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Ken Murray:Ken - Excellent contributions as always. I intend to review all of this material over the weekend.Keep up the great work Ken, it is noticed, and very much appreciated.Also, I called Phil Dragoo last night about the U - 2 pictures, but he was at work, and I filled his lovely wife in. I will try to follow-up with him this weekend.Respectfully,BB.