Murder of Vincent Foster

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Murder of Vincent Foster

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I am not for just Republican bashing. Does anyone believe this man actually committed suicide? There has been alot of information that has come out, especially that when his body was found, it appeared to have been "staged", his body was moved from where he was killed.
It is awfully coincidental that the huge scandal of Whitewater was about to break open and then this man with close ties to the Clintons turns up dead.
There was also a local man here in Houston who also conveniently turned up dead in a "suicide" right before the Enron investigation began.
Anytime someone turns up dead in an apparent suicide right before a major investigation of a huge illegal scam, you better be skeptical about the circumstances, from Kennedy on.
Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, Totally agree that it was as we say over this side of the pond 'fishy'. My recollection is that he turned up dead just a few days after someone in the Clinton administration mentioned that they were going to do a thorough re-investigatin of the JFK/RFK murders. After Foster died there was no more talk of that!
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Who was Vince Fosters secretary?
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

As to the whole Whitewater thing, I've long held that it was all about laundering drug money for the Bush Crime Family. Foster was obviously murdered, just too damned timely. Sure explains the buddy-buddy dynamic between Bush & Clinton, yeah? Question: what about Gore? He on the level? maybe a reverse jfk/lbj thing. But that's another tangent altogether. I'd also be willing to bet Foster's secretary might have some good dirt, perhaps one could discover his name from old news articles.
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Post by Bob »

I said for a long time that the Bill Clinton/Poppy Bu$h relationship bothers me. Why? Check out the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas when Bill was Governor and Poppy was in the White House. Lots of money was made. LOTS!!! Jimmy Files knows about it. He talks about it in Wim's book. Somebody else knew about it too. His name was Barry Seal. Probably the biggest drug runner in U.S. history. Seal worked for the CIA. Seal was also in the LCAP. Same as Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, James Bath and others. Seal was killed in his car with Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number with him. So was Vince Foster murdered? I don't think there is any doubt. This isn't about Democrat vs Republican. But the U.S. has had about enough of this Bu$h/Clinton Dynasty in the White House since 1992. I do not support Hillary Clinton. She voted for the war in Iraq and has been backpeddling ever since. She is a BIG time taker from the healthcare insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies. I do think Al Gore needs to run. He was right about Global Warming. He was right about Iraq. He's won an Oscar. He will probably win a Nobel peace prize this fall. He should have been President in 2000, if not for Scalia (by the way, Scalia had two sons working for the Bu$h legal team) and the rest of the Supreme Court. I predict he WILL be President in 2008. Maybe the U.S. will finally get back on track. It certainly won't with a Bu$h or Clinton in the White House.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

His secretary was Linda Tripp.......?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

02.07.2016Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.30.2007 - Ms. LiAnn Simpson originally Posted this Important Headline that certainly should have receivedmuch more focused and intense analysis over the years.Fast Forward nine (9) years to today, and we have:* Hillary Clinton running for President yet again.* The Main Stream Media continuing to give Hillary Clinton, The Clinton's Combined Crimes, and The Clinton'sFoundation almost a Complete And Total Pass And Their Collective History Of Crime And Corruption.* The movie, THIRTEEN HOURS about The Benghazi Travesty is out. Yet Main Stream Media and Hillary Clintoncontinue to receive Almost A Complete And Total Pass.* Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal which has Criminal Activity, and Possibly Traces of Espionage and Treason attached, is blown off by her and the Main Stream Media like a Summer Cold. Hillary Clinton publicly androutinely snubs The FBI and The Justice Department like she is TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO BEHIND THECURTAIN.* My Focus and Level of Analysis of Hillary Clinton and The Clinton's Combined Record Focus Behind The Curtain like THE WIZARD OF OZ.* The Clinton's are merely Front "Men" and Talking Heads. Fun And Games Continue.* Assorted disappearances, murders, and suicides associated with The Clintons CLEARLY GROSSLY EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF DEATHS AND DISAPPEARANCES AFTER THE REMOVAL OF JFK.JUST A FEW OF THE LITANY OF CLINTON QUESTIONABLE ACTIVITIES:* BCCI Scandal.* Benghazi, Libya Travesty.* Mena, Arkansas Drug Cartel.* White Water Scandal* The List is longer. This is designed to begin More Current Discussions.WE CAN'T GET "We the people…", The American Public, and The American Main Stream Media to FOCUS ONTODAY. IS IT ANY WONDER WHY THE REMOVALS OF JFK, MALCOLM X, MLK, AND RFK, ALL A HALF CENTURYAND MORE IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR OF OUR LIVES, HISTORY, TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAY ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SYMBOLIC PILLS AND PLACEBOS THAT ARE FORCE FED TODAY TO ALL AMERICANSAND THE WORLD LIKE MINDLESS ANIMALS IN CAGES AND PENS.MORE AMERICAN FOIE GRAS ANYBODY ?As always, I strongly recommend that your first read, research, and study material completely yourself abouta Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Murder of Vincent Foster

Post by kenmurray »

The Murder Of Vincent Foster:
Tom Bigg
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Re: Murder of Vincent Foster

Post by Tom Bigg »

I read Roger Stone's book "The Clinton War on Women" that went into the unsavory criminals the Clintons have employed, the park where Foster was dumped, observers who stopped by at around the same time were bullied off. Really, really dishonest bad people. And I have a cousin who welcomes Hillary when she comes to NH as if she is going to be the next President. She is going down as she deserves. ... e-n2115814
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Re: Murder of Vincent Foster

Post by kenmurray »

How can a suicide victim have 2 wounds? ... -evidence/