I'm so angry right now

JFK Assassination
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I'm so angry right now

Post by Giovanni »

Why does our Government have to lie to us? They lied to us about Watergate and the assassinations of JFK and RFK.

It makes me ashamed to even live in a country that works this way. War kills. What are soldiers dying for? Not for a country, but for money. War is money.

Thousands of soliders have died in Iraq. And for what?! MONEY. Vietnam was the CIA's war. If Kennedy have lived, Vietnam might not of even happened.

And how could the Dallas Police participate in such a cover-up and denying of ever finding the second rifle in the School Book building?

I'm so angry right now. It's hard for me to even describe how I feel in words.

This crap can't go on anymore! This stuff must stop. Why are we letting these things happen. Because of Watergate and the other conspiracies in the past, why should we trust the Government at all? The United States is being run by murders. People we did not vote for.

John F. Kennedy gave us hope for a better future. And he was killed by a bunch of CIA hired assassins in Dallas 40 + years ago. Lee Harvey Oswald worked for the CIA. He was blamed for JFK's murder.

The Mafia and the CIA were working together at the time. The Mafia had the power to put Kennedy in the White House. If they had the power to do that, then they had the power to take him out.

After Kennedy was buried in the ground, Johnson was put in the White House. Then came VIETNAM! The CIA's war. The war that lasted 10 years. Millions of soldiers are dead over a lie. Some of their bodies are still missing. Probably rotting in a jungle somewhere in Vietnam.

Robert F. Kennedy was murdered by a Manchurian Candidate. Killed because he won his way to be put in the White House. Eugene Thane Cesar was RFK's real killer. He stood behind him. He shot him. He had his reasons and he had the opportunity to do the job.

As for King's assassination, I know James Earl Ray didn't act alone. The feeling in my gut says he wasn't acting alone. He was being payed to do the job.

If Ray was acting alone, where did he get the money to travel? And the money to buy the assassination rifle? As yourselves that question. If you broke out of prison, where would you get this money?
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Post by Bob »

Giovanni, maybe I misjudged you. Good post. By the way, Oswald was also in the FBI. Thats why Hoover helped cover this up. Also, the Goverment today is even worse than the Nixon administration in terms of lying. Ask John Dean who was Nixon's White House counsel. Dumbya Bu$h and "5 Deferment" Dick Cheney are the biggest liars in U.S. history. They lied about 9/11. They lied about the reasons for the war in Iraq. They lied about exposing the name of a CIA operative (Valerie Plame). They lied about torture. They lied about illegal wiretapping. And remember this, Nixon was replaced by Gerald Ford. Ford was a Prescott Bu$h puppet. Ford was on the Warren Commission (see below) and he altered JFK's back wound to make it look like a neck wound(key to the magic bullet theory). When Ford was President, his Chief of Staff was Dick Cheney. And his Sercretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. What lies they have weaved then and now!

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Post by Bob »

By the way, one other Ford appointment that was KEY. Ole Jerry named Poppy Bu$h CIA director. Bu$h immediately stopped cooperating with the HSCA that was investigating the JFK and MLK assassinations. And key witnesses started dying.
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Post by Giovanni »

My God, the dots just keep addding up. How big was this conspiracy? (JFK)
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

The dots are deep.
If you look closely the same people have run Washington ever since the murder.
We have done the home work but it gets insane trying to explain it all over again. Look in our post the one with the most post usually have done their homework. If you look and do some homework, you will find alll the dots. I know penny and I sound insane at times but if you look at our post it will show you the light.
Here are some points.
Trilateral Commission
The Federal Reserve
Just some points.

Try to misspell Rothschild's. loll
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

See if I can care enough to write this.
Ford hired Bush. Carter fired Bush, Reagan defeated Bush, Bush and reagan defeat Crater, Bush tries to kill Reagan. After failing to do so he creates Iran contra BS to take all power away from Reagan and give it to CFR members and himself. Shit lets do it this way my fingers are tired.
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice-President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign ... Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr. who allegedly shot at Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice-President's sons ... The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp, for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice-President's eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.

Bruce that ones for you.


ok I am falling asleep
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Post by Giovanni »

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Sorry, couldnt' stay away.
Yes Giovanni, I am angry too. But it seems anger in this country has changed. Nowadays people just want to "act out" either in society by bad behavior or online in wacko ways. You MUST turn your anger into positive action if anything is to change. Write your Congressmen and women. Let them hear from you! Write letters to the editors of papers that print bullshit articles and perpetuate the lies of the past. Email journalists and let them know they are pandering to the establishment. Like I did when I wrote to O'Reilly last night about that bullshit interview with Bugliosi. O'Reilly constantly derides Larry King for softballing interviews and never asking the hard questions. These are the questions he asked Bugiosi--
1. Why did Oswald kill Kennedy. 2. Why did Ruby kill Oswald, and some other ridiculous questions. I was furious! I emailed him and blasted him with about 15 hard questions that he should have asked.
And when the FBI decided last year that , by God we've got a lead on where Jimmy Hoffa may be buried, and we're going to go and dig him up because the killers may still be prosecutable.!! ARe you kidding me???
With my tax dollars? As if we give a damn who killed the mobster! So, we think it is more important to prosecute the killers of a mobster than to find out the truth and prosecute the killers of 3 of the foremost leaders of our time, JFK, RFK, MLK ??!! So I wrote to my Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee and expressed my outrage that the Federal Bureau of Idiots was using my tax money to carry out such a freaking scam. Gee---they did such a great job of finding Hoffa and prosecuting the killers, didn't they?? What a bunch of jerks! I hope and pray I never need the FBI for anything.
We simply have to be more involved in the process of government and never let our guard down. Do you notice that when Kennedy was President how much he encouraged young people to become involved in the political process and in making this a better country? Then along came Reagan, and both Bushes and you pretty much got the idea that they were saying to you, Hey, not to worry, we've gotcha covered. Yes, in bullshit. They never really encouraged us to be a part of the process, they always wanted us to think they were looking out for us and not to worry our pretty little heads about anything.
Oh, and Bush is meeting with his buddy Putin this weekend. W, if I were you, I wouldn't eat the lobster!!!
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Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Giovanni, maybe I misjudged you. Good post. By the way, Oswald was also in the FBI. Thats why Hoover helped cover this up. Also, the Goverment today is even worse than the Nixon administration in terms of lying. Ask John Dean who was Nixon's White House counsel. Dumbya Bu$h and "5 Deferment" Dick Cheney are the biggest liars in U.S. history. They lied about 9/11. They lied about the reasons for the war in Iraq. They lied about exposing the name of a CIA operative (Valerie Plame). They lied about torture. They lied about illegal wiretapping. And remember this, Nixon was replaced by Gerald Ford. Ford was a Prescott Bu$h puppet. Ford was on the Warren Commission (see below) and he altered JFK's back wound to make it look like a neck wound(key to the magic bullet theory). When Ford was President, his Chief of Staff was Dick Cheney. And his Sercretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. What lies they have weaved then and now! http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/sibert.htm

He's coming around ..methinks he's a man of many moods
You will find that Giovanni is a highly intelligent genius and undoubtedly most knowledgable
Posts: 140
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Post by Giovanni »

Thanks Paul