More Proof of Wim's Silencer Theory

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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More Proof of Wim's Silencer Theory

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Interesting take, a must-read. 10 shots in all.
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The Misses & The Hits

Post by Giovanni »

1. North Curb Of Elm Street (TSBD or Overpass)
2. Main Street Curb/James Tague (TSBD or Dal-Tex)
3. Manhole Cover (Records building or Grassy Knoll)
4. Road Sign (Grassy Knoll)
5. Limo's Windshield Chrome (Dal-Tex, or caused by bullet fragment)
6. Limo's Windshield (Was it a hole or a crack? I don't know!)
7. Elm Street (Dal-Tex or TSBD)
8. Limo's Floorpan (Records building)

1. Kennedy's throat (was it even a bullet wound at all?!)
2. Kennedy's back (Dal-Tex or TSBD)
3. Connally's wounds (TSBD)
4. Kennedy's head #1 (TSBD)
5. Kennedy's head #2 (Grassy Knoll)

13 shots!

Robert Groden says 9-13 shots were fired
The Dictabelt Recording contains as many as 7 shots
The majority of witnesses that day heard only 3 or 4.

If Kennedy was murdered by professional hitmen. why did they miss so many times? Kennedy was a easy target. The limousine moved 10 MPH. Slowed down when shots rang out.

And if there were a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, why were so many snipers needed? Wouldn't it have been easier to just have 1 guy do the job?
john hines
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Post by john hines »

I would suspect even the most seasoned and hardened professionals would have been a little nervous. These guys weren't motivated by hate or resentment, they were carrying out orders and possibly getting paid to do so. This in my eyes was like the Super Bowl and you were kicking the winning field goal. For crying outloud, your shooting the "President of the United States" in a public place in front of thousands of people and you have to make a get away afterwards. Maybe some of them wanted to miss. Imagine, your involved with an organization, mob/CIA, whoever, that turns their back, backstabs and kills to promote their own agenda. As what was said in the movie Clear and Present Danger by I believe was the deputy NSA director, "When the music stops, I don't want to be left without a chair." Put yourself in the shooters shoes, you may know there's a Patsy in this whole thing, guess what? You may be the Patsy. At the end of the day, it's still human beings that are taking the shot.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Kill Zone? Wait till target is in kill zone i.e umbrella man opening umbrella then fire all shooters fire! I once fired 9 rounds on auto and only had 7 holes? does that mean 2 of my bullets didn't hit the target? If five shooters fire at the same time? How many shots will you hear? If in a plaza that is basically a box , is there an echo? Reverb?
I know a .223 sounds like a snap and pop compared to a .30 30.
I will say it again. We truly know nothing but he is dead and someone is responsible other then LHO. So. You are right, I am right, We are all right and no one is wrong. Because we truly do not know.
Lets say only one bullet was fired and blew JFK's head off. Now what?
Still a conspiracy right?
Lets say LHO is a lone nut? Still a conspiracy right?
Cubans did it? Still?
Mob did it? Still?
No matter what we debate about, the fact that the government is covering it up makes it a conspiracy.
Why are they sealing records and lying to us?
The same reason Scooter is not going to jail is the same reason they lie to us.
Because they can!
Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

An additional factor about the conspiracy, rarely mentioned, is that the conspirators had to be confident enough that they could deal with almost any contingency.That is why I strongly believe that LBJ was deeply involved in orchestrating the cover-up via the WC Report.

For example, it was a miracle that Jackie was not hit - but you can bet that there would have been a single-bullet/extra magic bullet scenario dreamt up had she been struck.

If you think about it, Nellie Connally, Greer and Kellerman could also easily have been hit by the flurry of shots that Kellerman described entering the confined space of the car.

So while I also believe that probably ten or more shots were fired, I also think that 'they' were extremely lucky that only 5 or 6 struck home (I think a minimum of 3 to JFK and 2 to Connally).

I don't find it surprising at all that 3 or 4 teams of shooters would have been used or that someone like James Files would not even know that there were other shooters there.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

That is all part of the "plausible denial" theory written about by Mark Lane. It was set up that way deliberately so that no one would know who else was shooting at who, or who fired the fatal bullet. That way if any one would get caught, they could knowingly deny that they killed the President and no one could prove who did.
There were 3 different times that LBJ intervened to so-call "set the story straight". Walter Cronkite tells of him calling Bill Bailey, the CBS news director to "strike" part of a final interview he did after his retirement. He had said to Cronkite that he thought JFK might have been killed by a conspiracy. That was after the fact. But before the investigation had begun, the FBI was onto an Oswald Cuba connection, and they were told to "back off" by LBJ and Hoover. This is mentioned by FBI agent James Hosty in TMWKK. Also does anyone know of a phone call supposedly made by LBJ when Oswald was dying in the emergency room at Parkland?? He supposedly called trying to find out if anyone had gotten a confession out of Oswald before he died. People have denied this phone call which makes me believe it really did happen, that would make THREE times LBJ interfered into the investigation, in my book 3 strikes and you are out----and a part of the conspiracy!
Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

LiAnn, the phone call made by LBJ to the trauma room at Parkland is dealt with in some detail by Dr Crenshaw who took the call while he was trying to revive Lee Oswald (or was it Harvey OSwald?). It is in his book 'Trauma Room One'.

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Re: More Proof of Wim's Silencer Theory

Post by ChristophMessner »

What and where is Wim's silencer theory? Pasquale just said, that silencers make the bullets much slower, that's why some hitmen did not use them. Is there any other comparable assassination by group 40 or CIA/mob, where we know more and can study, how they used to plan, carry out und cover-up usually, to draw some additional conclusion for the JFK-assassination?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: More Proof of Wim's Silencer Theory

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:What and where is Wim's silencer theory? Pasquale just said, that silencers make the bullets much slower, that's why some hitmen did not use them. Is there any other comparable assassination by group 40 or CIA/mob, where we know more and can study, how they used to plan, carry out und cover-up usually, to draw some additional conclusion for the JFK-assassination?It certainly is true that silencers reduce muzzle velocity. They're great if you're closer to the target but not from half a block away. If you want your bullet to travel the way it's supposed to, it's better without a silencer. I didn't know that Wim had a silencer theory. Does he? What is it?Regarding echos and shots, you have to figure that there were at least three teams who probably each got off about three shots. I think they put those tramps behind the fence to take the heat if the patsy-plan didn't work. For that matter, I suspect that that's why all those other guys were in the plaza that day...possible additional patsys to frame.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

john hines wrote:I would suspect even the most seasoned and hardened professionals would have been a little nervous. These guys weren't motivated by hate or resentment, they were carrying out orders and possibly getting paid to do so. This in my eyes was like the Super Bowl and you were kicking the winning field goal. For crying outloud, your shooting the "President of the United States" in a public place in front of thousands of people and you have to make a get away afterwards. Maybe some of them wanted to miss. Imagine, your involved with an organization, mob/CIA, whoever, that turns their back, backstabs and kills to promote their own agenda. As what was said in the movie Clear and Present Danger by I believe was the deputy NSA director, "When the music stops, I don't want to be left without a chair." Put yourself in the shooters shoes, you may know there's a Patsy in this whole thing, guess what? You may be the Patsy. At the end of the day, it's still human beings that are taking the shot.I completely agree.