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Poppy Bu$h= LCAP and Group 40

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:00 pm
by Bob
Wim has a brilliant section of this website titled George H.W. Bu$h on the home page. Read it all if you want to REALLY learn about the JFK assassination and not only Poppy's role, but also Prescott Bu$h's role. To me, the keys of this assassination are in located in two groups...the LCAP and Group 40. Here is more on the LCAP from a previous post of mine...

Regarding Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps)...he was also a member of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Other LCAP members include Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, James Bath and Barry Seal. We all know about Oswald and Ferrie, but the other members are also very interesting. Bath was a good buddy of Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard, who was also suspended (like Dumbya) for refusing to take a medical exam. After the Guard, Bath became Texas money man for the bin Laden family, which included investing in Bu$h's failed oil business Arbusto. Seal was probably the biggest drug runner in U.S. history. He was killed in his car with Poppy Bu$h's personal telephone number in the car. Also, the man who founded the LCAP...D.H. Byrd, just happened to own the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Byrd was also a very close friend of LBJ as well as the Big Oil men like Clint Murchinson, H.L. Hunt and Sid Richardson. Byrd was also a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. It has been argued that it was here that he met George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. "Poppy" Bush. Enough coincidences???

The Bu$hes obviously knew members of the LCAP, including the founder. The also knew members of Group 40, as Poppy was a recruiter for that group. Look at this interview with Jimmy Files...

Jim Marrs : During that time, during the time of the Bay of Pigs, while you were training and moving around in the Caribbean, No Name Key and all that, did you ever hear the name George Herbert Walker Bush? James Files: Oh Yeah! Jim Marrs: What was his role? James Files: George Herbert Walker Bush. I don't know if, I think a lot of people are not going to believe this, but he worked for the CIA back as early as 1961 that I know of. Jim Marrs : How did he work? What did he do? James Files : I don't know all he did, but he did a lot of recruiting work. I know he was there at the beginning for what we called Group 40, a special operations group, Group 40. If you wonder what Group 40 was, an assassination group. Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. Apart from Felix Rodriguez, other members were now infamous CIA agents and Anti Castro terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll and later Watergate plumbers Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez and E. Howard Hunt. Most of the operation 40 members were recruited from JM/Wave, a much larger clandestine operation to train a cuban exile army for the Bay of Pigs invasion. JM/Wave is headed by CIA official Theodore Shackley. James Files, the confessed gunman on the grassy knoll, was recruited for the CIA by David Atlee Phillips on a recommendation of Ted Shackley. Shackley becomes George Bush's deputy director for Covert Operations in 1976. The CIA controller of JFK's assassin is provably close to Shackley, Shackley is provably close to Bush. Not significant?

Finally, please take a look at the four generations of the Bu$h family and tell me if you think that they are patriotic or treasonous. I think you know where I stand. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

Response To Bob Fox:

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:19 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Bob Fox - Excellent post.But who was the figurehead who actively created, and operated Operation Group40 for all practical purposes ?Vice President Richard Millhouse Nixon.And who was Nixon's mentor ? Prescott Bush.And who was Nixon supposed to nurture and develop when he was in place ?George H. W. Bush. When Nixon didn't pick Bush for Vice President, the seedsof Watergate were planted. My opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,or writings about any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:33 pm
by Bob
Excellent!!! And it was Nixon and Allen Dulles that planned the Bay of Pigs invasion from the last days of the Eisenhower administration. Dulles got fired by JFK after that debacle. But Dulles got his revenge as he was on the Warren Commission. As was another protege of Prescott Bu$h...Gerald Ford. Ford helped move JFK's back wound up to help make the case for the "magic bullet" theory. Ford was also J. Edgar Hoover's eyes and ears in regard to the Warren Commission. As as I said on a previous post, the past is now the present. When Ford was President, his Chief of Staff was "5 Deferment" Dick Cheney and his Secretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld. Ford also hired Poppy Bu$h to head the CIA and to stop cooperating with the HSCA that was investigating the JFK and MLK assassinations. Ford also pardoned Nixon in terms of Watergate. Therefore, NO investigations into why the burglars broke into the DNH that night. Three of the burglars were in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963. I bet that investigation WOULD have been interesting.

Response To Bob:

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:53 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.02.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Bob Fox - Kudos to you for two (2) more outstanding posts.Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams.Team A got caught.Team B got away with what they came for.And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files.And Barry Seal was killed to take a set of copies of what was taken from The Watergate Hotel. When I had a phone conversation 2 - 3 years ago with Bob Woodward, he wanted my material, notes and sources. I refused, and I never heard from him again.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:18 pm
by Bob
Bruce, I'm sure you remember our conversation about Woodward awhile back. Ironically, it was Carl Bernstein that wrote that the CIA planted folks into the media in an article in the late 70's. Woodward has the background the would lead some to believe that he could be a CIA plant. For folks that doubt this, read up on Operation Mockingbird.

Re: Response To Bob:

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:42 am
by Mike Bruni
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob,Bob, also remember that there were two (2) separate Watergate Teams.Team A got caught.Team B got away with what they came for.And who was on Team B ? James E.Sutton/Files.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.


After all these years, this is the first that I've heard of a second team. Can you elaborate some on the team and the "prize"?



Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:55 pm
by Bob
Just remember, when thinking about Watergate, just know that Jimmy Files, Frank Sturgis, E.H. Hunt and Bernard Barker were all in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963. Oh, by the way, Richard Nixon was in Dallas that day too.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:40 pm
by Brian White
James Files was involved in Watergate???

Poppy Bu$h= LCAP and Group 40

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:17 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Wednesday09.18.20191:17 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.02.2007 - Mr. Bob Fox, an Original Brilliant Contributing Moderator and Member on the JFK Murder Solved Forum, Posted this Challenging and Informative Headline and Supporting Material.Bob and I developed a Fact and Information Filled Discussion covering many Inter-Related SubjectMatters relative to the before, during, and after of The JFK Removal.09.18.2019 - Fast forward twelve (12) years later after the above Discussion.I have always focused on The Top Down Approach to The JFK Removal and All Related Subject Matters.I continue to analyze, consider, discuss, evaluate, focus, read, research, study and write about TheDeep State, The Federal Reserve, The High Cabal, The Secret State, The Intelligence Communities, Majestic Twelve later Renamed The 303 Group, The Military Industrial Corporations, and All Related Subject Matters that deal with JFK, MX, MLK,RFK, the Oklahoma bombing, 09.11.2001, etc., etc.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Poppy Bu$h= LCAP and Group 40

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:26 pm
by Slav