Texas School Book Depository

JFK Assassination
James Jake
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Texas School Book Depository

Post by James Jake »

Hello Group,

Could someone here link me up with a photo looking out of the 'Texas School Book Depository' 6th floor window, I have a thought about LHO

and having the photo would really help me explain it a little easier. I did find
one photo but I was hoping for a better shot...thanks!
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Post by Giovanni »

LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

James, here's another one from Google Earth.

James Jake
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if Oswald was really alone...

Post by James Jake »

Hi Group,

Whew!, I found it.

Ok, here is my question that I need someone to give me a logical answer because the answers that I have found are incredibly unreal...

Here's the photo from the alleged snipers nest in the TSBD:


Now if you were already to shoot and kill the President and you are by yourself why in the world would you wait for the motorcade to travel from an easy shot like the picture shows,

where now you HAVE the advantage and an extremely high opportunity for a ONE SHOT KILL and I repeat a ONE SHOT KILL, but no the sniper waits

until the motorcade travels down Elm Street where the element of surprise
still exists but his opportunity for that one shot kill now disappears greatly.

Also, I would like to add this little bit of info from Jim Marrs book 'Crossfire' so here we go :

Taken from Jim Marrs book “Crossfire”

Located in the introductory chapter called “The Kill Zone” page 11, second paragraph:

…With a phalanx of Dallas police motorcycle officers clearing the way ahead, the big limousine carrying the Kennedy’s made a 90-degree turn from Main onto Houston in front of the Dallas County Sheriffs Office.

Almost two dozen deputies and other lawmen stood on the sidewalk watching. ALL HAD BEEN ORDERED NOT TO TAKE PART IN MOTORCADE SECURITY.

The bright sun began warming the cars occupants as they approached the Texas School Book Depository. Atop the building was a large Hertz

Rent-A-Car sign containing a digital time and temperature display. In front of the Depository,


The turn was so tight that Greer almost ran the limousine up onto the north curb near the Depository’s front door…


Btw, I added the bold and Caps for emphasis.

Now here is my other point, with the above paragraph from Jim Marrs book
the sniper(s) has his best shot with the motorcade at ALMOST a complete stop...BANG!!! think about it.

And remember LHO was allegedly a good shot and was using a rifle with a scope.

P.S. and don't even get me going how the motorcade went against the very basic security/protection rules.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

The answer is quite simple, James. Oswald took no part in the shooting. Even if he had he could never have done it from THAT window with THAT rifle and THAT ammo in THAT number of seconds with THAT kind of accuracy.
There is some photgraphic film evidence of movement in several windows on the TSBD 6th floor just moments before the killing taken by an amateur photographer. There probably were shooters up there but they were not Oswald and they were not using a bolt action rifle. There was a closeup investigation done of one image in one of the windows on that floor, blown up kind of like the "badgeman" photo. The man does not even resemble Oswald.
The plan was carried out very strategically. The conspirators knew that that particular area of Dealey Plaza would not have been as crowded as the other downtown streets, hence, fewer witnesses. But lucky for us, and for history, there were A LOT of amateur photographers in downtown Dallas that day, the fake secret service could not possibly confiscate all of that film!
What totally unnerves me however is the chances they took with the lives of innocent people, bullets were flying everywhere from all directions, innocent people even children could have been hit and killed.
We the people were just as expendable then as we are now, sad to say.
Good luck with your research James.
LiAnn Simpson
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Found This Link

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Found this late this evening. Pretty interesting stuff. It explains alot if it is true.
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Post by Giovanni »

Bunch of nonsense. Sorry, I don't believe "The poisoned dart" theory. Good link though.

I've already done research on William Seymour, Emilio Santana and all of them. None of them were in Dallas on 11/22/1963. Their telephone records shows otherwise.

As for James Files, his telephone records show that he wasn't in Dealey Plaza neither. Files said that he had a twin borther. Files' wife says he does not.

Not sure if it's true. Wim, could you prove me wrong?

Want me to be honest with all of you? I think Carlos Marcello had Kennedy whacked. And he told Ruby to silence Oswald. He had 3 french assassins shoot Kennedy in Dealey Plaza. One of them Lucien Sarti.

The Mafia killed Kennedy. The CIA covered it up. Oswald worked for the CIA.

The Mafia = Cubans =CIA=E. Howard Hunt = Bush
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Post by j.j.c.bruinsma »

Giovanni wrote:french assassins shoot Kennedy in Dealey Plaza. One of them Lucien Sarti.

That,s E.Howard Hunt deadbed confession,i think its
a good theorie,you can see it on TMWKK part 2.

http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... &plindex=3

my theorie:

french assassins: one off the (3/4) TEAMS.

french assassins: Badge man
grassy knoll : J.Files
Dalltex: Nicoletti
south knoll:...........?

James Jake
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Post by James Jake »

The answer is quite simple, James. Oswald took no part in the shooting....

Oh!, thanks LiAnn and everyone else. Also, I fully believe that there was a
conspiracy my point was how in the world could anyone think that LHO wouldn't take the easy shot but wait for the harder shot.

I guess what got me going was finding out that Vincent Bugliosi totally believes in the one nut shooter so I thought that I would post something as simple as that info.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

There is no doubt that the Mafia was involved and Marcello as well. But you have to remember that Oswald was in New Orleans for months! What was he doing there? Oswald wasn't Mafia. There is a connection between the intelligence community and the Mafia and collusion and it was proven by Garrison.
I wish it were simple enough to say that the Mafia did it and that's it, and that Ruby took out Oswald on mob orders. But as all of you know the story doesn't end there. What were all those people doing in the autopsy room at Bethesda? Why was Kennedy brought in the back and the limo with the fake casket brought in the front? Why were there FBI and Secret Service dressed in green scrubs in the operating room when Oswald was brought in? Even the Dallas doctors testified to that. Why were there so many shady politicians in Dallas that day if it was just another mob hit? Why did they need to exhume Oswald's body and why had the grave been broken into? Why will the government still not release all of the files if it was only the Mafia?