Zapruder film

JFK Assassination
Ian Irving
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Zapruder film

Post by Ian Irving »

Can anyone explain what the black rectangular 'thing' is that appears right across the lower edge of the Z film for the duration of approximately the middle third of the filming sequence?

It obscures the highly polished side of the limo, effectively preventing any muzzle flash or movement on the grassy knoll from being seen reflected on the limo side at the moment of the head shot.

It can clearly be seen in the Z film sequence on the jfkmurdersolved home page.

Another thought. When you look at the Z film, concentrate on Jackie's face. She does not even flinch when the bullet strikes JFK's head and she does not appear to get any blood or brain matter on her face even though it was only inches from her husband. Strange?
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

It is obvious that the film has been doctored. You must remember that NOT ONE American ever saw that film until the Oliver Stone movie, nearly THIRTY years later!!! Robert Groden had seen it somehow but does not reveal how. They published still photos of it however in Life magazine but I am sure those photos were doctored as well. We never knew the President had been hit from the front. If someone could get ahold of a copy of Life Magazine maybe you could examine the stills but remember, the head shot was heavily covered over so as not to be so graphic. It is not that we Americans were naive, we just had everything hidden from us and covered up, most of us had questions, but no proof to back it up.
As for Jackie's behavior, personally I think she was heavily sedated for most of the trip. You must remember that she had lost a child not long before the trip was made. She abhorred politics and political campaigning, but they talked her into making the trip. It appears that most of the brain matter went out the back which is proof positive of a shot from the front.

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Post by Giovanni »


The Americans first saw the film in the 1970's on "Good night America". Americans never saw the film for 12 years.

Also, the Zapruder Film was shown at the Clay Shaw trial back in the late '60s.

At the Shaw trial, Zapruder watched the film and was positive that the film shown was the film he shot on 11/22/1963.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about this bull about the film being tampered with. And the bull about the limo driver shooting JFK.
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Post by Giovanni »

Also, I'm tired of hearing about "the poisoned dart theory". That was debunked back in the '70s during the HSCA investigation.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

There is room for ALL theories on this site, G! You do not have an edge over anyone, I don't mind you correcting me on something factual like when the film was first shown, but some theories have not yet been disproven! Yes, I will agree the limo driver shooting thing has most assuredly been disproven.
But, G, if the HSCA was on the up and up, then why did several members resign in disgust saying that the committee was NOT trying to get to the truth and still protecting the old lies. They paraded some bogus guy who said he was the guy with the umbrella. It was NOT him. They even tried to name the 3 tramps which was also a joke. The guys they came up with don't even resemble the 3 in the photo.
You HAVE to understand that the HSCA's mission was NOT to get to the truth, it was to shut us loudmouths up because we wouldn't go away. And it didn't work!
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Post by Giovanni »

And I'm sick of the "Magic Bullshit Theory"

1 bullet cannot go through two men and remain pristine!
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Bugliosi is a lone nut author!

Ian Irving
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Post by Ian Irving »

And if we could just return to the original question, please could someone explain what the black rectangular strip at the bottom of the film is? Has anyone tried to replicate the Zapruder film and come up with the same phenomena?
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Post by Giovanni »

YEAH! The film was tampered with! Happy?
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

I brought up the same question, that the convenient blackout of the glossy side of the limo possibly to block any highly reflective image that could be taking off of it with image enhancer's. Coincidental? Maybe? Never know.
I believe there are two ways you could alter the tape. Add black areas as that one you mentioned. And the speed. Change the frame rate where the speed is no the same as to hide the stopping of the limo. I challenge someone to take frame by frame and put it together at 24 fps and see the limo actually stop right before he is shot. I know Wim has cleared Greer but he violated ever rule of driving a VIP, every one.
There you go Ian an answer.
Good question.