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Gary Mack's weak ass explanation

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:56 am
by Giovanni

What happened to this guy? I thought he believed in conspiracy?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:37 pm
by Giovanni
logical reason

Gary Mack

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:42 am
by LiAnn Simpson
What's the QUICKEST way to silence one of the best JFK assassination researchers? Offer him a big fat salary to run the JFK museum.
It's called "selling out" and that is exactly what he did. And if you try to call his hand on it, he gets mean and nasty. I know from experience.
They have field trips for school groups to the museum and I just sort of told them that as a Texas public school teacher I would not take my students to a place where I knew that lies were being propped up as truth in the form of a non-profit facility. God knows our textbooks are full of enough lies, let's take all of our school kids to the formerly number one textbook warehouse in the nation and then tell them some more lies!
When my kids ask me about the museum, I just say, Well boys and girls you know the story of the Emperor's New Clothes??


More from LiAnn

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:54 am
by LiAnn Simpson
I would like to know, Mr. Gary Mack, director of the JFK museum, what happened to BADGEMAN!! You were researching that photo, remember, you went on camera in The Men Who Killed Kennedy and said that Kennedy's killer was BADGEMAN!! Where is the man that was working on that with you??? Did he get a big job at the museum too???
How do you go from THAT back to it was Oswald?? We don't get it Mr. Mack. Were you lying, was the photograph bogus? What happened to make you do an about face in your opinion????? What happened to Gordon Arnold? The man who supposedly saw the killer? And had to give up his film to him? Why did you leave your fellow JFK researchers in the dust and turn on them?