UFO's and the CIA

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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UFO's and the CIA

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I totally believe that UFO's are real. Why? Because our government has tried so hard to cover up and hide evidence of their being here, and threatened and intimidated people who knew of their existence. Sound familiar??
The CIA and the government is always afraid of anything more powerful than they are. Especially something that can appear and disappear! The CIA can only do it with smoke and mirrors, but the little green guys can do it for real!!!
I would love to see a movie made about MS-13 (Martian State gang) that comes to Earth and confronts CIA thugs. They are pulverized and then turned to dust!!
Hey, isn't that what Kennedy wanted to do to them??? Bet he's up there right now working on just that.
Respect the UFO!!!
john hines
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Post by john hines »

One of the many reasons Kennedy was killed, was he wanted full disclosure of government UFO secrets. It is purely about power and control, in my opinion. Unfortunately, people in this world, not just our government, seek to benefit from not exposing this matter because it's not in their best interests. There is a much larger game at stake we shall never comprehend until we just get past ourselves and own existence.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

It's funny, John how no one ever mentions the UFO thing. Do they think all those crop circles were made by somebody's tractor? John Deere was never that good! Some of those patterns were unbelievably intricate and impossible to make by human hand. Several British pilots just recently reported seeing a UFO, I mean, several planes, pilots and most of the passengers on board.
I think another reason our government covers it up is because "they" are up there too. God only knows how much of our money they are spending on creating their own "fake" UFO's to try and shoot down the real ones.
If you look at any of the Aztec, Mayan, or Incan ruins you can see they clearly made large patterns at the top of mountains and visual signs that they were communicating with something "up there".
There are patterns to the crop designs and some kind of language going on there.
LiAnn Simpson
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Buy or Find this Book!

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I am going out today to find this book!
http://ufos.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsit ... r%3D8-1%22
Sorry for the long link, but scroll down and read the reviews and reader comments. Sound familiar???

r christen
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Deathbed Confession

Post by r christen »

Some excerpts from The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney) 1 July headed Deathbed confession gives oxygen to Roswell crash theory.

...Lieutenant Walter Haut was the public relations officer at the base in 1947 (Roswell Army Air Field) and was the man who issued the original and subsequent press releases after the crash on the orders of the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard.

Haut died last year but left a sworn affidavit to be opened only after his death.

Last week the text was released and asserts that the weather balloon claim was a cover story and that the real object had been recovered by the military and stored in a hangar. He described seeing not just the craft, but alien bodies. He wasn't the first Roswell witness to talk about alien bodies...

The article also mentions child-sized coffin being provided by the local undertaker and attending a high-level meeting with Col Blanchard and General Roger Ramey (Commander Eight Army Air Force). It also states that Blanchard took Haut to Building 84 and showed him a metallic egg-shaped object around 3.6m-4.5m in length and around 1.8m wide. Haut saw no windows, wings, tail, landing gear or any other feature. He saw two bodies on the floor, partially covered by a tarpaulin, about 1.2m tall with disproportionally large heads.

Never believe everything printed in newspapers but if this is a genuine deathbed confession.....????
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Yes, he is the author of the book I mention in my previous post. I called the bookstore today and it is not out yet, but I ordered it. It was just published last month. I bet it will be a bestseller!

john hines
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Post by john hines »

I'm not sure if it's media driven, but I can only speculate. Roswell appears to be the most significant encounter in terms of physical evidence and reporting til this date. More telling and important is that the contact that we have on an on going basis is alot more than a crashed saucer and a couple of grey men lying on the ground. It is important for us to deal with what we can on a daily basis and learn to be kind and gracious to one another. Because really that's all we have.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Amen, Brother John!! I like the quote, "We have seen the enemy, and it is us!"

By the way, remember that alien autopsy thing? Anybody know anything about that? It was creepy!

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Post by Giovanni »

Yeah. It was a hoax. I don't believe Aliens exist. I'm not that crazy.
john hines
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Post by john hines »


Most people do feel such as you do. It is more complex than the human brain could possibly fathom. At this point in our human evolution we are not ready. Please trust me. I live my life on a daily basis knowing and understanding this stuff, but, my philosiphy is to keep "do good everyday and keep my mouth shut." JFK wanted too, wanted to make some changes and look what happened him.
