More on George H.W. Bush and JFK

JFK Assassination
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More on George H.W. Bush and JFK

Post by Bob »

The following article from Wayne Madsen is a little dated, but still very informative. I posted it previously on the old forum and I feel it still brings along very good information. Especially the part about James R. Bath being in the LCAP with Lee Harvey Oswald. And the fact that the founder of the LCAP also owned the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. By the way, James R. Bath was suspended along with George W. Bu$h by the Air National Guard for refusing to take a physical. Bath was later the money man for the bin Laden family in Texas. In fact, Bath invested the bin Laden's money in Bu$h's failed oil company called Arbusto. Small world huh? Hmmm. ... 672&page=2

Wayne is one of the bravest journalists out there. He is one of the few in the media to take the fight directly to the Bu$hes. He also has a very good website that keeps us posted on the treasonous ways of this blood money family.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bushes vs. Kennedy's

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have received, and reviewed your emails.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself.

Really Great to be reading your material again, Bob.

I will study this material over the weekend.

Hope all is well with you.

Will write you soon.

In my Research and Writing, I am developing Time Line Analysis of
The Bushes vs. The Kennedys. Note that The Kennedy Dynasty that would
have had consecutive, successive Presidencies, i.e., JFK, RFK, Teddy, and
JFK II has been replaced by The Bush Dynasty. Keep an eye on Jeb
Bush. Bob, let me know what you think, please.

Best Always,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, trust me, I am keeping my eye on Jeb. He is the Governor of the state I live in. What he did in the 2000 Presidential election, with the help of Katherine Harris, was criminal. But then again, he's a Bu$h. There no doubt that the Kennedy dynasty would have been a long one. JFK and RFK were silenced by the same dark forces. The dark forces on the right couldn't stomach 16 consecutive years with the Kennedys in power. If Jack and Bobby had lived, would there have been a Chappaquiddick? Probably not. As you will recall, Mary Jo Kopechne was a former worker for the RFK campaign. Teddy probably would have had an excellent chance to succeed Bobby in the White House. JFK Jr. certainly had a bright career in politics as well, as do a lot of the Kennedy children. RFK Jr. is the biggest proponent for saving the environment and keeping our children safe from the forces that care only about their ideology and profits. The Bu$hes and their friends changed all of that on November 22, 1963 as JFK was ambushed in Dallas. They repeated that crime on June 5, 1968 as RFK was gunned down at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Again, compare RFK's assassination to the attempts on Ronald Reagan and George Wallace. Or the murder of John Lennon. All of the gunmen fit the Manchurian candidate mold. To add to the sinister nature of all of this, John Hinckley was a family friend of the Bu$hes. I also have a question. Why is it everyone knows about the family history of the Kennedys and not the Bu$hes? Everyone knows that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger who became the Ambassador to Great Britain and also was an isolationist. But how many people know about Samuel and Prescott Bu$h? It's like anything pre-1950 doesn't exist. Samuel Bu$h sold arms to the Germans in WWI and made a handsome profit. He also sold them arms while the U.S. was engaged in the conflict. I would call that treasonous. Prescott Bu$h was a financial backer of the Hitler regime in WWII and also made millions upon millions off that relationship. He and his firm were charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. I would call that treasonous. This is why both Bu$hes that made it to the White House are trying to re-write history as they classify and declassify items that will help protect them from further scrutiny. Hopefully the public will continue to be more informed about this treasonous and cowardly family. There has now been four generations of this behavior. And like his great-grandfather, and his grandfather, and his father, this Bu$h is nothing more than a war profiteer. A war profiteer that doesn't care about how many suffer or die. As long as he and his powerful circle of friends get richer and more powerful.
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Post by Bob »

This article was posted on the old forum, but it does add relevancy to this subject. I am not saying I am in full agreement with the thesis given here by Mr. Flocco, but he does raise some interesting points. It might also explain the recent love-fest between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,

I have received, and reviewed your emails.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself.

Bob, I did not realize that you lived in Florida. You certainly don't need
me to tell you to monitor Jeb Bush.

Funny that you should mention "the Manchurian Candidate Mold."
Check into Russian-German-CIA development and use of Remote
Viewing, and Remote Assassinations. I have 4 books that I will refer
you to.

Stay in touch.

Best Always,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bob,


That was me that posted the website.

Like you, I don't buy it totally, but neither side tells the truth.

The truth is often in the middle of the 2 stories.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bob On The Bush's and The Kennedy's:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.20.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.01.2006 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this Headline. While checking old JFK Forum material forinformation that I need for a book that I am working on with LTC Dangerous Dan Marvin,I ran across this thread of Bob Fox's on The Bush's and The Kennedy's.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
LiAnn Simpson
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JFK II and George H W Bush

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Just watched this film for the first time. My jaw is still dropped! Just when I thought I knew everything about the assassination.
Always wondered why Gov. Connally switched sides. What is ironic is that while Bush's offshore oil business is booming, the Russian missiles in Cuba are pointed right at us here on the Texas coast, the heart of the petrochemical industry. What an idiot! You're going to incite a nuclear war that has as it's first target the one thing that has made you the most money??? But I guess then you can make even MORE money if you have a financial interest in the weapons of that war. Think I will take another look at 9/11.
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Post by Bob »

Hi LiAnn,

Welcome to the forum. In terms of 9/11, please take a look at what I am sending along down below. Let me know if you see any similarities. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched by the neocons of the Kennedy era. It didn't happen in that era, but in ours. You decide.
LiAnn Simpson
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Thanks Bob

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I look forward to living in a country where we do not have to fear our own government. I wonder when that will be. More info on oil interests and 9/11.