JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by LiAnn Simpson »

I am convinced after reading a number of articles on this subject that Patrick Tillman was murdered, probably sniper style. I am including a link.
I can't however just make this statement without talking about what an incredible human being and hero this young man was. There were a number of things about him that I did not know. I knew he had given up a 4 million dollar NFL contract to enlist and fight for his country. I did not know that he had graduated summa cum laude from college and was completing a master's degree in history while playing for the Arizona Cardinals. He was extremely well read, an open critic of the Bush administration and a critic of the Iraq war. One of his favorite authors was Noam Chomsky. If I had to venture a guess as to who murdered him, I would say it was probably one or more of his superior officers. It is the high level officers that mainly have been involved in lying and coverup. One of them cannot even be found to serve a Congressional subpoena to.
Army medical examiners were the first to blow the whistle and when you read this article you will see why. I hope Bush sleeps well at night. He probably does, he hasn't lost a son or daughter in the war, nor has he or Cheney ever fought in one.

Brian White
Posts: 169
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Reply to LiAnn Simpson

Post by Brian White »

Great link, LiAnn-please don't leave
this website!!