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got a promo email from John Hankey anyone else get this?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:24 pm
by bob franklin
I received a promo email from John Hankey After buying a dvd from his site a while back(I get them from time to time).It mentioned something called the "Gemstone files" containing evidence of Bush 1's involvement in JFK's assination, as wel as an unspecified number of men linked to LDS Church Authorities. Being LDS myself, I'd say "bad enough", but then it went on to say that Bush 2 & V.P. Cheney met with pres. Hinkley and counselor Monson about a week before Dr. Steven Jones was fired from BYU.
The email further stated that JFK jr. received this file just before his planecrash. R Croxford, I'd love to forward this to you. This just sounds like something you might want to see. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:38 pm
by Billy Boggs
"The gemstone file was written in many segments over a period of years by an American man named Bruce Roberts. Parts of the file were released to certain Americans beginning in 1969. The number of handwritten pages is well over a thousand, of which I have read about four hundred. I do not have the time of the research facilities to verify the entire story. Perhaps others can help.

Since the scope of the work is so large, and the events described so complex and interlocking, it may be more easily understood with this skeleton outline of the gemstone thesis. Individual papers can then be read with greater comprehension." ... _files.htm

Might this be the file you refer to?

Seems to be dated 1970-1975. Not sure, have never heard of it before.
Maybe a look into Onassis's bloodlines might be in order.


Aristotle Onassis died in 1975. His son and heir to his throne died in 1973. My inside information about the Onassis family being one of the top 13 goes back to the 1960s and 70’s. Is the family still powerful? One big clue that they still wield power within the Illuminati is that Stavros Niarchos, Aristotle’s brother-in-law, is a powerful Bilderberger. The executive committee of the Bilderbergers are the equivalent to 9° of the branch Illuminati. Is the Onassis family still one of the top 13 Satanic bloodlines? I do not know. The answer lies in doing genealogical work to find out what the core satanic bloodline is that curses through the Onassis family.

One whistle-blower on the Illuminati was Dennis Brunnelle, a Grand Master of an OTO lodge, who became disillusioned with the OTO’s Illuminati program. Some of his information touches on the Onassis family. My understanding of the Onassis family is limited in terms of their Satanic activities with the Illuminati, but I will attempt to give my readers a better understanding. My inside knowledge of the occult side-that is the secret satanic ritual activities of the family is sparse, because my informants have very limited knowledge of the Onassis participation. However, there are certainly plenty of tracks in the sand which indicate who the business friends of this family have been, and they have been very clearly those within the Illuminati or with connections to it."

"In a meeting with fellow Satanist Joseph Kennedy in September, 1957, the decision was taken to use the Mafia’s power to get John F. Kennedy elected. The Mafia was caught in Chicago tampering big time with the voting--but Nixon was denied a recount of the votes. Nixon backed off from making a fuss, because he was promised the chance to be President later. Illinois Republicans made an unofficial recount of 699 paper ballot precincts in Cook County and came up with the vote in favor of Nixon. Those votes would have changed Illinois’s electoral votes and thrown the victory to Nixon. However, Sam Giancana and his henchman Mayor Richard Daley were not about to let an official recount take place. In 1961, Joseph Kennedy had a stroke, and John Kennedy and Robert feeling their freedom, and disliking some of the powerful Illuminati like Aristotle Onassis, decided to use their popularity to destroy the conspiracy. I believe Kennedy and Robert had more courage to take on the conspiracy, due to the fact that they were familiar with it from having been (in a sense) on the inside of it during their days growing up. However, neither son had received the Illuminati training and indoctrination that their older brother had, and when be died.

Joseph made a mistake when he decided to replace Joe, Jr. with John (who they called Jack). The mistake was that John F. Kennedy may have seemed like he’d be a good Illuminati President, but he actually thought for himself. He thought for himself because he was young and with that impetuousness and vigor of youth, and with the popularity he had, he had the possibility to do some good for this nation. If I were state my evaluation, it would be to tell conservatives that they have been "hoodwinked". John F. Kennedy did more conservative (preserving this nation) things in his Presidency than Nixon and Reagan who are heralded as conservative. Kennedy didn’t recognize Red China, no-- that was Nixon. Kennedy didn’t triple the national debt, no, that was Reagan. The CIA has been out to get JFK, ever since they realized JFK didn’t view himself as their puppet, but that he viewed himself as their boss. The head of the CIA on purpose ruined the CIA’s chances to succeed at the Bay of Pigs. He personally prevented the CIA air cover from taking off, which the CIA knew that without air support, the operation had no chance, which was soon proved correct. in everyone’s zeal to get JFK they blamed JFK.

It all sounded so believable, because the CIA were going to tell the full story. The public is not astute enough to realize that the press had subtly turned against Kennedy. Two powerful friends who liked John F. Kennedy and wanted to help JFK fight the elite were taken out before Kennedy was assassinated. Senator Estes Kefauver, whose Crime Commission had discovered the 1932 deal that Onassis, Kennedy, Meyer, Roosevelt, Lansky and other Illuminati--Mafia figures had made. Kefauver was poisoned so that he had a secret poison induced "heart attack" on Aug. 8, 1963. One suspect that might have done it was his subordinate Bernard Fensterwald, who was also a CIA assassin. The other was Phillip Graham. His wife Katherine MEYER Graham has been a full participant of the conspiracy and shows up repeatedly in elite activities. Katherine bribed some psychiatrists to certify her husband who was editor of the Washington Post was insane. He was ordered by a judge into a mental hospital. When he was allowed to visit home on a weekend, he was found "suicided" by a shotgun. Bobby Kennedy had a good idea who shot his brother. He wrote an unpublished book called The Enemy Within, and then later he was assassinated too. Actually, the whole establishment were out to get Kennedy, and even George Bush was involved with the


Aristotle Onassis associated with many powerful people. The fact that he rubbed shoulders with establishment figures that tie back to the elite is nothing surprising of a person his wealth. However, it is the nature of his involvement with other Illuminati figures that reveals his position within Moriah. Before going into his Illuminati business ventures, let’s just discuss some of his friendships. An example of his visits to friends is this quote from the book Onassis. ‘The Christina’s cruises always produced items which no alert gossip columnist could miss. Onassis dropping in on Prince Alfonso Hoheiohe’s Marbella Club in southern Spain and lunching with Baron and Baroness Guy de Rothschild (amidst rumors that it was Rothschild money that had supplanted his own in Monte Carlo) was obviously a noteworthy social incident.’ (Onassis, p. 255) During W.W. II, Onassis was a regular guest of the movie mogul Spyros Skouras at Mamaroneck on Long Island. Other close friends of Onassis were the Perons of Argentina.

The Perons set up a dictatorship in Argentina The Perons have a great number of Nazi & Satanic connections/activities. If you get Into studying about the Perons you will come up with names such as Josef Mengele (a Satanic Nazi Doctor), Dr. Fritz Thyssen, and Otto Skorzeny. Onassis had sexual liaisons with Evita Peron, who was a platinum blonde. Onassis had Nazi connections that continued his whole life, as did the Perons. For instance, one of Onassis’s Nazi associates was Hjalmar Schacht, president of Hitler’s Reichbank, who Onassis hired after the war. Schacht helped Onassis’ shipyards in Germany build tankers after W.W. II. Until people realize that the real guiding hand behind the Nazi’s was Satanism they will continue to be misguided as to the way everything connects together at the top. For instance, John Foster Dulles was the man at Versailles Treaty who can be credited for having created the Treaty’s harsh terms against Germany that ruined Germany financially after W.W. II. And yet this same man, John Foster Dulles, was the person who secretly went to Hitler to confirm to Hitler that the elite would financially back Hitler’s rise to power. If Hitler were anything like our image of him, Hider would have rung his neck, here before him was the man who made Germany suffer. why was Hitler friendly with this man? It makes no sense, unless people wake up to what is going on. The answer is that there is a conspiracy of those who are at the top to rule us, and to guide us toward a New World Order, and they are quite willing to sacrifice whole nations to do that.

Onassis was an extremely close friend of Winston Churchill. The Freemason Winston Churchill is a descendent of a family that has been part of the elite that have secretly run the world. Winston Churchill on several occasions told Onassis that the only one he could trust in W.W. II was Joseph Stalin. (This is a far cry from the picture given in history books.) Winston Churchill spent a great deal of time on Onassis’s yacht Christina. Onassis was also friendly with Winston Churchill’s friend of Bernard Baruch. It was Bernard Baruch who convinced Winston Churchill to join the Illuminati conspiracy. He asked Churchill to come watch something important in NY in 1929, and then he showed Churchill how they could destroy the Stock Market. That show of power brought Churchill on board. Two other Illuminati friends of Ari Onassis were Joseph Kennedy and Peter Grace, both men also belonged to top 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Gianni Agnelli, a powerful man in the Illuminati spent time on a number of occasions on Onassis’s yacht Christina while it was in the Riviera. Years before JFK became president, Onassis had JFK and Winston Churchill on his yacht at the same time. In 1928, the Illuminati men who controlled the major oil companies got together at Achnacarry Castle and formally created the Achnacarry Agreement which divided up the world into an international cartel. This is why you may have watched the same gas truck bring gas to all the different gas stations in an area, for instance, say a Sinclair station, a BP station (Rothschild's), and an Exxon station (Rockefeller). If the reader understands the world’s oil was totally in an Illuminati monopoly by 1928, it will help you understand that Aristotle who was the man who built the largest oil tanker ships was also Illuminati. In one year alone during the 1950s, Onassis bought 17 new tankers.",On ... ,altavista


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:15 pm
by R Croxford


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:56 am
by R Croxford
Looks like I am not done talking.
Ok, Take out satan and this story is almost dead on. Stalin was old world order. You have to take out old world in order to have new world. I have stated what you have just printed at least a hundred times. We need to somehow put this in order and organize it. It is so large and so tangled that I still have not been able to put in dowen in a straight text and have it explained. I have done my homework and this sounds like it is on the level of where I sit.
let me try to explain. This will be long so gimme a sec.

Bilderberger... A group of powerful men, very capable of making anyone dissapear.
The executive committee of the Bilderbergers are the equivalent to 9° of the branch IlluminatiDo not know the exact number but..Is the Onassis family still one of the top 13 Satanic bloodlinesGot to stop this type of shit in our ideas. Satan has nothing to do with power and greed. Do not make this religious. I believe Kennedy and Robert had more courage to take on the conspiracyOk, you have to note that Eisenhower was an insider of the CFR and had warned america about the military idustrial complex. Now if he warned us, Do you not think he also told JFK? I will tell you what the CFR created and you see if JFK was after it.The FedThe CIAThe FBIThe NSATaxesThe CIA has been out to get JFK, ever since they realized JFK didn’t view himself as their puppet, but that he viewed himself as their boss. The head of the CIA on purpose ruined the CIA’s chances to succeed at the Bay of Pigs. He personally prevented the CIA air cover from taking off, which the CIA knew that without air support, the operation had no chance, which was soon proved correct. in everyone’s zeal to get JFK they blamed JFKBINGO!Versailles Treaty Look closely at this treatyJohn Foster Dulles, was the person who secretly went to Hitler to confirm to Hitler that the elite would financially back Hitler’s rise to power. If Hitler were anything like our image of him, Hider would have rung his neck, here before him was the man who made Germany suffer. why was Hitler friendly with this man? It makes no sense, unless people wake up to what is going on. The answer is that there is a conspiracy of those who are at the top to rule us, and to guide us toward a New World Order, and they are quite willing to sacrifice whole nations to do that. BINGO!The Freemason Winston Churchill is a descendent of a family that has been part of the elite that have secretly run the world. Winston Churchill on several occasions told Onassis that the only one he could trust in W.W. II was Joseph Stalin.Ok, I have tried to explain this one before. The masons were our forefathers, They were overthrown by the CFR and the murder of JFK.Before the CFR got involved the masons were everywere, they were replaced with CFR members.It was Bernard Baruch who convinced Winston Churchill to join the Illuminati conspiracy. He asked Churchill to come watch something important in NY in 1929, and then he showed Churchill how they could destroy the Stock Market.
During World War I he advised President Woodrow Wilson on national defense, during which time he became the chairman of the War Industries Board. His stenographer was the unknown teenager Billy Rose. Baruch played a major role in turning American industry to full-scale war production. At the war's conclusion he was seen with President Wilson at the Versailles Peace Conference. He never ran for elective office. He supported numerous Democratic Congressmen with $1000 annual campaign donations, and became a popular figure on Capitol Hill. Every election season he would contribute from $100 to $1000 to numerous Democratic candidates (usually incumbents he knew well).....

Under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal" Baruch was a member of the "Brain Trust" and helped form the NRA.

There is alot of truth in this article. I want them all. How do I get these gems? They really need to get rid of the satan crap. Takes away from reality. Turns alot of honest people away.
Thanks alot I enjoy seeing truth.
Wim are our old post kept somewhere or are they gone?
Peace guys

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:14 am
by Billy Boggs
R Croxford, I hope you are critiquing the original author. All this was taken from the document, non of it are my words, except what is not in quotations.

In as far as Satanists, my feelings are that someone who gives the go ahead to sacrifice 2000 people for a monetary profit are not Christians............

And the brotherhood was taken over, but not the CFR or Builderburgs.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:23 am
by dankbaar
Dear Friend
If this is unwelcome, I apologize. Let me know and I’ll delete your name from my address book.
I have a new DVD (actually, if you haven’t visited my website BushKilledJFK. com lately, I have several). My newest is Radical Politics at the Movies. I hope you find it to be a thrilling and enjoyable 2-hour movie experience. In creating it, I wanted to show you some unexpected treasures in old familiar places, and even more unexpected treasures in places you never knew existed, or might never have thought to look. In the video you’ll find that Richard Pryor hides profound political insight in some of his funniest material. In perhaps the most important, and certainly one of the hardest-to-find documentaries on the planet, anthropologist Richard Leakey (the same Dr. Leakey that Pryor talks about in his video) shares the most radical and important evidence in anthropology, proving that co-operation and sharing have been fundamental and essential human behaviors for many millions of years, linked to upright walking, and the cornerstone of our nature and evolution. Dr. Leakey’s work provokes an amazing thought-problem, which proves an indisputable link between small brain size and greed. This stuff is really essential to understanding our species, understanding our potential as a species, understanding that all is not lost, and that the beasts who rule the world today are fundamentally sub-human. This section of the video is really the reason to get it. But, again, the video is not meant to be a dry lesson in anthropology. And I try to show that much of the same message and evidence is to be found in your local video store in a really beautiful and hilarious movie called The Gods Must Be Crazy II . My video also introduces you to the stunningly important and timely message of an innocuous film like Bug’s Life. I NEVER expected profound issues about the September 11th attacks to be addressed and answered in such a movie, but there it is. And the video invites you to a deeper understanding of the radical message of classics like It’s a Wonderful Life and Chinatown. I hope you’ll find it to be a valuable guide to locating and appreciating some of the most wonderful experiences in cinema.
I also have a new DVD on Critical Thinking, and one on 9-11, but I won’t take the time here. Go to BushKilledJFK. Com. Please.
Late developments in research on the death of JFK Jr.
I found out where George Bush Jr. was the weekend JFK Jr. died (thanks Keri!). I made much in my video about the fact that Karen Hughes, the head of the Bush campaign, was unable to tell reporters where Bush was, what he was doing, or when he would be back to respond to their questions about the death of JFK Jr. - this at the height of the 2000 campaign. And Bush stayed missing for 3 days. It turns out he was spotted at the Bohemian Grove celebrating JFK Jr.'s death. Additional screwiness: the year before and the year following JFK Jr‘s death, the Bushes were open and casual about their participation at the Bohemian Grove, and their presence was treated openly and casually in the press. In fact Cheney announced that he was going to be the vice-presidential candidate from the Bohemian Grove in 2000. But that summer, 1999, after the Sacramento Bee and Santa Rosa Press Democrat each carried articles casually mentioning young George's presence, Karen Hughes, the head of the campaign, called up the reporters and editors and demanded a retraction. Both reporters told me it was one of the most extraordinary things they ever experienced as journalists - that such a big deal would be made by such high ranking people over such an apparently small matter. It made such an impact that the reporters’ memories were still vivid 6 years later. Both papers refused to retract, though the Bee offered to retract if Hughes would provide evidence of where Bush was in fact. Karen Hughes declined the offer. How do you explain it? Why did they make such a big deal? My explanation is that Bush was afraid people would think he was celebrating JFK Jr.’s death. Which only a guilty person could possibly think. Such a thought never occurred to the reporters, would never occur to an innocent man, I think.
I've been engaging in an email correspondence with a health food store owner in Utah named True Ott, regarding John Kennedy Jr.'s final days. Ott says that John Jr. was murdered because he had come into possession, through Ott, of thorough and conclusive proof of George Bush Sr.'s direct involvement in the assassination of JFK. Ott says John was preparing to publish the information. The story Ott tells is incredible, and I certainly did not believe it the first time I heard it. However,...I've investigated and found that Ott is well known and respected nationally in the health food community. Ott is also listed on the Sierra Club and NRDC websites for the activism he claims brought him to the attention of George magazine. He has an important reputation as a respected environmental and health activist that is not helped by spreading ridiculous stories; and he assures me he wouldn’t jeopardize his reputation like this if the story weren’t true. You be your own judge as you read, below, what he said.
It has occurred to me, since speaking to Ott, that the day John died, he told his staff that "as long as I am alive, this magazine will publish." When I first read this story, this seemed to me an over-the-top statement from someone who had not shown a life-and-death commitment to the magazine up to that point. Ott's stunning story solves this and other important mysteries. I'll finish this letter with the latest part of my correspondence with him.
Best wishes,

True writes as follows:
I will never forget the phone call on the 4th of July weekend, 1999 - the phone call from John Jr. thanking me profusely for the information and the file. When he told me that a grand jury was to be convened and Bush was going to be indicted for the murder of his father, I tell you, I had goose bumps. For your review, here is an excerpt of what I wrote 3 years ago in my unpublished manuscript "Free at Last" concerning the event.
John, please understand that I appreciate your efforts - more than words can say. You can only imagine how thrilled I was to see your videos - for you were declaring what I had known as facts for many years - it is difficult to know the truth about national politics and power brokers when the majority of people (and the major media) all are complicit by their ignorance and willingness to accept the status quo. As Edmund Burke said: "The only thing needed for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing!"
In addition to the murder of John Sr., keep in mind the file also contained evidence concerning CIA orders for contract murders for witnesses of the event. There were over ten "collateral assassinations", one of which was the Dallas PD detective that was the focus of the DVD I sent you (Two Men in Dallas). Did you get that ok?
The cabal in charge of this nation is so massive and so powerful, that none dare attempt to expose it. As my D.C. attorney has counseled me, the best we can hope for is a sort of "detente" - a live and let live attitude. I don't like it, but it is the reality of life at this time. The cabal is composed of powerful Jewish banking families, with Mormon, Jesuit, and Freemason allies. My attorney has flat out told me that publicizing "the file" will greatly shift the balance of "detente" - and more innocents will die. In short, the cabal doesn't give a damn if we know, only if we attempt to do something meaningful about it.
In answer to your question - it was about a week after John's plane went down. I had received about 8 calls from major news publications, (U.S. News and World Report, Time, Wall Street Journal, etc.) asking about reports that I had provided a file to John - "Did I, and what did the file contain?". I denied all, and made no comment. It was at this time that George Magazine called me as well - I think it was the editor Richard, though I am not completely certain. He told me the story was "dead" and the magazine was folding. He also told me that all evidence went with John - and that their offices had been burgled. You are right of course, it doesn't make sense that there were not any backup files - apparently they were taken as well. Again, this was a time of EXTREME CONCERN for me and my family - and I don't remember a lot of the specific details clearly. I don't mind telling you that I indeed feared for my life for at least a month. Please understand that I don't believe I am paranoid - but when one verifies that ones phones have indeed been tapped, it makes one a bit concerned.
All my best to you my friend. Keep searching for all truth. (We need a copy of the Inquirer story.)
True Ott
The “ Las Vegas ” Files are Examined
In 1995, I was going through my safe and file cabinets, and came across the sealed, manila envelope that had been placed in my trust by my financial planning client a decade earlier. I had completely forgotten about it. I called his home to see what he wanted me to do with it. His wife informed me that Mr. C. had suffered a stroke a year earlier, and was confined to a nursing home. He was in his 70’s now, and was not doing very well. In short, she didn’t know anything about the “file” and suggested that I could just dispose of it.
I tossed it into the trash bin, but then thought that I should at least see what all the fuss was about. In many ways, I wish I had never opened it. It was a true “Pandora’s Box”, and I was shocked to read its contents. It was “file #5” of a group of 7 files called the “Gemstone” files. I don’t know what the other six files contained, but this one was a literal ball-buster. It was the FULL STORY of the CIA-planned and executed contract “hit” of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, president of the United States . It was full of very complete specifics, including such things as photostats of cancelled checks, travel vouchers, orders on CIA letterhead, personnel “lists” of participants, disposition of witnesses and evidence, etc. The problem was, I recognized the names of many of the key men who participated in the assassination, as well as the massive cover-up that followed.
These were not all Jewish organized crime bosses, some were men linked to my LDS church authorities and some were nationally prominent politicians in my beloved Republican Party! The file was extremely damning towards George HW Bush, who in 1963 was the CIA head in Dallas . The obvious involvement of the FBI and Dallas PD, and their subsequent squelching of information as outlined in the file made me physically sick. There was no person in Federal Law Enforcement that I could trust with this information, that is, IF IT WAS INDEED LEGITIMATE! At first, I refused to believe it could be legitimate at all. My paradigm of perception refused to believe it could possibly be factual. However, I could not understand WHY my “client” would have such a file, and WHY would he want it sent to Beverly Hills CA, as well as a notice sent to Hank Greenspan of the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, if my client happened to “die suspiciously?” Like I said, it was a definite “pandora’s box”, one that I soon realized was too big for me. I kept thinking I ought to shred its contents, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.
The File Goes Home to John John.
During the summer of 1998, I was involved in actively protesting the expansion of Circle 4 Farm’s gigantic hog factory farm into Iron County . My grass-roots citizen’s organization CRSA (Citizens for Responsible and Sustainable Agriculture) had received a bit of national notoriety, with a number of AP wire stories circulating the nation. One such story caught the eye of a publication called George Magazine. The editor and staff contacted me and scheduled an appointment to meet and review my story.
The editor of George Magazine flew into Cedar City in his private plane to meet me, and shoot a photo spread. We spent the entire day, a Saturday, together. At the end of the day, at a local steak house, we sat down for a concluding meal.
Over salad, I had to confess to the editor that I had never even heard of, much less read a copy of George Magazine until he had called me. He reached into his briefcase and produced a copy. Looking at it, I was surprised to see that it was owned and founded by John Kennedy Jr.
I asked him about “John, and his politics.” I was told that John was a real “champion of the under-dog” and that was why they were producing the story on CRSA and me.
I commented: “I believe that my image of John is like most Americans. The enduring image of little ‘John-John’ courageously stepping forward and giving his best salute as the caisson carrying his father’s body slowly rolled by. Tell me, does John accept the ‘official Warren Commission’ account of the assassination, or does he think there was more to it? At this late date, does it even matter?”
The editor nodded and said: “Of course he doesn’t accept the Warren Commission, but there is not a lot he, or anyone else can do about it! And I guarantee you, it DOES INDEED matter, at least to him. It is one of his major goals in life to find out the Truth!”
I replied: “Has he ever heard of something called the ‘Gemstone Files’?”
With that, the air became electrified. The editor laid down his salad fork and said: “What do YOU know about the ‘Gemstone’?”
“Oh, it just might be that I have a copy of file # 5. Does that interest you?” I casually volunteered.
“You can’t be serious! Are you serious? Don’t kid about something like that! Where did you get it?” he almost screamed.
The dinner was immediately over, even though our steaks were just coming in from the kitchen. We had them placed into containers to take with us. The editor had to SEE the infamous Gemstone immediately. He couldn’t wait until the meal was finished.
It was late on a Saturday night in Cedar City , Utah . I handed him the file, and he offered to compensate me for it. I refused. I asked him only one thing in return; if the information proved out to be genuine, that I needed to know. I just wanted justice to be served, and the guilty parties prosecuted.
I was awakened the next morning at 5:00. John’s editor explained that he had been up all night reading the file. He had called John directly, and he was told to fly it immediately back to John. John had again offered to compensate me up to $10,000 for the lead. He felt it was that good. I politely refused, and gently reminded him of my earlier request. I just wanted to know if the information was genuine. To me, that would be payment enough.
The rest of 1998 went by quickly. The national political stage was being set. It looked like George W. Bush was seeking to secure the nomination to run against Al Gore.
On the 5th of July, 1999, my home phone rang. Joan answered it and said: “True, it’s for you.” As I answered it, a very polite masculine voice on the other end said: “Hello, True Ott, do you have a moment to speak? This is John Kennedy calling!”
I immediately asked him to hold while I went to the privacy of my home office to take his call. After a few minutes of small talk, he told me: “Well, I understand that you want to know what I think of your file. I want you to know that I have spent over six figures in private investigators to verify its contents. I can say to you without hesitation that its contents are indeed factual. As a matter of fact, because of this file, a federal grand jury will be convening within the next few weeks. It is my opinion, as well as my attorneys, that this federal grand jury will pass down an indictment against George Herbert Walker Bush for conspiracy to commit murder against my father, and will also indict others as the evidence unfolds. If George W. thinks he can run for dogcatcher after this grand jury convenes and his father indicted, he is sorely mistaken.”
I was thrilled, yet deeply saddened by John’s disclosures to me. I asked him how he felt about what he was about to do. Did he understand that it would shake American politics, especially the Republican Party to its very foundation?
He replied: “Yes, I do realize the gravity of the story and my accusations, but the guilty must be brought to justice.”
I pressed: “But Mr. Kennedy, how do YOU feel?”
The phone went silent for a minute or two. Then John replied: “I feel like a mighty weight has been lifted from my shoulders. For the first time in my life, I feel empowered. I feel my Father’s spirit beside me on this, and finally, I can exorcise a few demons from my life.”
He was definitely emotional, and very close to tears. I knew that I was. I was a part of American history. I had helped a brother’s search for truth.
I warned him to be careful, that such actions were potentially very dangerous. He agreed, and said that he was “taking every precaution.”
Then, in a quiet voice, he asked me for my banking information. He wished to wire $50K to my account. I told him thanks, but no thanks. “Give it to charity,” I said, “I don’t think it right to accept money for such terrible information. I am totally satisfied knowing that the file went to the very person that needed it the very most! Above all, John, please BE CAREFUL!”
John Kennedy Jr. thanked me profusely, and said that he wished there were more people in America like True Ott. He said that some day, he would somehow return the favor. I liked that. It was good to have made a friend such as John Kennedy.
A little over two weeks later, on July 16, 1999, John Kennedy Jr., along with his wife and her sister, were killed in a plane crash en route to Hyannisport for a family wedding. My new friend was gone, and the guilty involved in BOTH murders have still not been punished. I know the truth, however. There is no doubt whatsoever, why John was killed. It was NOT an accident!
----- Original Message -----
From: John Hankey
To: A. True Ott PhD
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Dr. Steven Jones
Hey True!
I appreciate your willingness to correspond on this difficult stuff. You raised a couple of issues.
I'm not trying to do better than John. I'm not him. I'm not in the same game or the same league. I am trying to do the best I know how. Which for me at this moment is telling the most important truth the best way I know how. Which, among other things, means telling the story as clearly and as persuasively as I can. I think your part of the story is powerful, important, and fascinating. But my experience in telling it to others is that, without the file, it is not credible.
Another issue, it seems to me, is that if John died for trying to tell that story, to avenge his death I would like to give the fullest meaning to his life. That means presenting that file.
I think my video shows that it is not necessary to have the file to tell the story of the murder of JFK Sr. I think it is necessary to tell the final chapter in the death of JFK Jr., because that chapter is not credible without it.
A separate issue, altogether, is that I had no idea you had spoken to anyone from George after the plane went down. I would very very much like to know all the detail there is about that conversation: Who called who? Why? How long after the plane crash? To say "the file went down with John" seems an obvious euphemism. How could they not have multiple copies? that is, how could several investigators and an entire magazine staff be working on it without each having copies of the materials they were investigating?
I'm surprised and grateful that you contacted me at all. I'm surprised and grateful that you gave me permission to discuss the story with others. You can't be surprised that I would try as hard as I can to get all the information necessary to tell the story well.
thanks sincerely

"A. True Ott PhD" wrote:
Yes, the "original" file was/is copies of docs (bank statements, travel vouchers, cancelled checks, letters from Bush on Zapata letterheads, etc.). The mob had targeted Cuba as their gaming "mecca" - following the Bay of Pigs debacle, they moved with plan B - Las Vegas.
It was one of the George office staff who told me the file went down with John - (Don't remember if it was Richard or someone else - only they were da--ed nervous.)
Here's the kicker:
Even with "THE FILE", John Jr. couldn't get it done.
What makes you think you or I could do any better???????
All my best,
----- Original Message -----
From: John Hankey
To: A. True Ott PhD
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Steven Jones
Dear True
I'm grateful that you called me at all. But it sounds like I'm better off to shut my mouth about what you've told me, since, like many true stories, it's so incredible and the other evidence is there in plain sight anyway. This new book, "Brothers," further corroborates all the CIA-trained Cubans and mafia material in JFK II. But just looking at the face across from me at the table as I'm telling the story, to finish with "oh yeah, the files not available" just rips the carpet out from under any credibility the story had. Oh well. The story stands on the other evidence.
Since you brought it up, I'm very interested to know, please, who told you the original file went down in the plane. I assumed that the "original" was just photocopies of documents in any case. Were there original documents in the file?

"A. True Ott PhD" wrote:
The original file went down with John's plane (at least that is what I was told).
The copied file sent to my D.C. attorney is simply not available - my immediate family is at risk - giving it to others would violate the "detente" agreement - columnist Jack Anderson evidently saw the file 5 or 6 years ago, and even he refused to open pandora's box.
Best to let sleeping dogs lie - the truth is that the crime cartel running this country is simply too big and too powerful for the common man to fight.
I reiterate what I told you on the phone -------
You figured it out ----- the "Gemstone" file only gives complete confirmation to what you produced.
(Perhaps you should look at the Inquirer article, and see if you can track down their "sources" for corroboration.)
----- Original Message -----
From: John Hankey
To: A. True Ott PhD
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Steven Jones
Of course it's the truth, but the truth is often incredible, important truth almost always so. So I have to find corroboration to make the story credible. I told my closest friend. He's puzzled and incredulous, like this: if the story's true, where's the file? I didn't have a good answer for that.

"A. True Ott PhD" wrote:
Trust me, I have NO REASON to make such a sordid story up. Of course it is the truth.
Jones was a tenured Mormon professor at BYU. When I talked to him two years ago to warn him of the dangers inherent in "speaking out" he assured me he was fine.
Last summer Bush, Cheney, et. al. visited Salt Lake City for the VFW convention.
Bush and Cheney meet privately for over one hour with LDS Church President Hinckley and Counselor Monson as soon as they arrived in SLC.
The PRESS is told the subject matter of the meeting was completely private (strange they didn't just make some subject up - i.e. P.R. or just polite protocol conversation).
The following week, Jones is fired from BYU and is now personna non grata among faithful Mormons.
Go figure!
As far as sharing my story - there are no limits except the truth. Just tell it like it is.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Hankey
To: A. True Ott PhD
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: Dr. Steven Jones
Hey True
you know they've separated him from BYU. The office number gives and error message. The lab phone just rings. I've sent out emails to the 2 addresses.
By the way, I thought I'd share a couple of thoughts that wandered through my mind.
1) There was never another issue of George. This makes no sense from any point of view. When one issue is on the news stands, the next 3 are well in the works. A tribute issue would have sold millions of copies. Yours is the only plausible explanation for this anomaly.
2) Richard Blow says that on the day he died, he told his staff in a meeting, "As long as I'm alive, you have a job at George magazine." That's an extraordinary statement. What could possibly have moved him to make such a commitment? Again, yours is the only plausible explanation. He set the dangers of the task before them and offered to let anyone leave who wanted to. And then was utterly committed to those who stayed.
So I believe your story. I'd like to share it with other people. I'd like to invite you to tell me what you'd like me to not say.
ps Romney's gonna be the next prez. I wouldn't be so sure if I hadn't talked to you. That guy is the devil's spawn, and with such a pretty smile.
If you’d like a copy of the rough draft of my latest work on the holocaust, ask me.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:16 pm
by R Croxford
Would love to see that file. That would be nice huh.


Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:19 pm
by R Croxford
Like nI said bill, Leave religion out of the fight. They are evil but satanist is pushing it. They do not believe. Period. I would never smack down you either bro. Just a note about the passage. Generalized statement about satanist in conspiracy circles.
Rothschilds control the CFR, Bilderburgers and trilateral.
I have explained the entire history of the illuminati.
When I return this evening I will post another linage for you.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:41 pm
by Bob
No wonder Poppy has been crying like a school girl (sort of like cheerleader Dumbya at Yale waving his pom poms) lately, the murdering bastard! One day it will ALL be exposed Poppy. You celebrated in Dallas on the night of 11/22/1963 the night you helped kill our President. Dumbya celebrated at Bohemian Grove when JFK Jr. was killed by your evil forces. A LOT of us will celebrate when the Bu$h legacy is FOREVER tarnished and destroyed.

JFK Jr and Bush...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:56 pm
by Pennyworth
Joined: 17 Apr 2006
Posts: 990
Location: Marin

Bush and John Jr.....

More Speculation on JFK Murder
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 -

I will never forget the phone call on the 4th of July weekend, 1999 - the phone call from John Jr. thanking me profusely for the information and the file. When he told me that a grand jury was to be convened and Bush was going to be indicted for the murder of his father, I tell you, I had goose bumps. For your review, here is an excerpt of what I wrote 3 years ago in my unpublished manuscript "Free at Last" concerning the event.

Click Here For The Full Story
