The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.20.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, PH.D, Co-author of the New York Times Bestseller Unfit for Command, a WND Book, Published by World Ahead Media, Los Angeles, California, copyright 2007 by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D."Today, we face the possibility that the U.S.A. may not long endure. Our national sovereignty is being compromised in favor of an emerging regional government, designed by the elites for the elites…" -From The Late Great U.S.A."In 2005, during a meeting in Waco, Texas, the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada announced the establishment of the innocuous-sounding "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," an announcement that was never submitted to Congress for debate. Why ? Because the Security and Prosperity Partnership lays the groundwork for the unthinkable - a merger of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada into a European Union-type "North American Union," complete with a shared currency, a shared judiciary - and no borders." The New Currency was designed a few years ago, The Amero, made to sound globally acceptable like The Euro.In The Late Great U.S.A., Dr. Jerome Corsi, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Unfit for Command, shows how a bureaucratically entrenched army of "world citizens" is working tirelessly towards this EU - like merger. In the brave new world they envision, the U.S. will no longer be a sovereign nation, but a market designed for maximum economic exploitation by multinational corporations and foreign governments. American citizens be damned.In The Late Great U.S.A., Corsi details:* How global business leaders and taxpayer-funded academics are deliberately side-stepping the Constitution - and Congress - in order to submerge the U.S. into a regional government. (Regional Government is a step up the ladder to World Government, Bruce P. Brychek, 09.20.2007.)* How the State of Texas is seizing millions of acres of privately owned land so that foreign investors can cash in on a NAFTA "superhighway" from Mexico to the Canadian border.* How China, through its proxies in Mexico, plans to bring the world's sole superpower to its knees economically - without firing a shot.The North American Union would not just be the end of America as we know it, but the beginning of an EU- like nightmare - a bureaucratic Coup de' tat foisted upon millions of American citizens without their knowledge or consent.The Late Great U.S.A. is a meticulously researched story of deceit, the chapters of which are being written in secret by an unaccountable, unelected bureaucracy. The Security and Prosperity Partnership is not just unconstitutional but an act of treason committed at the highest levels, one that must be stopped before the U.S.A as a free and sovereign nation fades into history."Commentary:Most interesting is the State of Texas is geographically positioned to control everything.Who controls the White House today ?Who controls Texas today ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, absolutely NOTHING surprises me anymore about the Bu$h family and their greed for power and money!
Kevin Bednarz
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Post by Kevin Bednarz »

Yup, thats been on the Neo Cons docket for a while now...and it's coming sooner than people think.
I even read they will have a universal money called the "Amero"
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.17.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.20.2007 I Posted this Headline. You must grasp the concepts of Corsi's book to align this with Jesse Ventura's points made on "The Global Warming Conspiracy, to try to follow my line of thought.12.17.2009 I just finished watching Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theories, Volume 03, Global Warning.I have been following, and believing on an increasing scale, the New World Order, One World Government Theories, analyzing how this might be brought about with "acceptance by the masses." Some of the theories that I considered were war, nuclear war, disease, famine, brain washing, mass hysteria, economic collapse, riots, oil and natural gas controls, water regulation, food regulation, etc. Could it be any of these things, or other things that I had not thought of, or a combination of these things, or a combination of these things and other things, or a combination of other things that I had not even considered ?Jesse Ventura blew my mind tonight with his insight to "The Global Warming Conspiracy." I never considered it in these terms. His insight and revelations were mind boggling. His documentation by World Class authorities was incredible. Now change gears for a moment.When I climb a ladder, I go up a step at a time.Now change gears again, with my example in mind about a ladder.For the sake of my argument, assume to a degree that selling the New World Order, One World Government, will be a tough sell to the masses in Canada, North America, Mexico, and South America. So go up the ladder one step at a time with me.1. Sell Prosperity Partnership of North America, and the New Currency, the Amero dollar which has already been designed. Once accepted, this makes acceptance of "The Global Dollar" easier. Canada, North America, and Mexico, and maybe South America will have embraced the Amero dollar. Europe already has the Euro dollar. The next step on the ladder would then be to convince the masses to accept "The World Dollar." An easier sell for "acceptance by the masses." Follow my logic ? Approximately simultaneously with the development of Regional Currency, judicial systems, and "commonization of many societal controls," would then help the acceptance of Global Climate Controls, and Regulations Of Related Matters. Thus,...2. What one seemingly innocent aspect of "Global Society" can be sold "to the world voluntarily" and the masses would "push the cause" upon themselves ? Climate ! Global Warming is a panacea for everything in The Green Movement, which could create "unparalleled mass voluntary acceptance of Global Controls and Regulations," i.e., human waste, garbage waste, fresh water, water pollution, ground pollution, clean air, air pollution, etc. It's deceptive, it's an invisible punch, it's tactically brilliant.By the way did you catch the fact that the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds are also behind Maurice Strong, and The Global Warming Conspiracy ? That alone tripled my attention.Hence, my renewed interest in Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D'S new book, The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada, now perhaps of more interest and value than I previously extracted and indicated.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcherswho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Jsnow915 »

all this is question is,how do we stop do we stop Al Gore from trying to be a billionaire on the sweat of the American do we stop a one world government?
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

I can't answer all your question but I can tell you where to start.!. we must quit buying the snow job that we must take part in global government.or global anything.2. Our nation must be rescued and returned to a Constitutional Republic. doing so would eliminate national elections, return the senate to the individual states, return the presidency to an executive position .3. Illegal aliens must be delt with. anyone wishing admittance must learn the laws and the Language and have a sponsor to answer to.4. go to Wally World and rip all the Spanish off the cartons. and outlaw asking "for Spanish press 1"5 Return the currency to the standards that are specified in the constitution. blow up all the federal reserve offices and buildings.6. In other words we gotta get out and start tending to our own business accept personal responsibility. Understand that when the government gives you somthiing it has to take it away from someone else.on and on and on...This will not set well with the Socialists.. and most likely will never happen.The people here on this forum will not even agree on this orany other plan of action.
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dealey Joe wrote:1. We must quit buying the snow job that we must take part in global government or global anything.2. Our nation must be rescued and returned to a Constitutional Republic. doing so would eliminate national elections, return the senate to the individual states, return the presidency to an executive position .3. Illegal aliens must be delt with. anyone wishing admittance must learn the laws and the Language and have a sponsor to answer to.4. Go to Wally World and rip all the Spanish off the cartons. and outlaw asking "for Spanish press 1"5 Return the currency to the standards that are specified in the constitution. blow up all the federal reserve offices and buildings.6. In other words we gotta get out and start tending to our own business accept personal responsibility. Understand that when the government gives you somthiing it has to take it away from someone else.on and on and on...This will not set well with the Socialists.. and most likely will never happen.The people here on this forum will not even agree on this orany other plan of action.I do agree with your plan. I just think we have to look closer to the possibilities to return to a Constitutional Republic by the means of the Constitution itself. Private Central Banking is independance from political control by the people and it contradicts the idea of equal rights for everybody. Please take a look into the German Constitution and you will see by comparison, that there is a lot of space to amend any Constitution into the direction of strengthening the people's control of the people's representatives.
tom jeffers
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by tom jeffers »

dj,i like some of your ideas. this past year, i only went to wal-mart if they had something nobody else carried. if it was carried by anyone else no matter what the price was, i went to the other place. everytime we go to walmart and buy sh#t from china, we do their bidding. it starts with us and our spending habbits. we always want to save a dollar, that is why there are no american jobs. I am not sure about the amero. i own a few myself. i think they lost credibility with me when Hal Turner pushed them on us with his utube video and then he later was arrested and at his trial he said he was an fbi informant hired to spread right wing garbage. I think they might want us looking at the amero and slip in the back door with something else. do i have the answer? hell no? i am just trying to read between the lines.Namaste'
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:dj,i like some of your ideas. this past year, i only went to wal-mart if they had something nobody else carried. if it was carried by anyone else no matter what the price was, i went to the other place. everytime we go to walmart and buy sh#t from china, we do their bidding. it starts with us and our spending habbits. we always want to save a dollar, that is why there are no american jobs. I am not sure about the amero. i own a few myself. i think they lost credibility with me when Hal Turner pushed them on us with his utube video and then he later was arrested and at his trial he said he was an fbi informant hired to spread right wing garbage. I think they might want us looking at the amero and slip in the back door with something else. do i have the answer? hell no? i am just trying to read between the lines.Namaste'I also VERY rarely go to Walmart for the exact reasons Tom gives. I try to preach that to anyone that will listen as well. However, because of the economy, people go there because of the prices, and most of them not knowing the underlying issues that come from purchasing there.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Late Great U.S.A., The Coming Merger with Mexico and ...

Post by Dealey Joe »

Yea I hate the sonsabitchesProblem here is they have pretty much ran everyone else out here in the back woods.