The killing of JFK covered the killings of other leaders...

JFK Assassination
Jody D. Sheffield
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The killing of JFK covered the killings of other leaders...

Post by Jody D. Sheffield »

Department of State, Memorandum William P. Bundy-Bill Moyers, "Discussions Concerning the Diem Regime in August-October 1963," July 30, 1966

SOURCE: Lyndon B. Johnson Library: Lyndon B. Johnson Papers, National Security File, Country File Vietnam, box 263, folder: Hilsman, Roger (Diem 1963)

At the request of President Johnson's press secretary, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs William P. Bundy sets to paper a retrospective view of the Kennedy administration's decisions regarding policy toward Diem, the forcing out of Nhu, and how support for the South Vietnamese coup developed at top levels in Washington

JFK refused to have Nhu they did it on ther own...then put the blame on JFK after he was killed.

During the Second World War William Bundy enlisted in the ranks with the Army, but by the time he was posted across the Atlantic to join the Bletchley Park codebreaking centre he was a captain. There he found himself working in Hut 6 on the Ultra project.

After the war Bundy was called to the Bar and in 1951 he joined the CIA. While there he became briefly entangled with Senator Joe McCarthy's Communist witch-hunt when it emerged that he had contributed $400 to the defence campaign of Alger Hiss, a State Department official convicted of passing secret government papers to a spy. On that occasion Alan Dulles, the Director of the CIA, came to Bundy's rescue.

As a member of the Kennedy administration Wiliam Bundy was deputy assistant defence secretary for international security affairs and participated in deliberations on such matters as the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis.

After Nixon took office in 1970, he joined the Centre for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was a regular focus for anti-war protesters who, on one occasion, attempted to blow up his office. He retreated to edit Foreign Affairs magazine, but even there his appointment proved controversial. Academics on the magazine's council claimed that his role in planning and executing illegal and criminal war policies in Indo-China should disqualify him from holding an editorial position of this kind. David Rockefeller, the chairman, stood by the appointment, which lasted until 1983

An early connection he developed in the 1950s was with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles - who was an in-law of the family [18]- since his college years, [19] it was in Room 3603 in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal US operation in the Center.[20] He also knew and associated with the former CIA director Richard Helms, as well as Archibald Roosevelt, Jr., a Chase Bank employee and former CIA agent, whose cousin was the CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., involved in the Iran coup of 1953.[21] Also, in 1953, he had befriended William Bundy, a pivotal CIA analyst for nine years in the 1950s, who became the Agency liaison to the National Security Council, and a subsequent lifelong friend.[22] Moreover, in Cary Reich's biography of his brother Nelson, a former CIA agent states that David was extensively briefed on covert intelligence operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs, under the direction of David's "friend and confidant", CIA Director Allen Dulles.[23]

In November 1979, while chairman of the Chase Bank, Rockefeller became embroiled in an international incident when he and Henry Kissinger, along with John J. McCloy and Rockefeller aides, persuaded President Jimmy Carter through the United States Department of State to admit the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into the US for hospital treatment for lymphoma. This action directly precipitated what is known as the Iran hostage crisis and placed Rockefeller under intense media scrutiny (particularly from The New York Times) for the first time in his public life.

These same guys are at it again....We have a group of 4th generation buddies...(Skulls) who have once again taken over...if they ever let it go after JFKs murder. I have more I will just have to connect the dots.
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Post by Bob »

It looks like YOU have connected some of the dots!
John Zeroski
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The killing of JFK covered...

Post by John Zeroski »

Your reference to "Skulls" seems to imply that these people were all Skull & Bones types.
If anyone will look a little more closely, they will find that they are ALL Council on Foreign Relations types.
Antony Sutton's remark near the end of his Skull & Bones book to the effect that this organization is not a secret society is pure BS.
In his book Rule by Secrecy, author Jim Marrs pays lip service to S & B, but has a lot to say about the CFR. In his 9-11 books, he points out CFR membership any chance he gets.
Actually, Marrs claims that the "globalists" killed Kennedy. A lot of the people at who have critiqued this book think that if Marrs had any backbone he would have written "Zionists" instead of "globalists".
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Post by Bob »

Jody and John, I believe there are some very important groups to tie into all that is going on. Yes, Skull & Bones plays a part. As does the CFR. As do the Bilderbergers. Plus we have Bohemian Grove. Certain factions of the CIA have connections to ALL of them.
Billy Boggs
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Re: The killing of JFK covered...

Post by Billy Boggs »

John, your dog is defiantly, on the hunt.

John Zeroski wrote:Jody,Your reference to "Skulls" seems to imply that these people were all Skull & Bones types.If anyone will look a little more closely, they will find that they are ALL Council on Foreign Relations types.Antony Sutton's remark near the end of his Skull & Bones book to the effect that this organization is not a secret society is pure BS.In his book Rule by Secrecy, author Jim Marrs pays lip service to S & B, but has a lot to say about the CFR. In his 9-11 books, he points out CFR membership any chance he gets.Actually, Marrs claims that the "globalists" killed Kennedy. A lot of the people at who have critiqued this book think that if Marrs had any backbone he would have written "Zionists" instead of "globalists".jz
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Post by dankbaar »


Please remind this:

Are you never concerned yourself to publicize this information?

That's a question I have heard before. But No, I have only made much of it possible, but many more people are involved in this. You have to share the information, that way you are safer. The film is done and the website is there for the world to see. Jim Garrison said: If the CIA can't kill you anymore, they will resort to discreditation.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The killing of JFK covered the killings of other leaders

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.04.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.22.2007 - Ms. Jody D. Sheffield Posted this powerfully analytical Headline,and supporting information, material, and references.Looking back at the forest from the tree of the JFK Assassination there is aneven clearer picture of a "Master Plan."I am seeking to develop this subject matter more thoroughly with a group offriends.Can anybody contribute more recent analysis, reading, research, study, writing,or tangential references that are important in your mind ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.