2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

JFK Assassination
Jody D. Sheffield
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2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Post by Jody D. Sheffield »

I will not say where this comes from but they were correct after reveiwing the Zapruder film over and over again myself and with others (pros)...This information is 22 years old...the reasons why no one else has talked about this is also given..."Distraction"

Before you start... You have to know where to look....The person who doctored the film made 3 mistakes. They realised the mistakes but had no way to fix it without it being very clear what was done! So they had to add 2 distractions to the film....The other mistake was left alone with the thinking that a building in the background would have caused it...not thinking that somebody would actualy try to disprove it...I will start with what was changed...then give you the 2 dsitractions...

#1. Lighting...because color had to be used to doctor the film they could not duplicate the lighting in the colors...(blood just to the upper left of the head. In other words you can't just black out parts of the film over his head..(like what was done at the bottom...we will get to that)
You have to color every speck one at a time..the first attempt was to just add small black dots...that became a problem after spots showed up all over the film when ran back...remember lighting and film spots apear and go away in the same spot...they don't move up and down or back and forth. So plan "B" was to try to color in what they did not want anyone else to see and add what they wanted us to think we saw....

Look at the grass behind the car!!! not what is going on in the car!!! You will notice small hills in the grass..notice how the hills disapear as they get close to behind the head of Kennedy and the lady in the red dress. hhmm...bumps, holes and little humps don't show up after the car passes by midway...that's because the film was blured with fillin colors (spots) the natural shades of the grass and bumps were lost.

What was done as a distraction from this is the adding of bright lights all around everywhere exepth where you need lighting...away from anything above the car at each impact!! Notice how bright everything below Jackie is..then dark and how dim it is above her then bright again...even blury...the shot that got the good Gov's wrist was also covered up by lighting..well they almost got...it hit the top of the door beside Kennedy and skipped up into the Gov's wrist...look at the bright light that covers the top edge of the door after the final shot...if you look close enough you can see it was dented!!! frames 358-364..we will get to the door in a minute..

NOTICE THE ENTIRE FILM BRIGHTNESS CHANGE FROM VERY BRIGHT TO VERY DIM AFTER THE SIGN PASSES IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA just before Kennedy is shot the 1st time!! The brightness changes almost exactly the second he is shot....the sign was not originaly in front of the camera...it was moved!!! IT WAS DONE THAT WAY BECAUSE THE SIGN WAS BRIGHTENED THEN THE FILM GOES DIM!!! Very smart...

#2. Then the black blocks that apear in more than just the bottom of the film...It was not done to cover any flashes at all...it was done to cover the "4th and 5th shots" that's right....the one that knocks the breath out of the Gov. shot #5(rib injury) And the one that did not hit him clean it skipped off the top edge of Kennedy's door! shot #4(wrist injury) Thats why he had fragments all in him...parts of the shattered bullet off the top of the door!

So it would look like Kennedy was shot from the back..the bright blur you see at the front of his face was added...it also keeps you from looking at what you should be looking at which is the direction the good Gov is facing...Notice as the black blocker apears at the bottom the 2 different directions the Gov. and Kennedy are moving in...then see if you can locate the Gov's hand? nope...notice the Gov. jerk and seems to reach for his hand with the other....almost like an ooouuuch reflex!! This takes place before the shot that hits his rib...and if you look just at the exact second he reacts a small black box apears at the front of the car where the sun visors or blinds have been raised above the front glass....it had a hole blown in it...they started with a small square then they blacked it out all the way as the car goes out of site...

They knew people would be looking to try and find something to prove a bullet came from another direction....and they knew people would not be looking at what could have been changed as hard....they were wrong again....

Til now very few people know about the top of the door bullet...besides the folks (pros who will remain nameless) I have never heard anyone else talk about the top of the door bullet...
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

how did they (WC) explain the black band at the bottom of the film ?
Jody D. Sheffield
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Post by Jody D. Sheffield »

They could not...they knew they could not but they did not care because you could still see Kennedy...

It was done so you could not see the good Gov. grab his hand...they had no way to change that so they had to cover it up.

If he was shot in the hand before his rib that would be a problem! and proof of another shot!

You can't color out those types of movements or body parts such as limbs like you can say blood splatter or objects....you would go "what happened to his arms they are gone"

They had no choice but to cover him up from the neck down.....notice how it moves up from the bottom and is very unstable....but the camera is stable...

It looks that way because it had to be added frame by frame....and when you deal with that many frames it is all but imposible to line it up in the same spot on each frame...

When you look at the film..just before the head shot and just as the small black box apears on the visor, look at the Gov. and imagine somebody just stomped on your hand and look at his reaction and face....even his shoulders....
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

But the case of the black border must have been raised by someone during the WC... it's so obvious...There is an another thing. At the beginning of the film, we see the motorcade beginning turning on Elm, then there is a relative long cut and the film resume after that. Why the cut ?... Zapruder certainly not stopped his camera...
Jody D. Sheffield
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Post by Jody D. Sheffield »

Look at the sign blocking the throat shot and you will have your answer....Notice how the frame of the sign and the top portion of the legs attached to the sign are visible as the car makes the turn..then wham...a flash of light and 6-8 frames later( or 6-8 frames removed) it is right back in front of the car and blocking the throat shot...notice it is a different shade and blury...it is also unstable...much like the black box at the bottom of the car before the head shot.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

I always knew from the first time that
I saw it that the Zapruder film was fake or altered. Does anyone have a link to a slowed down version that can be downloaded?
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

hi Ricky

fake... no.... altered: yes.... the cut in the beginning, the black border, missing frames....


question for you: Connealy was hit at which Z frame ? look at the film...

by the way, someone read that book ?

http://www.amazon.com/Interview-History ... 87&sr=1-11

Interview with History: The JFK Assassination looks behind the scenes at some of the most shocking and horrific things going on here in America starting with the daytime assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the implications it serves up to the citizens of a "free country." The author, Pamela Ray, along with James Files, former CIA/Mob hit man, the infamous "grassy knoll shooter" explore the truths behind some basic questions still lingering decades after the JFK assassination: Why was President Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who had the power to cover it up? And more specifically. Did Lee Harvey Oswald spend time with James Files the week before November 22, 1963? Why? Did Files and Oswald have the same CIA controller, David A. Phillips? Was there a military and CIA presence in Dealey Plaza when the fatal shots were fired? What is the "Military-Industrial-Complex" and why were American citizens warned about it by President Eisenhower in his farewell address to the nation? Are some of the same players from 1963 involved in today's headlines? What does all this indicate? These questions and more will be looked at as Ray and Files discuss the events surrounding the fateful day in Dallas when "a whole new form of government took over." During the course of Interview with History, the authors delve into other related shadowy underworld subjects where it is hard to tell where Organized Crime stops and the CIA (and other U.S. government agencies) begin.
Brian White
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Reply to Francois

Post by Brian White »

Supposedly,that cut is because Zapruder started filming
when he first saw the bikes come around the
corner,but the cars weren't in sight yet, and
he wanted to make sure he had enough film
to catch the motorcade .(I read that
somewhere). Don't know how much time
he had on a roll of film-but he didn't start
filming again till he saw the cars rounding the
corner.Hope this answers your question!

tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

Is it an accurate account of what really happened in Dealey Plaza? Unfortunately, evidence suggests the film is not at all as unimpeachable as many believe. What are some of the indications of alteration and perhaps outright fabrication?

*Many eyewitnesses, over 40, said that they saw the limousine slow down drastically or come to a complete stop. No event like this is seen in the current film.

*In frames 353-356, we can see Malcolm Summers diving to the ground. In 353, is leg is extended most of the way out. But in just the next frame, his foreleg is bent markedly backwards. Can anyone flex their foreleg like that in only 1/18th of a second?

Then in frame 356, his leg appears to be on the ground. Can anyone whip their foreleg backward then put it on the ground in the space of about 1/16th of a second?

*Another impossible action is the quick movement of Charles Brehm's son in frames 277-287. In frame 277, Brehm's son is standing behind him. But by frame 287, he is beside his father clapping his hands. All this in only half of a second? If the Zapruder Film runs at 18.3 frames per second, ten frames are about .56 seconds.

*Many early viewers of the film reported events that are not seen in the extant film. Several witnesses, including Dan Rather when he narrated the film, said the President's head was knocked FORWARD by the impact of a shot.

Former FBI man and aide to J. Edgar Hoover said in his book, Hoover's FBI, that he saw the Zapruder Film at FBI headquarters the day after the assassination and he watched Kennedy "pitching suddenly forward." Newsman James Altgens said in his testimony to the Warren Commission that Kennedy's head went forward. Eyewitness William Newman and Special Agent George Hickey also reported that the President's head moved forward as a result of a shot. Bill Newman told this to New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison but Garrison refused to believe him because this is not seen in the film.

*Impossible inconsistencies occur with the streaking of background figures. For example, in frame 212, the posts on the Stemmon's Freeway sign are very noticeably blurred while the masonry wall holes are well defined. "Since neither of these objects is moving," observes Dr. David Mantik, "their visual definition should be similar--but it is not."

*At least four witnesses said that blood and brains blew out from the back of Kennedy's head and a large wound in the back of the head is described by many, many witnesses. In the Zapruder Film, we see neither of these things. Two patrolmen behind the limousine were covered with blood and brains and one of those patrolmen specified that the blood came from the back of Kennedy's head. The only blood in the Zapruder Film is the right-frontal explosion seen at frame 313. Film experts have noted that the spray appears to have been ?painted on? and then exposed onto a genuine strip of film. But what tells us that this ?blood? is fake is the fact that it disappears into thin air!

If it was real, the ?blood? should spread out in the frames after Frame 313, and then land on people or objects in the car. But within a couple of frames, it disappears altogether!

Surveyor Charles Brenemen was allowed to study enlargements of Zapruder Film frames to help him with locations and distances. Brenemen insists that at least one of the frames showed blood and brains coming out the back of Kennedy's head. This of course isn't seen in the current film.

*A Secret Service survey on 12/5/63 placed the shots at around frames 208, 276, and 358. A headshot at frame 358 is consistent with accounts of James Altgens and Emmett Hudson. Additionally, a Secret Service Report CE (Commission Exhibit) 2111, identifies the limousine as being opposite the manhole cover at the time of the last shot. The manhole is some 70 feet from frame 313. Some experts have hypothesized that there were two headshots. One came at around 313 and the second that blew the back of the President's head off came around 358.

*Abraham Zapruder told CBS News that he began filming when the President's limousine turned onto Elm Street. But the extant film shows the limousine already on Elm Street at frame 133. When Dan Rather watched the film the day after the assassination, he said the limousine "made a turn, a left turn, off Houston Street onto Elm Street." Why is this not seen in the extant film?

This is only a few of the inconsistancies that I have not previously mentioned in other posts.
tom jeffers
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Re: 2 distractions on the Zapruder film!

Post by tom jeffers »

http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/385.htmli sawthis before but forgot to post it. explains in great detail how this film was altered.