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JFK Reloaded

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:47 pm
by Andre Murel
In 2004 a game was released "JFK Reloaded"

"It's despicable. There's really no further comment,"
said a spokesman for Ted Kennedy.
The stated goal of JFK Reloaded is to debunk assassination conspiracy theories by buttressing the Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and fired only three bullets. So, the game places you in the precise place where Oswald stood—the sixth-floor window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository—and challenges you to re-create his three shots.

Was this game made by the American government?

What do you guys think of this game? In my opinion its pretty sick

gr Andre

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:10 pm
by Bob
I'll bet the Bu$hes play that game a lot. But then again, they always have played GAMES with people's lives for four generations now. All in the pursuit of the almighty dollar. Treasonous cowards. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:55 pm
by Ricky Clow
I had a topic on this earlier, there is mods so you can shoot fromt he grassy knoll and dal-tex, and remove the bolt action also to remove the drmatic bullet drop. I play this all the time I play this game all the time.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:58 am
by Ricky Clow
Also it's a good way to try to recreate the assassination in a way that you think it happened. Some people's are opinions are bad, others good. Mine I like it, I use it for a recreation to show how bull shitty it is that Oswald did it, There was a contest and the guy who won 1st place only got something like 700-850? out of 1000 somewhere in that range. It's impossible to get it like Oswald did it. With the mods from the grassy knoll you can do it conspiracy style. My best score is in the high 700's. If anyone has any questions about the game just ask me, I'd say I'm pretty much an expert with it. And just before you go judging, I'm only 15 so video games are fun I'm not some 40 year old man in my mother basement.