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Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:44 pm
by Billy Boggs
"Those headlines failed to materialize not because Sen. John McClellan [D-AR], the powerful Chairman of the Permanent Intelligence Committee or Sen. B. Everett Jordan [D-NC] (who conducted the secret inquiry of the conduct of the Vice President on Nov. 22 through the Senate Rules Committee which he chaired) were close friends who shielded him; but, rather, because the Vice President became the President of the United States that same day. The Senate Rules Committee, which had more than enough evidence to successfully impeach Johnson, suspended its investigation for a year. When the investigation reconvened in 1965, none of the witnesses who were willing to incriminate a vice president would testify against LBJ who was now the sitting President of the United States. The investigation of Johnson began after J. Edgar Hoover leaked information about Bobby Baker and his Capitol Hill whore house to Sen. John Williams [R-DE] who initiated an investigation of Baker and another key LBJ aide, Walter Jenkins—the father of six children—who was caught having sex with a retired soldier at the YMCA in Washington. Williams' investigations earned him the nickname "Lonewolf Investigator." Williams' investigation of Baker's led to the aide's resignation on Oct. 9, 1963. At that point, McClellan and Jordan—both friends of LBJ—took them over."

For the full article

Response To Mr. Billy Boggs:

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:16 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.09.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Billy Boggs Kudos to you for your Post about The Gangster President.Billy you come up with some really great Posts in my opinion. While all of our interests vary a little, enthusiastic members likeyou are a really great asset to our Combined Intelligence on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,study, thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:44 am
by Billy Boggs
Thank you Bruce. Yes, Combined Intelligence may be the key in solving this case.

I try my best..........

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:22 am
by tom jeffers
what i find interesting about the lbj scandal is the fact that j edgar hoover suposedly leaked the information to begin with. my question is why? they were good friends, neighbors and joint haters of the kennedys so why would he want his buddy under indictment? any comments? there has to be more to this story.


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:34 pm
by tom jeffers
I bring this up again because I think this is a thought provocking question......Why did JEH rat out his buddy LBJ?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:23 pm
by Bob
I can only speculate as to why Hoover would leak information that would hurt his old friend. One reason may be that JFK was going to replace Hoover and that J. Edgar was trying to place the emphasis on another subject. I have heard that JFK planned to replace LBJ and get rid of Hoover before the 1964 election. At least the first option certainly. Yes, Hoover did have some dirt on the Kennedys, especially John's romantic liasons. But I also think that JFK, especially RFK (then Attorney General), had some serious dirt on Hoover in regard to his gay lifestyle. RFK hated both LBJ and Hoover. That's why that the two of them have to be brought into the discussion when talking about the JFK assassination conspiracy. Also, remember it was Hoover that called RFK and told him that JFK was killed in Dallas. And he did it rather tersely, to say the least. And LBJ supposedly said the night before the assassination at Clint Murchinson's house "After tomorrow, those fucking Kennedys will never embarrass me again - that's no threat, that's a promise." Take a look at this...

Hoover was also very tight with the Big Oil boys from Texas. And also remember that Lee Harvey Oswald was an informant for the FBI. That's why Hoover made sure there was a cover up in the investigation. And also remember that Jerry Ford was Hoover's eyes and ears in the Warren Commission. Finally, there was quite a group of people at the Murchinson house that night. Look at this list according to Madeleine Brown...As an eyewitness, Madeleine Brown tells us of what must have been one of the largest and secret bi-partisan gatherings of governmental bigwigs to ever gather in Texas. When LBJ did arrive, he strode to the bar where Madeleine was seated and chatted for a moment while the bartender poured for him his favorite libation. He was soon summoned to join the others and the group moved with their cigars and drinks into the large library room, and the double doors were closed behind them. She confirmed that others in the private circle included the two highest-ranking men in the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson; oilmen and industrialists H. L. Hunt, George Brown, and R. L. Thornton; ousted (by JFK) CIA Director Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster, the former Secretary of State in the Eisenhower Administration; and John J. McCloy, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank. These were some of the most powerful men in the United States, and we find it of interest that at least two, McCloy and Allen Dulles, were laterhandpicked by LBJ to sit on the Warren Commission, in order to portray the fraudulent "investigation" conclusions to the American people.

Look at this quote from someone known simply as "the Colonel". "The Colonel" would always wince when reminded of the tap dance of "the only two adults in America" who couldn't remember where they were the day Kennedy was shot - George Bush and Richard Nixon. "I knew where both the lying !@#$%*&! were," he said with a beaming grin. "They were right there in Dallas with me. We were at Clint Murchinson's house at a party the night before the assassination."


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:34 am
by tom jeffers


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:59 am
by tom jeffers

Although he denies it, there is a growing body of evidence that George Bush was working for the CIA as early as 1961. Many feel he was actually recruited during his college days (which is when he joined the Skull and Bones Society, a front for the Illuminati). Bush claims to have been working for his own oil company during the early 1960's. It would make for a convenient front since he claims to have been off- shore on drilling rigs for weeks at a time. The rigs were located all over the world. Was he really on the rigs or was he running around on CIA business? The various biographies of Bush are all sketchy on this phase of his life.

During this time, Bush had moved to HOUSTON, Texas. His wife was, of course, BARBARA. His oil company was ZAPATA Off Shore Co. (which he named after a communist Mexican revolutionary who would invade towns and murder every man, woman and child. Bush also named an earlier oil company after Zapata, a questionable choice for a hero). The code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion was Operation ZAPATA! A former high-ranking Pentagon official, Col. Fletcher Prouty, was the man who secured two Navy ships for the operation. He has told of seeing the two ships repainted to non-Navy colors for the invasion. The ships were given the new names HOUSTON and BARBARA!

Of course, maybe the names were just coincidences, but Bush was living in Houston with Barbara and running Zapata in 1961 during the planning of the invasion. The name "Operation Zapata" was top secret and known only to a very few.

In 1977 and 1978, the government released nearly 100,000 pages of documents on the Kennedy assassination. One which slipped out by mistake was from the FBI to the State Department written a few days after the assassination. The State Department was worried that anti- Castro groups in Miami might stage another invasion of Cuba in the aftermath of the JFK murder. The FBI informed them that they had questioned both pro-Castro and anti-Castro groups and could find no information about such plans. The memo went on to state that the information was passed along to "George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" the day after the assassination.

Why was the information passed along to the CIA? Probably because of their previous invasion attempt and other planned attacks. Why George Bush? Probably because he was involved in previous invasion plans!

When the document first surfaced no one paid much attention to it. When the presidential campaigns began for the 1980 election then the name George Bush caught researchers' eyes. When asked about the memo, Bush denied working for the CIA at the time. As evidence built that it was indeed him, the CIA claimed it was a different George Bush although their policy had always been to neither confirm nor deny a person's employment. The other George Bush was tracked down by reporters and said that although he did work for the CIA at the time, he was never involved in that sort of work. The interesting point is that the CIA did not bother to contact the other George Bush and inform him that reporters might soon be calling. Other evidence surfaced that showed the George Bush mentioned in the document was actually George H. W. Bush and had the same address as the famous George Bush.

Another Bush connection involved George de Mohrenschildt, a rich Russian oil man who lived in Texas when Lee Harvey Oswald settled there after his trip to the Soviet Union. De Mohrenschildt was a long-time CIA agent and quite possibly served as a CIA control officer for Oswald. The Warren Commission described him and his wife as being the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the assassination. De Mohrenschildt's son-in-law told the Warren Commission that if any- one had helped with the assassination it was most likely de Mohren- schildt. De Mohrenschildt was also the man who moved Oswald to Dallas.

Shortly before the House Select Committee on Assassinations started meeting in the late 1970's a new doctor appeared in de Mohrenschildt's town. De Mohrenschildt started seeing him and quickly became mentally unstable. His wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor. The doctor then moved away and left a false forwarding address. The very day the Committee tried to contact de Mohrenschildt about testifying, he was found dead of a gun shot wound. His personal address book was found and it contained the entry "Bush, George H. W. (Poppy) 1412 W. Ohio also Zapata Petroleum Midland." Bush's full name is George Herbert Walker Bush which matches the initials given and his earlier oil company was named Zapata Petroleum Corp. Why was his name in de Mohrenschildt's book? Is "Poppy" his CIA code name?

It is known that in the early 1960's de Mohrenschildt made frequent trips to Houston, which was the location of Bush's home. He told friends he was visiting the Brown brothers, who were close friends and financial supporters of Lyndon Johnson. CIA documents reveal that during the planning phase of Operation Zapata, de Mohrenschildt made frequent trips to Mexico and Panama and gave reports to the CIA. His son-in-law told the Warren Commission that he believed de Mohren- schildt was spying for the planned Cuban invasion.

When Bush was picked to be director of the CIA in 1976, he testified to Congress that he had never worked for the CIA before. Of course, it did not make much sense to appoint a director who had no such back- ground but Congress approved him anyway. Now it would seem that Bush committed perjury in his congressional testimony.

George Bush was apparently high enough in the CIA to help plan the Bay of Pigs invasion. It would probably be safe to assume that he even named the operation and its two ships. Considering the hatred that the CIA felt toward Kennedy over their failed mission and Bush's involvement in that same mission, it would be quite interesting to know what Bush's feelings toward John F. Kennedy really were and what his full role in the assassination investigation was.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:29 am
by M.C.Newton
More on Zapata, and proof GHW Bush's CIA ties go back to at least 1953. ... +petroleum


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:12 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.06.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:To The Newer JFK Forum Members, and those who have not studied this Headline and Posts, Billy Boggs, M.C. Newton, Bob and Tom Jeffers came up with some very powerful information.Renewed Kudos to Billy Boggs, M.C.Newton, Bob and Tom Jeffers.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, study,thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.