Bugliosi on James Files

JFK Assassination
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Bugliosi on James Files

Post by dankbaar »

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Post by Bob »

I obviously disagree with Bugliosi's take on James Files. I don't understand Bugliosi. Usually he is pretty much on the money. No pun intended. I agree with him that is was despicable of the Supreme Court of the U.S. to interfere with the Presidential election of 2000 and award the election to Dumbya Bu$h, the ABSOLUTE WORST President in American history. He was also right about saying the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. But this opinion about the JFK assassination is just wrong. How can he say the RFK assassination is a conspiracy and the JFK assassination isn't? It just doesn't make sense with the tons of evidence available. Something ain't right. But guys have changed their way of thinking before regarding both the JFK and RFK assassinations. Money has a way of doing that.
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Post by dankbaar »

Bob, it's also full of hearsay and outright falsities. Do you see any?

Kind of peculiar that he only sought Dave Perry as a source, rather than the sources themselves.

That's like little red cap asking the wolf for directions

Not to say that Bugliosi would be little red cap in this comparison. He's a wolf too. It's actually one crook backing another.

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Post by dankbaar »

If Files is "well read" on the assassination, why did he make up the story that he met with Lee Harvey Oswald each day of the week before the assassination, when Lee was supposed to be at work in the Schoolbook depository, or the Sexton buliding as Lee called it?

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Post by Bob »

Good points Wim. I also wonder what Bugliosi would say about the LCAP significance to the assassination with members like Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie and Charles Rogers being key players that day. And what about the founder of the LCAP...D.H. Byrd...owning the TSBD on 11/22/63. The LCAP was a well known breeding ground for the CIA. Oh yeah, Byrd was also a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. It has been suspected that it was here that he met George de Mohrenschildt, David Atlee Phillips and George H. W. Bush. Just coincidences Vincent?
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Post by dankbaar »

The point is that Bugliosi takes everything we learned from the Warren Comission as fact. Ofcourse the Warren Commision conducted an open and honest investigation with no predetermined conclusion. Therefore "nutty" Files has the most persuasive story (what a compliment from Bugliosi!) but it can't be true, because Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone.

Likewise, all evidence for more than three shots and bullets is baloney, because the only evidence that is not a fairytale is the single bullet theory.

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Post by Bob »

That's why his whole argument is bogus. To believe the Warren Commission is comical. I think Bugliosi's bank account is much larger these days. And it ain't from his bullshit book. Allen Dulles hated JFK. So did Jerry Ford, who was J. Edgar Hoover's eyes and ears on the bullshit commission. Lately, the MSM is trying to paint a better picture about that commission. Remember when Poppy Bu$h brought it up at Jerry Ford's funeral? Let's see Ford pardoned Nixon for Watergate. Why did Watergate happen? Because Nixon was fearful that the Dems had the goods on him and others about the JFK assassination. Ford than succeeded Nixon. Ford's chief of staff was Dick Cheney. Donald Rumsfeld was his Secretary of Defense. Ironic, huh? Then, because the heat was becoming too intense during the HSCA hearings, Ford appointed Poppy Bu$h to be the head of the CIA. Why? Because Bu$h stopped all cooperation with the HSCA because all roads led to Poppy, Tricky Dick and Jerry. The people in power are using Bugliosi to make this bullshit argument because of his name. He, like others, has taken the 30 silver pieces.
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Post by dankbaar »

At the very outset of his remarks televised worldwide, the elder Bush revived evidence placing himself—the 39 year old future president and then Central Intelligence Agency member—at the door of the Texas Book Depository in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963 immediately after Kennedy's assassination, after which CIA agent George Bush Sr. received an FBI oral assassination briefing despite his past denials of agency affiliation, authenticated by a November 29, 1963 FBI memo signed by Director J. Edgar Hoover and obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.


In the third paragraph of his eulogy, the elder Bush spoke about former President Gerald R. Ford's role in the JFK murder probe while the slain President's brother Senator Ted Kennedy listened intently several rows behind Bush 41: "After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good."
Jody D. Sheffield
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Post by Jody D. Sheffield »

The FBI knows who met at the hotel...Files was one of them. They knew 3 days after they all met....go back and check the records...(painting bill) 3 rooms received new carpets and fresh paint 5 days after the shooting. Tax records is how you search it...it was used for a tax cut.

The FBI finger printed all 3 rooms and the next day all 3 rooms got new furniture, paint and carpets.

The owner's claim was under water damage(mold)
The super was angry because he was fired and he claimed (til the day he died or should I say killed) that no water damage ever took place and those rooms were in great condition. It was not his fault.

I will post more later....like the stripper who had the cops show up at the hotel after a figft in one of the rooms over who let her in. No charges or arrests were made but it did happen. She is dead by the way.
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Post by dankbaar »

Jody, that's a rather riddle post. I await to hear more.
