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JFK Assassination
frits arends
Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

No award

Post by frits arends »

After reading so many nonsens from a lot of people here, who think they
are a new kind of the great Jim Garrison,i must concluud that the case will never be solved.
The slapstick theorie of Hans christian anderson files never past the audition in many way,s

It contains more gaps and riddles than all the other conspiracy theories together
and archieved that in a record short period of time
Files would perfectly fit in the warren commision

WHO has seen files on the scene that day ??and tells no lies
simply NOBODY !!
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

Excuse me frits, I had no idea that we had a forum member that was so in tune with reality and had the ability to award prizes. If I knew I could have gotten a Pulitzer or Nobel prize with my posts, there would be many more. But please let me award to you the head in the sand award. Come on frits, you know it was a conspiracy. Files has many people like Zack Shelton in the FBI and Dan Marvin from Special Forces that believe him. I do as well. Yes, there are gray areas. But it is nowhere near as gray as some of the bullshit Poppy Bu$h or the Warren Commission have tried to sell. All I know, is that I will ALWAYS keep looking for more answers regarding the JFK assassination. The truth is out there. And I think Wim has helped solve a lot of it. But there is more. And we will find it. The United States and the world have been affected by the events in Dallas in November 1963. Recent history DEFINITELY proves that. Remember Eisenhower's words and warnings about the Military Industrial Complex. What family has been a war profiteering family for FOUR generations? Who runs the U.S. now? Who helped in the JFK conspiracy and had a lot to gain in the banking, oil and war profiteering business? Who supported Operation Northwoods? Wasn't 9/11 almost an exact blueprint of Operation Northwoods? The answer to those questions are clear to me.
frits arends
Posts: 29
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by frits arends »

you got me wrong,everybody knows that there was a conspiracy
but james files poetry has done no good for the verry little number of people who are still in doubt about that

it,s the POOREST alternatif out off them all
people who really can support confirm or whatever are dead the only thing that,s left are just of couple of dum crooks who are willing to say everything for publicity and money.

look at he way he is posted on the cover of the film
he,s an idiot and a poor acteur
there are no witneses at all
other theories at least had interesting common and scarry coinsidents
hofman bowers arnhold were really on the scene, and files story make those people and others to psycos and crooks.

Who do you believe a man like ed hofman who act,s naturel like a human being or perhaps a jailbird who act,s like a disney caracter .

bob franklin
Posts: 183
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by bob franklin »

Not to go all agent starling on you or anything there frits, but your anagram really is kinda showing. The most obvious anagram from your username is "fire strands" (flame threads). There are also others, of course. Any time I see very odd or first name only members of this forum (with notable exeptions) I get a little suspicious. I was wondering when you'd fully tip your hand. Took ya long enough!
bob franklin
Posts: 183
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by bob franklin »

'Nuther thing, the fact that Oswald was picking up spent casings tends to explain gunpowder residue in places where it shouldn't have been & why it was missing from places it should've been present. Until I found out about Files, I thought the residue on his hands was just a plant to make him look guilty Getting it from picking up spent shells honestly hadn't occurred to me. this explanation for the residue strengthens, rather than weakens the case for Files as the shooter. You'd get that if you had paid a little more attention than you did in your elementary school English classes. Spell check much? Sheesh You're even worse than me!
Posts: 999
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by dankbaar »

Folks, you can spare your energy on Frits.

I suspect that Frits Arends is not Frits Arends at all. The email-address he registered with is non-existent and returns failure messages. His posts come from 3 different IP addresses in The Netherlands.

I have blocked "Frits" untill he proves to me he is who he claims he is.
