What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

JFK Assassination
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What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq?

Post by dankbaar »

Can someone explain that to me in Bush terminology?

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Post by Bob »

All I know is that there is definitely irony between Cuba and Iraq. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched to make the American public get behind an attack on Cuba. The events of 9/11, which were virtually similar to Operation Northwoods, were an attempt to get the American public behind a war...in this case a war with Iraq.

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Post by Pennyworth »


BB..[Before Bush] The mob wanted casinos vegas style additions in Cuba..Fidel said no..Cia became involved in the controversy...the US was the aggressor against Fidel, not the other way around as the media at the time fed to the unknowing public ..

Iraq: Bush went after saddam and was credited by some for getting rid of him...but Bush&Co. also started looking for oil...and complete domination..in a territory rich with oil....

The U.S is/was the aggressor in both of these situations; Cuba was on the missile planted defensive which JFK averted ..Iraq is still fighting attacks

There are 2 or more sides to every debate however and I must add in all fairness that I have run into and talked to people from Iran (different women and men)...one person said that the country was so bad that she wished it would be blown up,
she added"Of course without the people involved."

Another women said that living in Iran was like everything the movie depicted "Not Without My Daughter." She said women had no rights, she was abused by her husband etc...
Two other women I have talked to think America is a haven compared to Iran and that Bush is "Good". I am just relaying this info, I am being objective....I am not siding with Bush....
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Post by dankbaar »

No, sorry, I mean today. What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq today? In other words: Why does Bush not invade Cuba? Or why did his dad not invade Pinochet's Chile?

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Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:No, sorry, I mean today. What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq today? In other words: Why does Bush not invade Cuba? Or why did his dad not invade Pinochet's Chile? Wim

Probably because there's nothing or not enough to steal..no oil..Chile was I believe Nazi territory at the time...so was Bush a bird of the feather....
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:No, sorry, I mean today. What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq today? In other words: Why does Bush not invade Cuba? Or why did his dad not invade Pinochet's Chile? WimProbably because there's nothing or not enough to steal..no oil..Chile was I believe Nazi territory at the time...so Bush was a bird of the feather.... But I bet you if they wanted to in this day of NWO they could
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Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:No, sorry, I mean today. What is the difference between Cuba and Iraq today? In other words: Why does Bush not invade Cuba? Or why did his dad not invade Pinochet's Chile? Wim The Mob had a confrontation with Castro about casino territory..Bush has no such bones of the sort to pick with Castro today I would guess..I haven't looked into it And besides Bush is too busy with the business in Iraq and Iran...

The U.S . isn't the total aggressor in this war..check out the suicide bombers
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

my opinion about iraq and cuba.

if cuba had not had russia as it's ally then we would have went in decades ago. too much time has past and fidel has built too many schools and fed too many people for us to invade now. besides his country is not strategically located near the oil.

iraq's problem was that we are now the only super power and sadam wasn't particularly well liked in the rest of the world, plus they got oil, end of story
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Post by Bob »

I agree. No oil. Again, big oil in the U.S. is going to control about 75% of the Iraqi oil when it's all said and done. The U.S. has built these super bases over there to protect the oil. That's why the U.S. plans to be there for quite awhile. That will also add to the profits of the war profiteers like Halliburton and Blackwater. With the Bu$hes, either Poppy or Dumbya, it's always about MONEY! Cuba doesn't offer near as much money potential. That's why the U.S. is so eager to start something with Iran. Bu$h & Cheney want to be there for a LONG, LONG time. $$$$$$$$$