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James scared?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:34 am
by Andre Murel
After november 63, over the years more and more
people were killed or had an "accident" who had something
to do with the assassination or knew something about it.

A lot of people around James were also killed or had an "accident".

My Q is, wasn't he afraid that something was going to happen
eventually to him?


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:36 am
by Ricky Clow
That's a good question, I was browsing the forum and saw this topic. Thinking about it you would kind of hope that he would be scared for his life, it's like if you shot the President I would be scared. I'm looking forward to the answer from the people who know Jimmy.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:27 am
I would think he has reason to be that way now.

I just checked, as of right now at this time, He's still in Stateville.
I'm not sure where he'd be safe at, any Ideas?

Parent Institution: Stateville Correctional Center
Inmate Status: IN CUSTODY
Discharge Reason:

Date of Birth: 01-24-1942
Weight: 186 lbs.
Hair: White
Sex: Male
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Race: White
Eyes: Brown


Custody Date: 04/27/1992
Projected Parole Date: 05/08/2016
Paroled Date: --
Tentative Discharge Date:
Discharge From Parole: 05/08/2019

CUSTODY DATE: 05/08/1991

CUSTODY DATE: 05/08/1991

CUSTODY DATE: 05/08/1991

CUSTODY DATE: 11/10/1981

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:19 am
by Pennyworth
The subject of Jame's Files reluctance to make a full confession has been brought up on a previous post ( I can't remember where.) The word came back that he is not scared, but his silence is a matter of 'Honor.'
Well someone should inform Files that there is no honor amongst thieves, liars and murderers. The people he is 'honoring' wouldn't miss a meal if he dropped dead, and can most likely kill him anyway, confession or not

In the matter of a possible demise or fear of being killed, I don't know why James Files thinks his life is more valuable than John F. Kennedy's was ....

Files would make a great contribution to American society if he would tell the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth and shame the devil.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:41 pm
by Bob
I would like Jimmy Files to say more as well, but I commend him for what he has already said. His information has allowed people like Wim to really examine and help solve the puzzle that is the JFK assassination. There are still pieces to the puzzle that need to be solved. But Jimmy has helped out in a huge way. Others like Chauncey Holt have helped as well. Dan Marvin is another that his shown his courage in telling the REAL truth. There are more answers out there. But we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are now without Jimmy Files.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:21 am
by tom jeffers
Jimmy isn't that concerned about his life being threatened. If you look at the conspiracy theorists as a whole, you will find that most do not believe his story and consider him to be a liar. That is not my opinion, that is theirs. because the mainstream theorists don't consider him credible, his story does not get passed around as being truth. as long as the powers that are consider him a no-threat then his life is safe.

Jimmy just did his job, that was it. On Nov 22, 1963 his job was to be a backup shooter, nothing more or less. he did what he was asked to do. guys like him don't take killing him it was "like taking out the trash" We look at everything through history's eyes. We can now see where the country has headed in the last 44 years and we can see what an impact the assassination had on this country as well as the world. back then, I am sure they just saw Kennedy as someone who renigned on his word on the bay of pigs. The outfit saw Kennedy as a spoiled rich ungrateful man that they helped get elected only to have Bobby's nose rooting around in their asses. In jimmy's world, you never betrayed your word, if you did, you were history. that is why Kennedy is now history, period. You don't screw with the outfit and get away with it, even if you are the president. I am sure the deals were made by Joe Kennedy but the boys were probably fully aware that they were obligated yet chose to ignore them.

In Jimmy's world, honor is everything and rule number one is you never squeal on anyone period. There are only 2 sides, the law, the outlaw. He would never give up one to the other nor cause anyone's family a problem.

If you don't like what Jimmy stands for then blame uncle sam. he makes and destroys men like Jimmy every day, and is still doing it. Uncle sam creates these killers for their own agendas, once in a while the tail bites the head. I find Jimmy to be a likeable man that shows remorse for his younger days. He is not living his life to answer our questions.

Reply to Mr. Pennyworth

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:14 pm
by Brian White
Hey Paul!

Despite your weird ramblings about Aleister Crowley and
the Beatles elsewhere, that was a pretty good post!

Two things I'd like to see Files clear up are:

The identity of Tippitt's killer, especially if he is now dead.

The role,if any,of Marshall Caifano in the assassination. Was he
a shooter, and where was he? No one has ever really explored this.
He's also deceased now, isn't he?

No need to bring the men's families into this- they're not responsible
for the men's actions, anyway.

Also, I'd still like to get a detailed description of Nicoletti's rifle, as I
posted elsewhere.It would have to come through Bruce Brychek,but
his silence has been deafening.He says he reads all the posts, doesn't

James Files is a sociopath,which is why can't be expected to show much
emotion about the murders he committed.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:16 pm
by dankbaar
tom jeffers wrote:Jimmy isn't that concerned about his life being threatened. If you look at the conspiracy theorists as a whole, you will find that most do not believe his story and consider him to be a liar. That is not my opinion, that is theirs. because the mainstream theorists don't consider him credible, his story does not get passed around as being truth. as long as the powers that are consider him a no-threat then his life is safe. Jimmy just did his job, that was it. On Nov 22, 1963 his job was to be a backup shooter, nothing more or less. he did what he was asked to do. guys like him don't take killing him it was "like taking out the trash" We look at everything through history's eyes. We can now see where the country has headed in the last 44 years and we can see what an impact the assassination had on this country as well as the world. back then, I am sure they just saw Kennedy as someone who renigned on his word on the bay of pigs. The outfit saw Kennedy as a spoiled rich ungrateful man that they helped get elected only to have Bobby's nose rooting around in their asses. In jimmy's world, you never betrayed your word, if you did, you were history. that is why Kennedy is now history, period. You don't screw with the outfit and get away with it, even if you are the president. I am sure the deals were made by Joe Kennedy but the boys were probably fully aware that they were obligated yet chose to ignore them.In Jimmy's world, honor is everything and rule number one is you never squeal on anyone period. There are only 2 sides, the law, the outlaw. He would never give up one to the other nor cause anyone's family a problem.If you don't like what Jimmy stands for then blame uncle sam. he makes and destroys men like Jimmy every day, and is still doing it. Uncle sam creates these killers for their own agendas, once in a while the tail bites the head. I find Jimmy to be a likeable man that shows remorse for his younger days. He is not living his life to answer our questions.

Well said, Tom.



Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:32 pm
by ChristophMessner
tom jeffers wrote: Jimmy isn't that concerned about his life being threatened. If you look at the conspiracy theorists as a whole, you will find that most do not believe his story and consider him to be a liar. That is not my opinion, that is theirs. because the mainstream theorists don't consider him credible, his story does not get passed around as being truth. as long as the powers that are consider him a no-threat then his life is safe. I guess that's true. But is there any possibility and means to make the "mainstream theorists" change their opinion? What's the biggest obstacle? tom jeffers wrote: Jimmy just did his job, that was it. On Nov 22, 1963 his job was to be a backup shooter, nothing more or less. he did what he was asked to do. guys like him don't take killing him it was "like taking out the trash" We look at everything through history's eyes. We can now see where the country has headed in the last 44 years and we can see what an impact the assassination had on this country as well as the world. back then, I am sure they just saw Kennedy as someone who renigned on his word on the bay of pigs. The outfit saw Kennedy as a spoiled rich ungrateful man that they helped get elected only to have Bobby's nose rooting around in their asses. In jimmy's world, you never betrayed your word, if you did, you were history. that is why Kennedy is now history, period. You don't screw with the outfit and get away with it, even if you are the president. I am sure the deals were made by Joe Kennedy but the boys were probably fully aware that they were obligated yet chose to ignore them.I guess that's all true. But didn't the fact, that Kennedy was the president, make a little of a difference for the Mob all the same, because shooting a president get's much more publicity and infliction with the secret services? tom jeffers wrote: In Jimmy's world, honor is everything and rule number one is you never squeal on anyone period. There are only 2 sides, the law, the outlaw. He would never give up one to the other nor cause anyone's family a problem.I think the same. Maybe one could add that the outlaws are on the bottom and the top of the pyramid of power. Does the pope for example subordinate to law and International Court? Honor? ... in the outlaw sector? ... yes! Loyalty, keeping one's word, keeping to the rules, ... and some lust for adventure and quick money. tom jeffers wrote: If you don't like what Jimmy stands for then blame uncle sam. he makes and destroys men like Jimmy every day, and is still doing it. Uncle sam creates these killers for their own agendas, once in a while the tail bites the head. Exactly! I think, if Jimmy's loyalty would not have been misused in Laos by the army for drug operations and senseless battles, he could have been a general! tom jeffers wrote: I find Jimmy to be a likeable man that shows remorse for his younger days.I think so, too. When listening to his confession, I was somehow happy that the world is not that black and white that Kennedy would be white and the killer of Kennedy would be black, but in truth the basic goodness of the killer's character can be so visible and the weaknesses of Kennedy's character as well. Kennedy's speeches and intentions set the right path politically, that was good and it is a tragedy for America that the Kennedy's were killed, but whether he really had a good character, I have my doubts. And with Files, probably if he would have had a father around and not this murder of his sister and the bad milieu, I am sure he would have developed splendidly without criminality, but all the same all this did not extinct his basic good character. Maybe his confession is more interesting in terms of psychology than because of solving the JFK-murder-case.tom jeffers wrote: He is not living his life to answer our questions.Yes, that's right. But maybe there shouldn't be this absolute border line between law and outlaw and with better questions we might come to better answers, still? BR, Christoph