Fires, Floods, Famine, etc.....

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Fires, Floods, Famine, etc.....

Post by Pennyworth »

And also earthquakes.....they are coming in astounding biblical prophecy order...or maybe the written scriptures are getting some help as to being fullfilled

Some one might ask ( and I'm not naming any names here )what this has to do with the JFK assassination

Lets look at it this way...we have global warming due to the pollution of the earth that is caused by oil companies and big corrupt business organization practices causing a domino effect on the environment everywhere. These corrupt practices, products of globalized politics are also in fact making more people billionaires and on the other hand more people homeless; becoming a phenomenon more prelevant than any time in american history....

After JFK was assassinated the US and world for that matter has been on a downhill spiral politically, economically for the majority and evironmentally for all due to and as a result of the corrupt evil powers that are in charge ...

Let's look at some recent natural? catastrophes...
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »
