Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

JFK Assassination
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Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

Post by RFKallTheWay »

I just heard about an online chat with the director of this new movie about the murder of Bobby Kennedy- RFK MUST DIE- here's the site I got it from-

And here's the page for the chat-

Could be interesting- so I thought I'd share with everyone. Its tonight at 7 PM CST.
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Post by Bob »

By chance, if you find a transcript from the chat I would love to see it, as unfortunately I couldn't make that chat. I definitely think the JFK and RFK assassinations were related. Speaking of chats, is there any chance we could have some on this site occasionally Wim?
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Transcript for RFK MUST DIE chat

Post by RFKallTheWay »

Just found the transcript this morning-

Hello Shane

18:02 ARRB Guy
Hi Shane!

18:04 ARRB Guy
Brilliant job Shane.

18:04 jasonbell13
Hi Shane!

18:05 ARRB Guy
Do you know where to get blueprints of the Ambassador hotel?

18:07 shaneosullivan
Evening, all. Thanks for turning up. I'm here in London at 1 a.m., happy to answer any questions on the case, the film, anything really.

18:07 guest54514
Hi Shane

18:07 shaneosullivan
Thanks, ARRB Guy. Hello, everyone. Are you receiving me? I'm new to this chat-room stuff

18:07 ARRB Guy
Loud and clear.

18:07 Paul
yeah this is working!!

18:08 Jeebz
Whoever set this up really knows what they're doing

18:08 lOvEr

18:08 ARRB Guy
Shane, you should be able to guess who I am.

18:09 shaneosullivan
Hi there, thanks. Well, the California State Archives have all the LAPD files. They have pretty detailed layouts of the pantry up there

18:09 ARRB Guy
But, the blueprints should be on file with a county clerk, or something, yes?

18:11 shaneosullivan
I'd have to check. They did a scale model for the trial, so the Archives are probably the best place to start. Sorry for my slow typing. BK by any chance?

18:11 ARRB Guy
Well, anyway, have you been in touch with your interviewees since the attempt to debink your findings

18:12 ARRB Guy
No, Joe Backes. I did a lot covering the ARRB here in the states.

18:12 ARRB Guy

18:13 shaneosullivan
Yes. Brad Ayers and Wayne Smith still stand by their Morales ID and Ed Lopez is still pretty sure it's Joannides. But I'm also in touch with the Morales children and they don't think it's their father, so...

18:14 shaneosullivan
Hi, Joe. Yes, I recognise your name from Lancer. Good to speak.

18:14 jasonbell13
Hey Shane, I just purchased the DVD, I can't wait to watch I am a huge fan

18:14 ARRB Guy
I've met them, and their word is as good as gold with me. That death certificate is troubling though, but it can be a fake, or for another man with same name.

18:15 ARRB Guy
I'd love to get together with you face to face someday. Damn shame we lost Phil Melanson, and now George Michael Evica.

18:16 shaneosullivan
Thanks, Jason, there's a lot to chew on in there. Hope you enjoy it. I agree, Joe. All three are top-drawer. The Campbell death cert has to be a different guy. He was much older than the man Brad knew and died the year before

18:17 ARRB Guy
I think I found info on Campbell in the 1910 and 1920 U.S. fed census, I put that info on the JFK Lancer forum, in the posting about this chat.

18:17 jasonbell13
Shane, I would like to know why RFK is a hero or yours?

18:17 ARRB Guy
Do you know if that's online somewhere?

18:18 ARRB Guy
BTW, email me at -----------------

18:20 ARRB Guy
Okay, someone else talk now. :)

18:21 jasonbell13
I would like to know why Robert Kennedy is a hero of Shane's??

18:21 shaneosullivan
Thanks for your email, Joe. I'll check the census info out. Jason, I didn't know much about RFK when I started this project but I think his charisma, humor, ideals. gentle nature but ruthless drive to do things right are all things I admire in him.

18:23 jasonbell13
Shane, that is a good answer all the things you said are exactly right, and he would have a been a great president

18:23 Debra JFK Lancer
Hi everyone

18:24 ARRB Guy
Hi Deb!

18:24 Hamburgler
Hello Deb

18:24 jasonbell13
Hi Deb

18:24 Debra JFK Lancer
Shane, Lynn Mangan tells me she has given you some recent info from the Sirhan court documents.

18:24 shaneosullivan
I also think he makes politicians now look pretty weak and manufactured in comparison. He really was a man of the people in 1968 and he wouldn't be told how to run the country, which must have been a scary prospect for those in power

18:25 guest497853
Have you had any other productions asides from RFK? Just curious...

18:26 shaneosullivan
Hi Debra, yes, Lynn has done tremendous research in this case and emailed me a lot of documents from her collection. She's made some critical discoveries.

18:28 Debra JFK Lancer
For those of you not familar with the Sirhan trial, I recommend reading Lynn's work on her CD and also Phil Melanson's book "shadow play." most people do not realize what a sham the trial was.

18:28 shaneosullivan
Well, I'm just completing a book on the RFK case, so I haven't had time for anything else this year but I also write and direct feature films, so I'm developing a few of those as well. I want to do another doc next year, too.

18:28 ARRB Guy
Has a new lawyer been appoined since Larry Teeter died? and if so, what's his name?

18:29 Debra JFK Lancer
Shane, one thing you have done, besides produce a beautifully done program with MPI, is to bring the idea of comspiracy back to the table with the RFK case.

18:30 Debra JFK Lancer
oops. That's 'conspiracy.'

18:30 shaneosullivan
I agree, Debra. I recently read the full trial transcript for the first time and it's astonishing how Sirhan's attorney Grant Cooper got away with such a poor defense. Shadow Play's a great book

18:31 Debra JFK Lancer
Lancer has the transcript scanned but I haven't had a chance to do anything with it yet.

18:31 Debra JFK Lancer
Joe, I can't think of the attorney right now. I'll have to look around for it.

18:32 ARRB Guy
Wow. Thanks Deb

18:32 shaneosullivan
William Pepper will be Sirhan's new attorney, Joe. He represented James Earl Ray for years in the King case and proved Ray's innocence with the support of the King family in a civil trial in 1999.

18:33 ARRB Guy
Any chance of an evidentiary hearing like what Dr. Pepper did with Ray?

18:33 Debra JFK Lancer
Shane, isn't it a court appointed one right now?

18:33 ARRB Guy
Now, you were reading my mind just then, weren't you?

18:33 jasonbell13
Shane, when will the book RFK Must Die be released??

18:35 shaneosullivan
I hope so. I'm sure that's what Pepper has in mind but it's still early days, he'll have to become better acquainted with the case first. As of now, Larry Teeter's Second Writ of Habeas Corpus is still pending.

18:35 Debra JFK Lancer
Shane, can you tell us some of the emotions you have had while researching? You know many people have come away with a real feeling of resentment of Sirhan that I feel colors their judgement.

18:37 shaneosullivan
The book will be released next May by Union Square Press, Jason. I hope to visit the US then and hopefully have some public meetings on the case

18:38 jasonbell13
Does the book cover other stuff that the DVD will not cover??

18:43 Debra JFK Lancer8
Goodnight all. I guess the chat is over? I'll be happy to keep this up on the forum.

18:45 ARRB Guy
Why is it over?

18:46 ARRB Guy
If it is, poo!

18:46 Hamburgler
I have yet to see this program but I have heard good things.

18:47 shaneosullivan
I'm still here. Hope my responses are getting through. Happy to keep things going

18:47 ARRB Guy
Hmm, I think Deb left, too bad.

18:48 ARRB Guy
her name went from red to orange, maybe she thought that meant it was over.

18:48 ARRB Guy
the font color I mean

18:48 Debra JFK Lancer8
Perhaps Shane's posts aren't getting through.

18:48 shaneosullivan
Thanks, Hamburgler. You can see the trailer and some clips from links at the website

18:49 shaneosullivan
Are my posts getting through?

18:49 jasonbell13
I see them fine,

18:49 Hamburgler
Everything seems to be working fine

18:49 ARRB Guy
Yes, I can see them

18:49 ARRB Guy
Are you back Deb?

18:50 Hamburgler
Deb? Are you having some problems?

18:50 shaneosullivan
Okay, good. Maybe Debra's not seeing them

18:50 Debra JFK Lancer8
Yes, I can see them now. Shane, could you answer my question above?

18:50 Hamburgler
Any chance this documentary is nominated for an Oscar?

18:51 jasonbell13
that would be great if it would get a oscar

18:51 Hamburgler
It was better than BOBBY

18:51 Hamburgler
from what i hear

18:52 Jeebz

18:52 jasonbell13
Bobby was a great film I have yet to see RFK MUST DIE I have ordered it from what I hear its great

18:53 Hamburgler
I saw Bobby, enjoyed it thoroughly

18:53 shaneosullivan
You need distribution in theaters to be considered for an Oscar, unfortunately but I'll be happy if it just helps reopen the case

18:53 Hamburgler
Just heard this was way more informative

18:53 ARRB Guy
Has Schwarze****** been approached about this case?

18:54 Hamburgler
The box art looks great as well. Was the design your idea Shane???

18:54 shaneosullivan
Bobby was great because a new generation now knows who RFK was and what he stood for. Now, we can start educating people about how he was killed...

18:54 Hamburgler
Right, he would have made a great leader

18:55 jasonbell13
He would have been a excellent President and would have beat Nixon

18:55 shaneosullivan
No approach to the Governor yet but pressure's best put on through the media first, I guess and the 40th anniversary's a good time to do that

18:57 ARRB Guy
Shane and Deb, put me in touch with Pepper, I want to help out.

18:57 Hamburgler
I have to go. Thanks for taking the time Shane. Can't wait to see the doc!

18:57 shaneosullivan
Thanks, Hamburgler, hats off to Dokument Films for the cover design. They did a great job. I agree RFK would have been a great President. Out of Vietnam in 1969, no Watergate. The mind boggles.

18:58 jasonbell13
With the 40th anniversary a lot of supporters have wanted RFK Jr. to make a presidential run in 2008. I think everyone knows Ethel would be totally agaisnt any of her sons running for that office

18:58 Hamburgler
Bye everybody!

18:58 shaneosullivan
Thanks, Hamburgler. Speak again.

18:59 Hamburgler
Take care Shane. Thanks again!

19:00 Debra JFK Lancer8
Sorry, everyone, but I've got to get the children to bed now. Thanks Shane. Maybe dokument films could put the transcript up somewhere?

19:00 ARRB Guy
Night, Deb. Thanks for everything you do.

19:00 jasonbell13
Night Deb thanks again

19:04 ARRB Guy
Shane, do you have like a top ten list of unanswered questions in the case? What should people do after they watch your DVD?

19:09 shaneosullivan
It's after 2 a.m. here, so I think I'll say goodnight. Thanks for coming, everybody. It was great talking to you and I hope we make great progress with this case next year

19:09 ARRB Guy

19:10 jasonbell13
It has been great talking to you Shane, and we will make great progess in the coming yet

19:10 ARRB Guy
Thanks Shane.
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Post by Bob »

Thanks, I appreciate it. "Now it's on to Chicago, and let's win there!" - RFK's last public words.
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Post by Bob »

I think Shane has uncovered some excellent pieces to the puzzle, especially connecting David Morales to the RFK assassination. In case you didn't know, Morales was in JM/Wave and reported to Ted Shackley. Shackley was David Atlee Phillips' (Maurice Bishop) boss at the CIA. Phillips was also Lee Harvey Oswald's controller. Morales was seen by witnesses on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository before the assassination. He also supposedly was the driver of the Rambler station wagon that left the TSBD shortly after the assassination and picked up Oswald according to Roger Craig. Anyway, I definitely believe the CIA was involved in both Kennedy assassinations. Here is part of my theory from a previous post...

The "Second Gun" by Ted Charach is an incredible movie that points the blame to the real RFK assassin...Eugene Thane Cesar. Cesar was the security guard that was directly behind RFK at the time of the shooting. A witness saw Cesar draw his gun and fire. The witness was a reporter who immediately reported this to the television station he worked for. Cesar also worked at Lockheed and had right wing leanings and voted for George Wallace in 1968. He was on record about hating the Kennedys. Yet this man was assigned as a security guard to "protect" RFK. Thomas Naguchi, the L.A. coroner said that all 3 wounds to RFK, including the fatal head shot came from behind and to the right of the Senator. That was precisely where Cesar was. The fatal head wound was fired from a distance of 1-3 inches away from Kennedy's head. Sirhan never got closer than 3-6 feet away from RFK and was also always in front of Kennedy. Cesar started firing as soon as the crowd was distracted by Sirhan firing his weapon. Even with all this, the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night. Speculation is that Cesar fired a .22 caliber handgun at RFK . Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting. Cesar suspiciously sold this weapon just months AFTER the assassination after lying to police and the FBI that he sold the weapon BEFORE the murder.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

There is no doubt that the Kennedy family would have been a dynasty had JFK and RFK had obtained lengthy terms as the leaders of our country, but their lives were cut short by such ruthless bastards.
I haven't tried to look for or found yet anything to suggest that brother Ted's career was ruined by the Chappequitek incident with a little help from some of the powers that be. People always seem to be mysteriously dying from single car accidents back then. Any thoughts of a conspiracy from any members?
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Post by Bob »

Here are a couple of posts I had about the subject of Ted Kennedy and Chappaquidick...

Please ponder this for a moment... In the Watergate tapes of March 13, 1973, between 12:42 and 2pm, John Dean made a cryptic half-comment about Ted Kennedy's involvement in the accident at Chappaquidick, saying, "If Kennedy knew the bear trap he was walking into--" What "bear trap" was Ted walking into? What did John Dean know, and when did he know it? Nixon was obsessed with the Kennedys. We all know he took part in the planning of JFK's assassination. That's pretty apparent. The same forces killed RFK as well, so he was in on that as well. Especially considering RFK would have been Nixon's Presidential opponent in 1968 and would have been the victor. Nixon knew that Teddy was his biggest threat in 1972. So what about the "bear trap"?

Plus this one...

Here is an interesting theory by a political prisoner regarding what may have happened at Chappaquiddick. I'm not saying I believe it, but the CIA is capable of anything as we all know. In the CIA files in the Don Bolles papers were the files on the framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Marry Joe Kopechne at Chappaquiddick by the CIA. In the CIA files that George Bush had removed from the CIA was Ted Kennedy's file. After the CIA had assassinated John F. Kennedy and framed Oswald for the assassination and after the CIA had assassinated Robert Kennedy and framed Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination they needed a way of stopping the last Kennedy brother from ever running for the presidency of the United States. They believed that if they killed him it would look like the CIA had assassinated all the brothers so the CIA decided to allow him to live and to discredit him to stop him from being reelected by framing him at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne. By doing this the CIA planned on stopping him from ever becoming president of the United States of America. The following is how the CIA framed Ted kennedy for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne at Chappaquiddick. Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne were getting ready to leave the party. The CIA had drugged one of the bottles that they were drinking from. I do not remember all the details but I do remember that the bottle had a drug put into it which would result in Ted Kennedy and Mary Joe Kopechne becoming unconscious after drinking from drinks poured from the bottle. I remember that just before they left they all drank a drink that had been poured from the bottle. I believe it was a toast. Ted Kennedy and the May Joe Kopechne left and started back with Ted driving. On the road on the way back were barricades and a detour sign that the CIA had put into place directing Ted down the road they needed him on to conduct their planed murder of Mary Joe. The CIA had positioned one car ahead of Ted's car and another car was behind him. As soon as Ted entered the detour the CIA moved the barricades to block off where he had turned down so no else could come down the road until after they had taken over Ted and his car. Ted was monitored the entire time by the CIA. Mary Joe had passed out from the drug and Ted was starting to pass out. The CIA car in front of Ted's car slowed down so they could use their car to stop Ted's car from crashing as Ted passed out. This worked fine and they were able to stop Ted's car. After they got the car stopped they took Mary Joe and placed her in the back seat and took Ted to the other car. Then two CIA operatives replaced Ted and Mary Joe with the man in the driver seat and a women operative replacing Mary Joe in the front seat. Then all three cars proceeded to the bridge and as they drove they called back by radio and the gave the orders in code to remove the barricades. The constable for that area was one of the CIA operatives in charge of the operation. I still see him on TV saying how Ted got away with murder. This constable was the person that set up the car to go off the bridge which resulted in the death of Mary Joe. He first prepared everything to make it look like Ted and her were having an affair and that was why they turned down that road. They were not having an affair. When they got to the bridge they set up the car to send it off the bridge with Mary Joe still in the car. The drug they had used was a special drug that would not show up in the autopsy report because she would never be tested for that drug. They had also planned on her stomach being full of water after the crash. After rigging the gas pedal and steering and sending the car off the bridge the car would not sink and floated nose down in the water and was starting to float away. They got a rope on the car and held it in place and one of them had to swim out to the car and open the door to get it to sink It took the CIA 20 to 30 minutes to make the car sink where they needed it to rest on the bottom. They then prepared Ted Kennedy for the water. They put a injury on him but I do not remember in detail what the injury was but it was to make it look like that he was in the crash and was driving the car that killed Mary Joe. They then took Ted Kennedy's body out into the water on the side of the bridge and propped him up with one of the CIA operatives holding him from behind. Another CIA agent then injected him in the neck with the antidote to the drug they had used on him. Ted Kennedy then slowly showed signs of recovering. The antidote was mixed with another drug to make Ted Kennedy confused and disorientated. They then got out of the water and watched to make sure Ted didn't drown before he recovered enough to get out of the water. Ted Kennedy stumbled out of the water and tried to figure out what had happened. He finally figured out that the car was under water in the pond and he had no ideal of what happened. It took him some time to recover enough to leave to search for help and he was still badly disorientated from the drugs they used on him. He was not drunk and had only had one or two drinks and Mary Joe had only one drink and if I remember correctly she did not drink all of it. The CIA monitored and filmed all of this. As soon as Ted Kennedy left to try to find help the CIA moved in and cleaned up all the evidence to make sure it looked like an accident. The next events are all history. They asked Ted Kennedy what happened and he replied that he did not know and that Mary Joe must of been driving the car. He didn't know because he was not driving and was unconscious. The press and others then attacked him and set it up to make it look like he was lying to get out of the death of Mary Joe. At that time Ted Kennedy was forced to take full responsibility with him not having any memory of the accident. The papers and others then printed stories of how she was pregnant which she wasn't and of how Ted was drunk which he wasn't and of how the Kennedy's were buying their way out of what had happened which they weren't. The investigation into the crash was not real it was only the framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne. The CIA assumed that by framing Ted Kennedy that they had assured that Ted Kennedy would no longer be electable and that they could force him out of the public eye and out of their hair. To the amazement of the CIA it did not work and Ted was repeatedly reelected to public office.
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Post by RFKallTheWay »

Wow-- this is incredibly interesting! Thanks for posting! Everyday gets a little more frustrating seeing the amount of evidence that is out there for a case that will never fully get solved.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Wednesday09.18.20191:26 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.27.2007 RFKallThe Way Posted this Interesting Headline and Supporting material that I rememberedreading while I am currently also Advancing My Own Work Product on RFK and Sirhan Sirhan.An Extremely Fact Filled Discussion developed with many facts and references.09.18.2019 - Fast forward approximately twelve (12) years from the above Discussion.What are your ideas, theories, and understanding of the facts today ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

Post by kenmurray »

Shane O'Sullivan web site:http://www.rfkmustdie.comRFK Must Die Documentary: