Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

JFK Assassination
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Re: Live Chat with RFK MUST DIE director Shane O'Sullivan

Post by bobspez »

From the wiki article on Coroner Thomas Naguchi:"His autopsy of Kennedy concluded that the fatal shot was fired into the back of Kennedy's head, behind the right ear, from an upward angle, and from a distance of no more than 0.5 to 3 inches (15–75 mm) away. Such a finding has given rise to conspiracy theories regarding the assassination, as no witnesses reported seeing the convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, any closer to Kennedy than 1 meter away and in a position to fire such a shot. Noguchi himself points out in his memoir Coroner that he has never officially ruled that Sirhan fired the fatal shot."It seems this finding would be evience of a conspiracy regardless of anything else pointing in that direction, but official sources never pursued it. Like in the other assassination cases, and the cases involving Ted Kennedy and JFK, Jr., the official conclusions were all worked out before the incidents ever happened.