Harrelson claims to bit the bullet, I thought Files did.

JFK Assassination
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Harrelson claims to bit the bullet, I thought Files did.

Post by PHIL »

I thought Files claimed to do that.

This from a poster on the death penalty boards:

1 st post: Charles Harrelson, father of "Woody" Harrelson, also confessed to being the shooter on the grassy knoll - and proved it; but nobody gave a s**t. He was a professional hit man whose specialty was long range sniping with a rifle. After the JFk assassination, he shot and killed Federal Judge Wood, here in San Antonio; and died serving LWOP in a Federal prison. (LWOP is Life without Parole)

He always left his "calling card" - the empty cartridge he'd just fired, into which he'd clamped his teeth. His tooth marks unmistakenly identified him. So he did here in San Antonio, and so he did in Dallas - but that story, of course, would have interfered with the "official" fabricated version.

2nd post:

Not well publicized

It kind of interferes with the "official" version by the Warren commission.

They DID, however, recover an empty cartridge case from the knoll, and it had "fang marks" on it where someone had left the imprint of his teeth.

Harrelson's customary "calling card", to prove he'd earned his money.
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Post by dankbaar »

A baloney story. Sorry.

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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Pennyworth »

maybe they both bit the bullet