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Where would we be today if it wasn't for "those people&

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:55 am
by Mike Bruni
I often wonder what the state of the world would be now if JFK had somehow avoided his enemies. Is it possible that we would have gone to war with the Russians because we had a president with balz? Would there have been some semblance of peace in the mid-east because we had a president with brains? (We all wish we knew where that was now, huh) Would our middle and lower classes be much better off because we had a president who actually cared about his people?

Or would the contingent of powerful, behind the scenes SoBs have just been to much?

I often wonder.....


edit..small typo

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:09 pm
by Bob
I've wondered the same thing. There wouldn't have been a Vietnam war. There would have been a big change regarding the Federal Reserve. There would have been no tax loopholes for Big oil. The CIA would have drastically been changed. But those are reasons why JFK was killed. I also know that if Dumbya Bu$h was President at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, we would all be extinct for the most part. He would have started a nuclear war. As I said before, the man is an imbecile. He lives in a bubble. A bunker. He is surrounded by YES men. He believes the Nazi doctrines of his family's history. That's why there is no habeus corpus. That's why there is torture. That's why there is illegal wiretapping. That's why the U.S.A. invades sovereign nations. For war profiteering and oil. Here is an earlier post of mine that sort of explains what this site and forum can do...

Anybody that has visited this site for a couple of years knows that some will NEVER be convinced of the REAL truth. Some come with open eyes and ears and try and learn. Some come with an agenda and soon enough that will come out in a post. No matter. I have studied the JFK assassination for over 30 years. I have read a LOT of theories. But there is no doubt that this web site has the best information regarding the assassination of any out there. You don't have to believe anything, but study everything you can on this site. One of the areas on this site this interests me is the Bu$h factor. It is pretty obvious if you have ever read some of my posts. I was pretty oblivious to this factor for most of my adult life. But since I have researched the family history of the Bu$hes, I believe Wim has uncovered a huge factor in this assassination. The main stream media will NEVER touch this subject. There are too worried about money, just like the Bu$hes. Remember, Prescott Bu$h help found CBS. He was a man that had the world by the balls in the 1950's. He was a Senator that was rich because the media refused to mention that he made most of his fortune by investing in and profiting from the Hitler war machine in WWII. He was very tight with the director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and he also know John Foster Dulles, who would be Eisenhower's Secretary of State. Bu$h also developed proteges, like Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Bu$h also convinced Eisenhower to run for the Presidency and to add Nixon to the ticket. Through all of these times, Bu$h made tons of money on Wall Street, where he got his start in business. Bu$h and his son George H.W. (Poppy) Bu$h also invested in the world of oil, while at the same time Poppy used it as a cover while he was in the CIA. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a threat to ALL of that when he was elected President. Wim tells that story in the George H.W. Bu$h section of this site. When the events of today keep getting bleaker, think about George W. Bu$h, and WHERE he came from. He comes from a family that now has FOUR generations of war profiteering. Who are the winners in the Iraq war? It certainly isn't the U.S. soldiers that die needlessly everyday. Or the countless number of Iraqis that have died. But the war profiteers are clear winners. And that is why Dumbya Bu$h doesn't want this war to stop. Here is some history on the Bu$h family legacy... ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2 The war in Iraq was based on lies. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. LIE!!! Saddam was connected to Al Quada and 9/11. LIE!!! Iraq was a looming threat of causing a "mushroom cloud". LIE!!! But the real reason there was a war in Iraq was 9/11. The Ameican public was TERRIFIED of another attack. Just like Germany in 1933. How did Hitler gain power in Germany? Because of the Reichstag fire. Read about it. ... /burns.htm Also PLEASE read about Operation Northwoods. 9/11 was like a page that was taken from Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched in the early 60's that Prescott Bu$h and Poppy Bu$h endorsed with many other neocons. Dumbya Bu$h made it happen for real. Some of us know that already. Others will eventually know the truth, just like we will eventually solve the JFK assassination. This web site proves that!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:05 pm
by Bob
It looks like Dumbya & Cheney were trying to lie their way into a war with Iran, based on the NIE's report on Iran having stopped it's nukes program in 2003. Wasn't it last month when Dumbya brought up WWIII and Iran in the same sentence. These treasnous bastards were trying to do the same thing with Iran, that they did in Iraq. Why? War profiteering and oil. A conflict with Iran will cause the U.S. to stay in the Middle East for decades. As it is, the U.S. is building SUPER bases in Iraq. Why? Because Bu$h wants us to stay there for a LONG, LONG time. To protect the oil that will be given to Exxon and the boys. 75% of the oil will go to big oil. And poor Exxon only recently had a $40 BILLION dollar profit in a QUARTER!!! Finally, I also believe that Dumbya Bu$h is the most deranged world leader since Hitler. Ironic, since granddaddy Prescott, invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. Dumbya wants Armageddon. He doesn't care about how many bodies are put in the ground. He just doesn't give a shit. He cares more about his Scottish terrier. Just like Hitler cared more about his German shepard than the millions he killed. Hitler ended up in a bunker. He stopped listening to his Generals and kept firing them if they disagreed with him. Sound familiar?