What does the world think of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
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What does the world think of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

I know that we have a large number of non-Americans in this forum. I would like your opinion, and those of you that are American. Anybody that has ever seen my posts, know how I feel about our current President and his family. I feel that on 11/22/1963 our country was taken over by forces that are still in power today. The JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations are all related in my opinion. I think 9/11 was concocted by the same forces that wanted Operation Northwoods to take place. Bottom line, I would like your opinions about how you feel about the current leadership in the U.S.A. I would hope you feel just like I do about all the lies, corruption, war profiteering, torture, loss of rights, etc. I would also think that the U.S. reputation in the world has never been any lower. The world knows that Bu$h lied to the U.S. and the world about the war in Iraq. The world NOW knows that he tried to do the same thing with Iran. Keith Olbermann says it best...

http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/12/0 ... president/

Anyway, I would like to know your thoughts.
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

i agree 100% with you Bob. I have learned a lot since becoming a member here and feel like my eyes have been opened on many topics even outside the JFK assasination. Knowing its all linked together is pretty scary.

Id also like to recomend a documentary called "The Corporation" for anyone who hasnt already seen it. There is also one on the Bush's and their relationships witht he Saudi's thats really good and shows a lot of links that are very important to know and understand. I cant think of the name of it right now but Ill look it up and post it.

Thanks for all of your work Bob. You always post very interesting and importing things.

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Post by dankbaar »

Great country, fine people, horrible leadership, breaking it down.

In short, my opinion is the same as most Americans.

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Post by Pennyworth »

IMHO, the states aren't united in unity and democracy has been replaced by tyranny, and if the conspiracy political agenda gets any worse North America is going to be resembling Central America (shades of Juarez and Columbia )

In fact, the big oil and money men running this country are also in conspiracy running parts of latin america into the ground also ....
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Re: Barbarianism of the rise, civilization on the wane.....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:http://100777.com/nwo

who's who and to whom they sold their souls....

bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

The U.S. has pretty much, in my opinion, become the Fourth Reich. What makes it truly scary is our military technology & strength. I don't see a coalition or alliance in the world capable of correcting the situation. The youth of this nation (at least the ones with whom I work) seem utterly oblivious to their own peril, and a not small portion of them actually sign on with whats being done in our name.As to that name it is destroyed in the eyes of the world, with little chance of repair. I see a second civil war in the near future, waged against a regime that won't hesitate in the slightest to put down an uprising with bio-weapons, chemical agents, or low yield tactical nukes. Unless there's one hell of a fifth column among & across the military ranks, well, you get the idea. Overall, my opinion of my country and countrymen is not stellar.
Peter Bastin
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Post by Peter Bastin »

In my opinion (a guy from The Netherlands / Europe having visited your country several times) I think that we still respect the way the allied forces (with a great loss from USA side) liberated Europe from the third reich = nazism. However, now that I am studying for several years the JFK, RFK, MLK, murder of JFK jr etc.., I still wonder how it is possible that the people in your nation can be lied upon for so many years by your bad leaders and their forces of evil. Manipulating evidence etc. The role in these cases of LBJ, Dulles, Warren, Bush (2x) JEH and dozens and dozens more makes me come to the question in this issue: How much longer does your people accept to be lied upon ? There should be forces in your nation that are able to bring the truth to the surface in all these issues. For the prosperity of truth...

It is like the sentence on this website: "If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."

Because of this bad leadership I think USA is more and more loosing its credibility in relation with the rest of the world.

One good example ? OK here it is: Why does Bush force peace in the Israeli/Palestinian confict , and have a result by the end of 2008? The man wants a Nobel Peace prize so bad before the end of his bad presidency and wants to be remembered that way.
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Post by Bob »

I want to thank everyone who has responded thus far. In terms of Dumbya Bu$h getting a Nobel Peace Prize, that might drive me over the edge. Certainly anyone who has started one war based on lies, and has tried to start another based on lies is definitely NOT worthy. Plus, he comes from a family that has had FOUR generations of war profiteering and treason. Giving the Nobel Peace Prize to Dumbya Bu$h is like giving the best actor Oscar to someone like Steven Seagal, with people like Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman losing out. I'm sure Bu$h wants the Nobel, especially since Al Gore has one, along with an Oscar. Gore was also elected President of the United States in 2000, but thanks to the Supreme Court, with buddies like Scalia and Thomas beholden to Poppy Bu$h, that election was overturned. Scalia, by the way, had TWO sons working for the Bu$h legal team, while Thomas' wife was on the Bu$h transition team. Both justices should have RECUSED themslves from this case. But instead, we have had seven years of misery, corruption, lies, war and treason.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I posted on this topic a few months ago in detail. As I have studied our condition for about 30 years off and on, I have grown in my beliefs in such that if I were to approach myself 20 years ago with my present beliefs, I would have thought that I am a crackpot as I believe today. The jfk assassination is but a tip of the iceberg. Right now our government (as they have been the last 50 years) is stockpiling underground cities with food, equipment and mega computers, the kind that make our pc's seem no greater than a calculator. They fully expect some kind of world event that will destroy the majority of our citizens.

The hidden elite will go underground and rule from there until things calm down up here. It is well known that there have been various attempts at introducing viruses into the world since the 60's to control population. Unfortunately for them, the human body has adapted and has found a way to survive those terrible plagues. The elite has watched us for years getting addicted to drugs that they produce and import in our countries that help fund their clandestine operations. They have created a whole new class of criminals through the drug business. They have created the central bank in the us that prints money and implemented an income tax system that essentially redistributes middle class wealth to the hidden bankers that run the federal reserve.

It is amusing to look back at history and wonder how we could have elected those corrupt people to rule us, yet we fail to look right under our noses at the most evil corrupt politicians that money could buy right now being elected to office. When you vote next year, it won't matter whether you pick democrat or republican becuse whoever stands before you will represent the elite money men in our world. The others will be squashed before they can make a mark of a difference.