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Current WH Press Sec. never heard of Cuban Missile Crisis

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:09 pm
by Bob
This is really unbelievable... ... 76062.html

I posted a few comments about this under the story. But it's truly unbelievable. I mean the world almost had WWIII and nuclear war and Dana Perino, who speaks for the Bu$h White House, never heard of it. It says a lot about the man "in charge" doesn't it? I think the reason she doesn't know about it is because JFK negotiated a peaceful solution. If Dumbya was President then, he surely would have listened to the neocons and started WWIII and nuclear war. I mean that's what Prescott Bu$h and Poppy Bu$h wanted at the time. Remember they also endorsed Operation Northwoods during that same time period. Once again, the Bu$h White House continues out do itself in terms of stupidity.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:52 am
by Ricky Clow
That's pathetic.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:56 pm
by bob franklin
I'm not even sure how to respond to that. Perhaps she slept wrong on her neck and her head went to sleep. Hope she doesn't panic when the pins & needles set in! I remember covering that in what, fifth or sixth grade? How can this even be?

Re:Dana Perino

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:22 pm
by Brian White
It's sad, but not really surprising. People of
her generation are ignoramuses about history-
just the way the American educational system
wants it. Stick your head back up your ass, folks,
"American Idol" is coming on!