"My God, I'm Hit!" -- After 44 years A Major Break

JFK Assassination
Brian Anderson
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"My God, I'm Hit!" -- After 44 years A Major Break

Post by Brian Anderson »

On December 4, 2007, Brian David Andersen was suppose to be a guest on the Investigative Journal -- a daily Internet radio program that airs at 7:00 pm EST USA. Andersen was in for a surprise as the entire program was devoted to his talking and taking phone calls about his new book titled

"My God, I'm Hit!"

Investigating the Kennedy
Incident on Elm Street
From the Diagonal


You can listen to the Investigative Journal segment for free with no commercials at



For 44 years researches have investigated the pieces of the Kennedy jigsaw puzzle related to the incident on Elm Street from the straight, standard and narrow perspective that a murder by gunfire took place. However, the pieces of the murder by gunfire approach cannot (and will never) fit together as the completed puzzle/solid unit that would enable readers to form logical conclusions and answer endless questions that surface with each.

Brian David Andersen is the first investigator to successfully assemble a majority of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle related to Kennedy incident on Elm Street so that individuals can formulate his/her own logical but very astounding conclusions and answers. The first portion of the text is written by Andersen. The second portion of the book includes the fascinating testimonies of the key participants -- Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman, Dr. Charles Baxter M.D. and Abraham Zapruder to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Warren Commission. Andersen's evidence and the key testimonies included in the 340 page hardbound and softbound book feature numerous illustrations and photographs. Andersen's book provides the proper pieces of the jigsaw puzzle so readers have the components, information and awareness to make logical conclusions and formulate sensible answers.

The author places the reader in the position of a juror as he assembles and presents the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle from the diagonal rather than from the straight, standard and narrow perspective. The author requests the juror, you the reader, to sustain or revoke the death certificate (of John Fitzgerald Kennedy) after he presents the compelling and indisputable evidence in the “lawsuit”/book. At places the author / Plaintiff expresses his discoveries, opinions and conclusions with light humor and other places he pounds the reader with unambiguous, harsh and numbing realities.

The Rosetta Stone of the Kennedy incident on Elm Street is the diary of eye-witness June Dishong. Her simple, heart-felt, shocking and honest words will rock the reader's world to the very core.

Although he did not know it at that time, Andersen began gathering his peripheral and hardcore evidence at age 11 during the shocking afternoon of November 22, 1963. “My God, I'm Hit!” is based upon the 44 year Odyssey of Brian David Andersen who spent his childhood and teenage years in the suburb of Dallas called Irving. The book details how he was inadvertently and purposely exposed to hidden evidence and aspects of the Kennedy incident on Elm Street from various sources.

Andersen did not seek-out but was informed in detail how the body that rolled into the emergency room really died due to his being a neighbor and an employee of a Parkland Hospital attending surgeon. Andersen relates how and why the medical doctor emphatically, shockingly and forcefully halted all life saving procedures on the near lifeless body that was removed from the Kennedy Presidential limousine. This revelation was one of countless off-the-wall and unexpected exposures and experiences for Andersen over the past 44 years.

In conclusion the thrust of "My God, I'm Hit!" is summarized by a quote from the book:

“Whether you like it or not here comes the loaded, hard and heavy paradigm shift train so either hop on for a wild new ride or get run over while your heart and head remain buried underneath the rails.”

Website: http://mygodimhit.com
email buy@mygodimhit.com
phone (619) 884-1455
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Post by dankbaar »

Did June Dishoung actually hear the President say "My God I'm hit" ?

tom jeffers
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from her diary

Post by tom jeffers »

"The morning is long - its
only 9 AM. I look out
the front window of the building
I work in and think - there’s not
many people on the street but
its early for them to start
gathering - looks like it will clear
off. hope the sun comes out
for the motorcade. I wonder
what time they will be by here.

At 10 AM - coffee break. I learned
that the Presidents party was
due at this end of town around
noon. Although I hadn’t considered
going down stairs to watch
for them I began to get excited
about the thought of seeing the

President and his wife and
mulled over the thought of going down stairs.
Another trip to the front
window. The sun is out and
it’s a beautiful day - how nice.

11:45 the excitement is building.
Word came from the front office
the(that) the President KENNEDY plane has landed
but he is delayed shaking
hands with people.

12:00 He is late getting downtown.
We have time to eat lunch
and get out in front.

12:15 Better put on my jacket
it might be chilly although
the sun is shining bright.
We go down the elevator at the
back of the building and across
the corner

down the side walk in
front of the Texas book
depository and about 30
feet beyond the corner.
The sun is warm. I’ll take
off my jacket we might have
quite a wait for the president’s car.
I look back up the mall.
The grass is green and the
shrubbery is orange
and brown foliage and is
beautiful in the bright sun-
shine. I hear the sounds
up around the corner. The
people are leaning out the
windows and I can see
a large group on the
roof that hang out from

the Court house. Around the
corner come 4 motor cycle police
men with their white helmets and
gunning their motors as they move
along slowly. A car full of
men a short distance behind
them. Still no car with Jack + Jackey.

Suddenly the crowd begins
to respond and we can see
people in the windows at the
court house waving and shouting.
4 more motor cycle policemen
and here come the president
and his wife -
No hat on his head. His
arm in the air waving and
that great big smile of his.
Jackie beside him her arm
raised in greeting to all of us

A pink suit. Pill box hat
to match. Black hair
just as we had seen
them so many times on
T.V. - it was beautiful.

He drops his arm as they
go by - possibly 20 feet.
Suddenly - a sound.
Gun shots? So hard to tell above
the clamor of the crowd.

The President bent forward into
his wife’s lap as his arm
slipped off the side of the
car. Jackey circled him with
her arm. Another shot.
Panic among the people.
Woman with children. Parents
pushing them to the ground.
No one knows where the shots
are coming from.

(page 7)

A cry. The President has
been shot.

A third shot. People

I can’t believe what I have
seen. The picture of the
man falling forward.

I cover my face to blot out the
picture, but that I can’t do.
I must get away from that
horrible picture. I turn and
run back to our building
up 3 flights of stairs. Already
the word has preceeded us.
What has happened. Someone
says someone has been shot.
The President --no no.
Dear God no. Where is he
How bad. Who did it.
I think I’m going to be sick.

All I can see is that form
crumbling forward. I can’t shut
out the picture. I can’t think.
Only a cry inside myself. It
can’t be so. May be he was
just getting out of the way.
We turned on radios. It
was true. He had been shot once or
twice. No one knows. We know we
heard 3 shots.

Police cars. FBI men.
The street seething with them.
Riot guns.
The building across the street.
They’ve found the gun. Shells. 6 floor
front window
If any one of us had looked
up when we were looking out
possibly we would have seen this

No one even thinks of working.
Just milling around.

People crying. Praying

At last, word he is dead.

I must go home where
I can shut my doors and draw
the blinds. This horrible thing
has happened to this man.
The symbol of our country and
all we believe in, in this city
that I am a part of. Among
people that are gentle and kind
and deeply aware of God
and the bible. I fight this
feeling. I must get as far
away as possible because
miles won’t take away the
tragedy of this day and no
matter how bright the sun is it
will be forever a dark day

At home. Trying to think.
Turn on T.V. Everyone in a
turmoil. Word from the hospital
of his last moments and Jackie.
People gathered around the building
crying. Dazed. Unable to
accept the fact"

I bought the ebook yesterday for $15. i have not had a chance to read it yet. i hate to use the word "kook" but his theory sounds a little "kooky" to me. he says that jfk was a different man after his dad had a stroke and he was told by the powers that be (MIC?) that his path was not going to be allowed and he could either stay on as president and get killed or be apart of of a staged assassination. supposedly, jfk chose the latter. he says that there was a pyrotechnic device on kennedy's head that simulated a gunshot wound to the head and that there was a body switch on the way to the hospital. (from the trunk) he says that tippet was killed because his looked like jfk and his body was used in the autopsy. he says that jfk then went to the soviet union (some province that he named on the radio) and lived out his life.

is it ok to use the word "kook"here?

I have seen a lot of theories but this one takes the cake. this man lived a few blocks from where oswald was liing on the day of the assassination and has had close ties to many of the witnesses. i bought the ebook because I think there might be some good information in the pages but I have no idea where he got this theory from. guess I will find out.
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Post by dankbaar »

is it ok to use the word "kook" here?


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Re: from her diary

Post by Bob »

he says that jfk then went to the soviet union (some province that he named on the radio) and lived out his life.

JFK in the Soviet Union? Wasn't it KGB?

Somebody has been eating some cocoa puffs.

Seriously, I don't give this theory much credence. But I have heard about the switching Tippit's body for JFK's body though.


Note one of the lines on this site...

"The killing of Officer Tippit is the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination"

Sound familiar?
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Post by dankbaar »

"The killing of Officer Tippit is the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination"Sound familiar?

Yes, but for another reason

Brian White
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Re: Brian Andersen

Post by Brian White »

I heard this guy on a radio interview. He's either psychotic
or a disinformationist.He claims that JFK was ordered by the
Vatican/Jesuits to fake his own murder, that he wore a
"pyrotechnic device" (squib?) in his hair to fake a bullet
strike, that he crawled into a secret compartment in the
car while it was in shadow under the railroad bridge- and,
oh yeah, he was actually shot in the shoulder just to
show him the Vatican really meant business!!

Need I say more?

He didn't discuss WHY in God's name the Vatican would
want to murder a Catholic president.I'd think they'd want
him in office to do their bidding,wouldn't you?

How was JFK able to swiftly climb into a secret compartment
after having sustained a gunshot wound only seconds earlier?

Whose body arrived at Parkland? Couldn't have been Tippitt-
he wasn't killed for another 45 minutes-remember?

How long did JFK wait around to be treated for the gunshot
wound in his shoulder? He couldn't have climbed out of the
car in plain sight at Parkland-would've given the whole show
away! Maybe there was a medic hiding in there with him!

I'm sure the book has perfectly reasonable answers.

The sad part is, there may be people who will seriously
entertain this CRAP.

The boys at Langley must be laughing their asses off!
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

i just finish this book......whew between all the doubles I sort of got confused. you see first there was a double for kennedy in the trunk that switched places with him after the shots on the way to parkland. Jackie was drugged and went along because john john was really aristotle onasis's illegitimate son and she knew what was good for her. Then there was the tippit double that got killed by the oswald double while the real tippit was on his way to the hospital to be used for the jfk autopcy. Then there was an oswald double that got shot by ruby. he never says what happened to the real oswald only that the shooting was staged and ruby did shoot him with blanks. jfk was flown out of the country and stayed at the same palace that the czar of russia stayed in (nicholas) after he faked his assasination back in early 1900's. (anastasia's father) After jfk died in the 70's, his body was put back in the tomb in order for it to be exhumed in the 80's. same thing with oswald.

I can honestly say i am embarrassed that i bought the book.
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Post by Bob »

Still, THANKS for the book review Tom!
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
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Post by tom jeffers »

i wish my double was the one who bought the book and paid for it with his money.