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If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:25 am
by Kevin Fisher
.... why didn't he claim responsibility for the shooting?

For someone who was out to make a name for himself, as some have suggested, what was there to hide? Why would he want to risk having someone else getting accused of the shooting, thereby stealing his thunder?

I read a while back that someone suggested that, when Oswald was paraded out in front of the media, he acted proud of what he had done.

Well, if that was the case, he would have basked in taking credit for it.

But he always denied it........

And that was perhaps because he didn't do it?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:40 am
by Fabio
With all respect, I think the discussion isn't anymore did Oswald act alone... There is way too much evidence that there was a conspiracy. So please stop making topics about the lone nut theory, cause that theory is as probable as aliens shooting from a UFO.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:00 pm
by R Croxford
Please don't slam someome for making a post. Are you the Admin?
Did i miss something? Good remark bro I always said the same thing.
I'm a patsy does not match the viva la Cuba crap they try to portray.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:40 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members:03.30.2006 - Kevin Fisher Posted this Headline about: If Oswald was working alone, then why didn't he claim responsibility for the shooting ?I have always been fascinated by this point, Lee's body language, and allegation that he was a patsy, which I totally believe. Also, after being beaten, abused, and threatened any body language that is perceived as an admission is less valid to me.I am continuing to develop this point of interest for myself, for my own research, study, and writing. I would welcome any and all more current opinions, research, articles, and links, both Pro and Con on this subject matter. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:55 pm
by Dealey Joe
Bruce I find it difficult to even consider this?We know far too much to be able to see this as a possibility.I guess I just don't really understand the question?

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:30 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Joe - We seemingly talk endlessly about opinions on everything. And that's fun.But I was simply asking for real academic input or references, Pro or Con, relative to Lee claiming he was a Patsy. The kind of research, study and links that Ken Murray provides on everything, for example. Pro and Con, and developed academic arguments on either side. I was throwing out a very wide net, trying to catch all of the intelligent responses that I could. To my way of thinking, in The Court of Public Opinion in 1963, in The Warren Commission Report of 1964 - 1965, in The Trial in The After Life of Lee Harvey Oswald by Vincent Bugliosi, and in the U.S. History books of 2010, we have The Greatest Circumstantial Evidence Blunder and Lie every perpetrated on Human Mankind since the Crucifixion, with the would be perpetrator saying: "I'm a patsy."And yet others claim he did it for notoriety. I'm more interested in the whole subject matter of Lee Harvey Oswald and his claim of innocence than endless circuitous conjecture about how many teams, how many shooters, how many bullets, etc., which is cute, fashionable, and trendy, but will never be solved, along with the endless debate on the Zapruder Film which will also never be solved.Going further, perhaps any in depth analysis, Pro or Con on: the "I'm just a patsy" declaration which was filmed. Who was there then, who took notes then, what were the immediate documented reactions of those people then, etc. The most publicized and highly studied, high level murder of all time, committed in broad daylight, by a person claiming innocence immediately, yet castigated in death as having done it for fame.I was seeking intelligent information along these lines, that's all. And I don't know if any JFK Forum Member has done research, study, and writing on this subject matter unless I ask, and throw out that broad netted question, or inter-related questions. If nothing else I was looking for another horse to beat to death.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:35 pm
by Davyjones
I say he thought he was the lone shooter. He did not expect anymore shots and never intended to hit anyone. He was going to be a hero as the man who spoiled the murder of JFK in Dallas. Stupid enough but he was a young man and its the kind of hairbrianed thinking you can expect from a man like Oswald.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:44 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Davy Jones, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Davy - I appreciate your response, and understand and respect your point, which I totally disagree with.Can you, or have you ever, anywhere, substantiated that theory with any research, study, or writing that you can refer me to now ?Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:06 pm
by andries
this raises the question againand the unbelieveble stunning fact that we, the public, dont know anything about his interagation.this all makes mutch more scence after ruby,s gunshot off course.

Re: If Oswald was working alone, then....

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:15 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Andries, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Andries - Thank you for your response, which I totally agree with.Additionally, you raise a very powerful connective or inter-related point with Ruby killing Oswald.Andries, I think that the whole aspect of Lee's arrest, filming, and interrogation needs to be turned inside out, and upside down. I was seeking anybody who thought along these lines. You certainly are eloquent in your simplicity, i.e., "...we don't know anything about his interrogation." And every single fact before, during, and after, either.Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.