Major Allegations of Vote Fraud in New Hampshire

JFK Assassination
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Major Allegations of Vote Fraud in New Hampshire

Post by Dan »

The Fix is in. The most corrupt administration in US history is trying to screw us again - the Clinton crime machine is back!

Ron Paul Votes Not Counted In New Hampshire District
Vote fraud confirmed, Clinton reversed mammoth pre-polling deficit to beat Obama, Diebold machines aid Giuliani, Romney
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, January 9, 2008 ... -hampshire
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Post by Bob »

First off my friend, I like Edwards for the Dems and Paul for the Repubs. But if you truly believe that story, then you also must put credence in the fix jobs in 2000 and 2004 with BU$h. Diebold and ES&S have 90% of the electronic voting machines used in our elections. They are very PRO right wing backers, plus let us not forget what the Supreme Court did in 2000, when Scalia and Thomas should have recused themselves because of the connections to Bu$h. However, I do feel that there is a Clinton-Bu$h situation going on here. Slick Willie and Poppy Bu$h really seem like they are having a lovefest as of late. I think it goes way back to the Mena, Arkansas days of CIA drug running in the 80's, while Clinton was still in Arkansas and Poppy was in the White House. Now Hillary to me is a big time Hawk. She voted for the Iraq war resolution and always side steps any way of being accountable with that vote, unlike guys like Edwards, Biden, Kerry and Dodd who also voted yes, but who now show remorse. Then recently, Hillary voted yes again with all the other Hawks on the Kyl/LIEberman bill regarding Iran. That really came off as ill advised as the NIE reports show. I really think Hillary is a Hawk, and she is trying to show some Republicans that side of her, as she really thought she would be the Dem candidate in the national election. She had NO idea that the campaign would be so tough. Plus, Hillary also gets more lobbyist money than any other candidate, Dem or Repub. Hell, she even took money from Rupert Murdoch. I sincerely don't think she can be a woman of the PEOPLE, when she is so beholden to CORPORATE America. That experiment hasn't worked out so well with Dumbya Bu$h either.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Hey Dan STFU!
Exit polls said Bush lost to Gore and you said nothing then?
Bush has had of the worst years in American history, due to fraud and you people said NOTHING! Deal with it Dan. Like crap when it goes your way huh? Republicans will not win either way. Democrat will be your next President. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I hope it is Edwards.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Clinton/Bush yada yada. All corrupt. Got crap to do with Clinton/Bush. You will never have anyone to represent your beliefs again. get used to it.
The next President is already known to the power elite. They just make you think there is a choice when in reality, there is not. Like I said Yada Yada Yada. Same shit different year. We ALL know that diebold is bullshit and?????? Now what? Nothing right, so why bother bitchin. We ALL know the election process is bullshit right?????? So, now what???
John Edwards and Mit Romney are the two that are most likely to get the nominations. I might be wrong but hey, who really cares.
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Post by Dan »

I'm voting for the Crimson Tide - Bama!

Anyone that can defeat Hitlery is OK by me...
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Post by Bob »

Edwards is my first choice. Obama is my second. Hillary isn't even on my radar. The Repub candidates are laughable except for Ron Paul. But Romney, Giuliani, McCain and Huckabee all act like he is a leper at the debates. He's actually the only sane one in the group. RC, there IS definitely a Bu$h/Clinton relationship. They are like guys in Pro wrestling that hate each other in the ring, but are seen having drinks and laughing later. It all started at Mena. By the way, Jimmy Files knows about Mena. So did Barry Seal, and we know what happened to him. What a coincidence that Poppy Bu$h's home telephone number was in Seal's car when he was murdered.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

I am saying it is not a Bush/Clinton thing it is an elite thing. They are all the same. work for the same elite structure. Proven! The fact that they work together is no surprise, look at the ass kissing McCain did after Bush won even tho Bush called him everything in the book and slandered the hell out of him,. Now they are best buds.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

its like choosing between getting your nuts or your tongue sliced off. which do you want to do more? speek or reproduce. It doesn't matter who you vote for, you'll have one end or the other cut off!
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Secret Society

Post by Dan »

Since the all knowing here can pierce the veil of secrecy of the secret societies - what are the secret clubs of the various candidates?

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »
