Gulf of Tonkin revisited

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Gulf of Tonkin revisited

Post by R Croxford »

January 10th, 2008 4:30 pm
U.S.: Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats

Chilling Threat Could Have Come From the Shore or Another Ship, Navy Says

By Martha Raddatz and Jonathan Karl / ABC News

Jan. 10, 2008 — Just two days after the U.S. Navy released the eerie video of Iranian speedboats swarming around American warships, which featured a chilling threat in English, the Navy is saying that the voice on the tape could have come from the shore or from another ship.

The near-clash occurred over the weekend in the Strait of Hormuz. On the U.S.-released recording, a voice can be heard saying to the Americans, "I am coming to you. You will explode after a few minutes."

The Navy never said specifically where the voices came from, but many were left with the impression they had come from the speedboats because of the way the Navy footage was edited.

Today, the spokesperson for the U.S. admiral in charge of the Fifth Fleet clarified to ABC News that the threat may have come from the Iranian boats, or it may have come from somewhere else.

We're saying that we cannot make a direct connection to the boats there," said the spokesperson. "It could have come from the shore, from another ship passing by. However, it happened in the middle of all the very unusual activity, so as we assess the information and situation, we still put it in the total aggregate of what happened Sunday morning. I guess we're not saying that it absolutely came from the boats, but we're not saying it absolutely didn't."

The Iranians have denied using the threatening language and are saying U.S.-released video is fabricated. Today, the Iranian government aired its own video of the event on state-run TV there. On the audio, the voice that the Iranians say is the communication from their vessel can be heard identifying itself to the American ship, "Coalition warship No. 73 this is an Iranian navy patrol boat."

The incident ended without shots being fired, but senior defense officials told ABC News that the USS Hopper's gunners were within seconds of firing on the Iranians.

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Post by Bob »

As soon as I heard of this story, the Gulf of Tonkin was the FIRST thing I thought of. These neocon bastards will stop at nothing to get their war, or wars, in the name of war profiteering and oil. The NIE report that came out recently about Iran, shows that Dumbya Bu$h and Darth Cheney are treasonous liars that will do anything for war, including bringing up WWIII to try and scare people shitless.
Brian White
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Re:Gulf of Tonkin

Post by Brian White »

Hey,it worked once,didn't it? It'll work this
time too,because most Americans have
never heard of the first one.Go ahead and
mention "Gulf of Tonkin" to someone at work,
and watch the "deer in headlights" look.
Having a dumbed-down populace is great,
isn't it?
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Blame America First

Post by Dan »

That's right! Blame America First!

Lots of crap coming from those who never served aboard a combat vessel.

Do you know how much restraint those guys had to not blow the Iranians out of the water?

If this was Gulf of Tonkin there would have been no Iranian speedboats racing away.

Twisted! Move to Mexico or Canada - then blame America!
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

This post shows how really stupid you are dan! LMAO

Today, the spokesperson for the U.S. admiral in charge of the Fifth Fleet clarified to ABC News that the threat may have come from the Iranian boats, or it may have come from somewhere else.
Does that say Admiral or did I misread it?
You right sided idiots make excuses for anything. Lets start another fuckin war because MAYBE someone shot at us. LMAO Dan your a cherry.
Cops shoot someone because they might have a gun? We put people in prison because maybe they are guilty? We whoop your ass because maybe your stupid? HEHE.
R Croxford
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Here Dan

Post by R Croxford »

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident defined the beginning of large-scale involvement of U.S. armed forces in Vietnam. It was a pair of supposed attacks carried out by naval forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) against two American destroyers, the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy. The incident occurred on August 2 and 4, 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin.[1]

The outcome of the incident was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist aggression". The resolution served as Johnson's legal justification for escalating American involvement in the Vietnam Conflict, which lasted until 1975.

In 2005, it was revealed in an official NSA declassified report[2] that the Maddox first fired warning shots on the August 2 incident, that there may have been no North Vietnamese boats at the August 4 incident, and that there was certainly no attack. The report said
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Post by Bob »

It's funny, or perhaps STUPID, that the neocons keep using tactics like what happened with the Iranian speedboats and 9/11, that can be traced back to other similar events or plans like the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Operation Northwoods. To me, that tells me that the neocons think the American public is incredibly naive. And perhaps most of us are. How else can you explain the Bu$h family dominance for almost a century now. The MSM doesn't dare make a peep. All the treasonous acts have been swept under the carpet and are locked in a never to be opened safe. Meanwhile, we now have a full blown recession, foreclosures, high energy costs, high healthcare costs, a corrupt government, torture, illegal wiretapping, no habeas corpus, lies that put us in Iraq, lies that tried to put us in Iran and a world headed towards Armageddon. A world like Hitler envisioned. Hitler's back...and his name is Dumbya Bu$h.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

First go to the official military version and notice that all the dialog occurs as a voice over the film. Watch all the way to the end when the voices are heard about the explosion. If that isn't a fake accent I don't know what is. Also it is obvious that it was added to the video. ... iran_ships

then go to the iranian version. notice how their dialog is recorded real time and also notice that the american response doesn't match the military version. which version looks more realistic and which appears fabricated?

Don't you think our coast guard would send out boats if cuba or china had warships off of our coast? Those boats posed no threat. Its all bs.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

also, i chuckled as i heard the voice from the ship announce that it was a coalition vessel. COALITION, like were a part of a global force. Coalition, who else is funding this war? Its the Bush Cheney coalition.
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Post by Dan »

Remember the Cole!

Tweedledumb - I truly hope we get to meet soon