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The Secret Service

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:36 pm
by Bob
Much has been documented about the Secret Service's performance (or lack there of) on 11/22/1963. A lot has been covered, including the erratic driving by William Greer, the JFK limo driver. This video talks about a lot of the peculiar behavior that day by the Secret Service.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:20 pm
by Ricky Clow
Pretty good video. I don't think that the Secret Service is as much to blame as that video makes them sound. I know what I'm about to say is arguable. But Kennedy said (or maybe didn't but they said so that it would sound less suspicious) that he didn't want any Secret Service men on the back of his car so that the people could see him better, the motorcycles as well for the same reason. But there was not reason for them not to do a better job, as well I also herd that the S.S. knew that they weren't to drink and when at the night club the bartender told them that the drinks were non-alcoholic

In the video it shows a video of GG-300 making the turn onto elm, and you can see the 6th floor, does anyone know who took the film and if anyone has a link to it.

And him saying that Emery Roberts told them not to move; now that is just plain creepy.

I am just a minor in knowledge pertaining to the assassination compared to you guys so go ahead and prove me wrong if I am and PLEASE! point out if i ever say anything that is incorrect so I can get my facts straight.