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Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:53 am
by Andre Murel
In a well organized crime organisation I never got the following:

After James had fired the fatal shots he was getting together
with Johnny Roselli and Charles Nicoletti in a parked car who
also fired shots from the DalTex Building.

So what I dont get is that in my opnion it's very dangerous
to get together in one car stuffed with weapons and both
shooters with traces of gunpowder on their skin. Meaning
if one of the shooters got caught entering the parked car
automatically the other party got arrested or shot also.

Unless, they were "told" to gather in that place ofcourse...



Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:35 pm
by Bob
We also have the other story where Roger Craig says he saw Lee Harvey Oswald climb into a rambler station wagon with a dark complected driver and another man moments after the assassination. A lot of us have theorized that the driver was David Morales, who other witnesses placed on the 6th floor of TSBD with perhaps Richard Cain. But whether it was Morales, Cain and Oswald, or Files, Nicoletti and Roselli, they all wanted to get out of there ASAP for sure. I'm sure all of them were prepared to die if need be. Remember, there were also explosives to be used if necessary in a box car behind the grassy knoll. JFK was not to be allowed to live that day in Dealey Plaza, and folks like Major General Edward G. Lansdale and others were prepared to do whatever it took to get that done. Lansdale, by the way, was seen by Chauncey Holt (one of the three tramps) as he was being led away by police.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:40 pm
by Andre Murel
there were also explosives to be used if necessary in a box car behind the grassy knoll.

Really, I didnt know this

Do you know where I can find this info?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:18 pm
by Bob
Bruce and I discussed this quite awhile a few months back. But the explosives were mentioned in Wim's book. Lansdale was a BIG player in the assassination. As was David Atlee Phillips, who was Oswald's handler and also Files handler for the CIA. You also had Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt there that day. You have the infamous photo of Poppy Bu$h there that day in front of the TSBD. You also had guys like Chauncey Holt there. It was like a CIA reunion that day in Dealey Plaza, plus you had guys that had roles in both the mob and CIA like Files, Nicoletti, Roselli and others.