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People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:33 pm
by Fabio
Wim and others,

In the interview with Files he gives a few names of people he recognized in Dealy Plaza just before the assasination. I listened to that part of the interview a few times but still don't know the (correct spelling) names which he mentioned. Could someone give me the list with al the right names?

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:53 pm
by Dealey Joe
51 Years later who do we now believe was in Dealey Plaza and why?

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:15 pm
I am up to at lease 25 CIA agents that were there in Dealey Plaza, and that doesn't include Oswald or Ruby. Another interesting point about that day was a Army intelligence Officer who testified at the HSCA said he had 6 or 8 men in Dealey Plaza that day, why? James Powell an Army intelligent officer, was arrested in the TSBD, and his testimony has been sealed and unavailable, why? Why were there so many CIA and Army Intelligent people there? There can only be one answer, its because they knew ahead of time about the assassination! They were there to see the assassination! Now that's sick and I suppose they call themselves "TRUE PATRIOTS"Your thoughts!

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:00 am
by Slav
JDB4JFK wrote:? Why were there so many CIA and Army Intelligent people there? There can only be one answer, its because they knew ahead of time about the assassination! They were there to see the assassination! Now that's sick and I suppose they call themselves "TRUE PATRIOTS"Your thoughts! I don't think they were there to see the assassination I think the only reason they were there is to take part in it. Everyone knew what happened except the American people and the world.

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:05 pm
by Dealey Joe
I think they were there for a reason. The only valid conception I can come up with it that there were several locations that were in the pre-planning the the assassination could happen, as these were eliminated it turned these people loose to do what they chose gravitate to the end of the route. I also think the final decision was to do it at the Trade Mart but Nicoletti decided to go ahead and do it at the Plaza.

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:50 am
by Tom Bigg
You can assume that none of them had fear of being exposed of being part of a conspiracy later. They knew there would be photos of them and their associates, but figured that the cover up would be strong enough to counter a call for investigations.

Re: People in Dealy Plaza

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:33 am
by Slav
Dealey Joe wrote:I think they were there for a reason. The only valid conception I can come up with it that there were several locations that were in the pre-planning the the assassination could happen, as these were eliminated it turned these people loose to do what they chose gravitate to the end of the route. I also think the final decision was to do it at the Trade Mart but Nicoletti decided to go ahead and do it at the Plaza.Joe you are 100 percent right, they had way to many people there and they all had there locations and I think the trademark would of been the final attempt. Because they had so many people and fearless of being caught that means everyone knew Hoover was doing the cover up and LBJ was in charge think about it there neighbours of course they had no worries they are the government.