Another Demonrat Shows Just What makes a Demonrat a Demonrat

JFK Assassination
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Another Demonrat Shows Just What makes a Demonrat a Demonrat

Post by Dan »

Democrat Eliot Spitzer will most probably resign tomorrow after he makes arrangements with the US Justice Department to minimize punishment for his criminal conduct.

Spitzer who used his office to personally attack Republicans and others for political reasons shows just how the demonrats operate: lie, cheat and accuse others of your sins - what a disgusting piece of crap he is - just like his buddy Billy Boy Clinton!!!!!
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Post by Bob »

Yeah, the Republican party is so freaking clean Dan. My ass! Spitzer should resign. But the two worst administrations in our country's great history are the Richard Nixon and Dumbya Bu$h administrations that were both lawless and treasonous. You also have Republicans like Duke Cunnigham in California doing time for taking bribes from defense contractors. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska will eventually get busted for the same thing, plus he is tied to BIG Oil. Larry Craig has been anti-gay and pro-war in the Senate, but he finds time to have gay sex in men's room. And get BUSTED. Bottom line, ALL politicians are dirty in one form or another. Some have less warts than others. But the Republican party exceeds this type behavior. Please see this list. It might take you a couple of days to read through it all. ... rimes.html
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

"Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida."

"Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor."

anti abortion because there would be less children to prey on

"Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him."

Traditional values only costs $20, modern values would have cost him atleast $50.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:Yeah, the Republican party is so freaking clean Dan. My ass! Spitzer should resign. But the two worst administrations in our country's great history are the Richard Nixon and Dumbya Bu$h administrations that were both lawless and treasonous. You also have Republicans like Duke Cunnigham in California doing time for taking bribes from defense contractors. Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska will eventually get busted for the same thing, plus he is tied to BIG Oil. Larry Craig has been anti-gay and pro-war in the Senate, but he finds time to have gay sex in men's room. And get BUSTED. Bottom line, ALL politicians are dirty in one form or another. Some have less warts than others. But the Republican party exceeds this type behavior. Please see this list. It might take you a couple of days to read through it all. ... rimes.html

Bob, that is why they call it poli-tics; meaning poli (many)+ ticks(bloodsuckers and parasites) Dan knows what I'm talking about
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Too Easy!

Post by Dan »

You guys are too easy! I got the expected response...but I may ask:

Did Larry Craig use political power to ruin people's lives like Clinton and Spitzer? (I thought you demonrats were all for giving each other blow jobs in the men's room...)

Did I ever post that the Republicans are clean? And WTF does child pornography have to do with using political power to falsley indict and prosecute people?

Too easy - too predictable and just too biased to see the fraud of the demonrats!

Spitzer is an evil bastard! I hope they prosecute the criminal charges and he spends some hard time in a federal prison.

Bob, I don't ever read any George Soros propaganda so please save the keystrokes it took to paste whatever link you put up there...
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Post by Bob »

You don't believe George Soros propaganda??? But you DO believe Rupert Murdoch propaganda. That is quite evident. The Pentagon is putting out an extensive report that conclusively says that al quada and Iraq were NEVER linked before the war. Yet your hero Dumbya Bu$h has sent almost 4,000 troops to their deaths and countless thousands more severely wounded. Plus some estimates now have the Iraqi death toll at over 1,000,000. The war has cost the American people TRILLIONS of dollars. For what? Oil and war profiteering. It's as simple as that. Bu$h greed. Bu$h BLOOD money. Meanwhile, we have taken our eye off the ball regarding al quada in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And YOUR Republican party has enabled Bu$h the whole clueless time. People like John McCain, who say that we may be in Iraq 100 more years. And yes, people like Hillary Clinton as well. That's why NEITHER one of them are fit to be President. That, and all of their lobbyist money. People haven't forgotten the Abramoff scandal and how he used his influence in the Bu$h administration with scum bags like Karl Rove.
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The Truth

Post by Dan »

The people have finally woken up and now realize that demonrats like Spitzer and Bill Clinton are manipulators who don't give a rat's ass about the USA or the democrat party. Thank God the blacks have finally come to that realization. Goodbye demonrat party - you won't be missed!!!!!
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Post by Bob »

I won't argue about Spitzer and Slick Willie. The more I know about Clinton, the more I realize that he is tied to the hip with Poppy Bu$h regarding history (CIA drug running) at Mena, Arkansas. Hillary is no different, as she has shown her REAL ugly side in this campaign. However, the Republican party has been torn apart by Dumbya Bu$h and his advisors like Karl Rove. Barry Goldwater has to be rolling in his grave as things unravel in this party. Rove has taken politics to the deepest depths of sleazeball tactics that have a Lee Atwater quality to them. It all started during the Richard Nixon era. By the way, Goldwater hated Nixon. It was Goldwater in fact, that convinced Nixon to resign. But the Nixon era of dirty politics spawned the Atwaters and Roves of this world. Hillary has followed suit with a couple of Rove-like figures in her campaign as well, Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson. The result, Hillary is threatening to tear the Democratic party apart with her tactics, much like Bu$h and Rove have done to the Republicans. As I've said before, ALL politicians have warts. Some have much more than others. But the Republican party is not immune from this Dan. Far from it. In fact, they are the poster child of corrupt and sleazeball politics. Yes, there are Dems in this category as well. But not to the extent of the Republicans.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

In all fairness, it should be noted that philip wasn't soliciting, so it ain't prostitution. Nothing funny about pedophilia, tho.