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Weapons Used

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:56 pm
by Matt Smith
Apologies if these questions have already been asked but...........

Do we know what weapons were used in the shooting and the identity/type of rounds that were fired. Can they be linked/or unique to any type of weapon?

Did the SS use standard issue weapons for all their agents?

I believe there were at least 3 shooters with a 4th possibility. A shooter from the storm drain seems a highly feasible likelyhood to me

If you are going to kill the president you need to ENSURE success so triangulation fire would seem the minimum req'd to succeed.

The fatal head shot to the right temple region seems consistant with a shot from the front. A high powered firearm hitting it's target from as close as the storm drain would guarantee a kill by the mess it would make of it's target

My current belief is 1 shooter from the storm drain, 1 from the grassy knoll and 1 from the TSBD or the Dal-Tex building or both (making Oswald a definate patsy by covering for any potential Dal-Tex shooter, if you are murdering the president you need to throw in a red herring to lead people off the trail.

the single bullet that penetrated JFK's back and Gov Conelley came from either the TSBD or the Dal-Tex building

Any theory of LHO being a lone gunman is absurd IMO and would not have been able to cover up the truth for so long.

Ta, Matt S

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:10 am
by Rob Waters
the problem with 2 shooters from the front is it makes it harder to blame Oswald shooting from the SBDB. the shooter in the front was supposed to be backup only. shoot only if the one or ones from the rear miss. He had to be killed otherwise the entire plan may unfold.

James files claims to be the shooter from the grassy knoll. he claims to have shot from about 10 feet to the right of the front corner of the fence. in my opinion there are 3 possible locations from the front where a shooter could have been. the storm drain ( you get an angle similar, but opposite the 6th floor window), the spot Files claims to have shot from, Witnesses say they saw smoke and a flash from that spot, and the far end of the fence by the overpass. there is a 45 degree angle at that end and the shooter would actually be standing on another drain. (been to Dealy Plaza twice). Whether or not Files was the actual shooter, i cant say but i would definitely say that there was only one shooter from the front for the reasons above.

Files claims to have used a Remington XP 100 fireball. see this link ( he said he used special mercury loaded rounds where the tip was drilled out and filled with mercury with an eye drops bottle and refilled with wax. this was to make the bullet explode/fragment on impact causing more damage as well as making it harder to trace.

Regardless of weather Oswald or files fired any shots, there was definitely more than one shooter, therefore a conspiracy. i think we can all agree on that.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:19 am
by Ricky Clow
In Rober Grodens book JFK: The case for conspiracy it shows that it would be just about impossible for there to be a shooter in the storm drain.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:54 am
by Rob Waters
Ricky Clow wrote:In Rober Grodens book JFK: The case for conspiracy it shows that it would be just about impossible for there to be a shooter in the storm drain.

i havent read that one. ill have to check it out. Thanks RC.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:33 pm
by Ricky Clow
No problem. It's not really much of a book. It looks a lot more like a magazine. But it has some interesting facts and good a lot of pictures.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:49 am
by tom jeffers
i never read his book but i thought that the reason why some say that the storm drain could not have been used was that the road was to high to get a shot. but others have said that in 1963 the road was much lower then because many layers had been added over the years. i think it is possibe that sarti was either in the storm drain or at a location on the other side of the overpass and was another backup shooter incase jfk was still alive past dealey plaza.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:57 am
by Ricky Clow
There is a picture in the book where it shows a view from the storm drain and a limo just like Kennedy's placed at the spot where it was at frame 313, you can barley see the limo at all let alone Kennedy. I'll scan the picture and put a link on tomarrow.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:26 pm
by Bob
Most here are familiar with the name Lucien Sarti, he was supposedly "Badgeman" in TMWKK. In fact, Gary Mack was very enamored with him at the time (1988). Wim has shown some pretty conclusive evidence that "Badgeman" did not exist. But for those who aren't familiar with Sarti, here is some more information...

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:44 pm
by Ricky Clow
This is the link to the page that shows that it pretty much couldn't be possible for a shooter in the storm drain. It's a page from JFK: THE CASE FOR CONSPIRACY; THE KILLING OF A PRESIDENT MEMORIAL EDITION ... stscan.jpg

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:21 am
by tom jeffers
thanks for sharing that with us Ricky. I wonder when that picture was taken in the storm drain and I also wonder if by moving the camera around, one could get a better angle on the spot in zapruder 313.

I know this might sound kooky too but I am convinced that the Z film has been altered by masking and cutting. I think they used the horizontal line of the curb as a cutting point My point is if the Z film has been altered who knows where the exact spot was where jfk was hit? there is some very compelling evidence out there. I even think the blood splatter after Jimmy's head shot was purposely made worse to try and make the front entry wound to look like an exit wound. If you look at some of the background people, they are not even following the president as he passes. it's an enigma wrapped up in a riddle!