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DalTex shooter whitness ?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:54 pm
by Peter Bastin
Just to add a new topic on our main subject JFK apart from the coming american elections : Apparentely on the blow up of the Altgens 5 picture there is a shooter (Nicoletti ?) near the fire scape. On the picture just right of this shooter there are some people looking out of the window (just feet away from the DalTex shooter).The thing that puzzles me : are there no whitnesses of this shot (sounds?) or whitnesses just below the firescape on the street ? Somebody must have heard this (just feet away, or was there a silencer on the wheapon ? Guy's and galls: Let's stay focussed on the killing of JFK, he is more than worth our focus.....I was 5 years old when it happened, and it is too important to me : for it is the FIRST THING IN MY LIVE THAT I CAN REMEMBER !!!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:34 pm
by Bob
All I can tell you is that Johnny Roselli was with Chuck Nicoletti as a spotter. But there was a CIA reunion in Dealey Plaza according to Jimmy Files. Remember Jimmy saw Frank Sturgis that day as well. There were a lot of CIA operatives in Dallas that day. Who knows where everyone was. You had the three tramps, Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson and Charles Rogers. You had Edward Lansdale. You had E. Howard Hunt. You had explosives in one of the railroad cars. There is a good chance that David Morales, Richard Cain and perhaps Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository and were shooters/spotters. Marshall Caifano was also most likely a shooter. Other possibilities include "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio, Posado Carriles and Orlando Bosch. Tosh Plumlee who was on the South knoll (as a member of the abort team) thought one of the shots came from near his area. Was there also an additional shooter near Files? Chauncey Holt was not with Harrelson at the time of the shooting. Was Harrelson a shooter near Files? He had easy access to the rail car from the knoll. Holt said that Harrelson and Rogers (the other two "tramps") were already at the rail car when he arrived after the shooting. All I can tell you is that JFK was not going to be allowed to live that day one way or the other.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:09 pm
by Ricky Clow
"You had explosives in one of the railroad cars."

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:29 pm
by bob franklin
I can only assume the limo itself wasn't wired because of radio transmissions between teams in the plaza during the hit. the rail car thing doesn't shock me in the least. Hell, for all we know, it was wired (no - harm - to - Jackie order notwithstanding). They were going to pull this coup, NO-FAIL.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:38 pm
by bob franklin
By the way, I do have that photo burned to cd somewhere, but can't find it among my backups. Could anyone maybe post a link?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:59 pm
by Brian White
To get back to your actual question, Peter (which is a good one),
I've wondered about it myself. James Files didn't say anything
about Nicoletti's rifle having a silencer, but they were certainly
in existence at the time. He may also have been using some type
of subsonic ammo,which would be quieter than normal. Crowd noise,
the echo factor in the plaza, plus the fact that no one was expecting
any shots, may account for no witnesses hearing anything.

Then again, maybe some witnesses did come forward, but were
told to keep their mouths shut- a lot of that was going on, too.

One thing I've always wondered about is the man sitting on the
fire escape just outside that window- he appears to be black and
can be seen in 2 Altgens photos. Was he a spotter? It's hard to
believe he didn't see/hear anything, that close to the window. If
he is an innocent bystander, why didn't he start yelling, "Hey,
somebody's shooting from this window"?

I'm also sure it was normally against Secret Service policy to have
people sitting on fire escapes along the route. Oh, well, another
unsolved mystery of that day!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:13 pm
by dankbaar
I have read a deposition once that the ladies hanging out the window in the Daltex heard a shot coming from their right.

Does anyone recognize that?


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:47 pm
by Peter Bastin
That is exactly what I mean... these ladies must have heard/noticed a shot for they were on the same floor, hanging out af the window just feet away from the shooter in the DalTex (Nicoletti). These ladies are clarely visible on a blow-up of Altgens #5 picture ! So is the DalTex shooter and his look-out. These ladies must have had a look to their right sometime....

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:05 pm
by Bob
Is there an English version of that article with the Altgens photo you attached Peter?

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:41 am
by bob franklin
*DAMMN* nice link!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suh.............weeeet! Look at the blowup of the shooter. Moreover, look at the hairline of the fellow behind him.
Could be just a trick of light, but take a look. Am I wrong?