History Channel

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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History Channel

Post by R Croxford »

Just watched JFK beyond conspiracy on the history channel.
Wim alll the crap on this program said that every thing we talk about is BS and that Oswald was the only shooter. They said the bullet trajectory lines up and that Oliver Stone lied and that everything matches what the Warren commision stated.
They however did not mention the murders of witnesses and the amout of damage to the magic bullet or the fact that the brain was missing or that there were conflicting reports from doctors about the wounds. In my opinion it is a total lie.
Have you seen this docudrama?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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R. Croxford:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear R. Croxford,

I have just reviewed your email.

I watched the JFK Beyond Conspiracy, also this weekend, for the umteenth time.

One simple fact blows it to hell.

JFK'S throat wound was either:

1. A very small entrance wound, which Jimmy and I always disagreed with.
Original photos, before the tracheotomy, showed that it could not have been an exit wound that lined up with Governor Connolley's rear entrance wound.

2. A very small exit wound from a piece of Jimmy's Exploding Mercury Tip Filled Bullet, that was custom made by Wolfman, a former CIA Operative Weapons, Ammunitions, and Explosive expert.

Additionally they never discuss why over 100 eye witnesses charged the Grassy Knoll, people saw smoke, smelled gun powdered smoke, and JFK'S head reacted like it was hit from the front.

You can write books about what they did not cover.

R. Croxford, Thank You for your contribution, though, as I enjoy hearing and reading various opinions.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
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Throat Wound

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:JFK'S throat wound was either:1. A very small entrance wound, which Jimmy and I always disagreed with.Original photos, before the tracheotomy, showed that it could not have been an exit wound that lined up with Governor Connolley's rear entrance wound.I've never heard of any "original photos, before the tracheotomy." Perhaps Bruce could cite a source, or even a copy of such a photo, if one exists.Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:2. A very small exit wound from a piece of Jimmy's Exploding Mercury Tip Filled Bullet, that was custom made by Wolfman, a former CIA Operative Weapons, Ammunitions, and Explosive expert.
If Files says that there were two head shots, one from the rear just prior to his shot, why would it be assumed that the throat wound was caused by a "piece of Jimmy's Exploding Mercury Tip Filled Bullet" and not possibly a piece of the bullet from the rear?

Timothy Franzen
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Finally people are responding to a topic I posted weeks ago.

Post by Timothy Franzen »

Gee, Deja Vu all over again. I posted The History Channel has no backbone weeks ago and nobody posted a comment on it at all.
I guess at that point I wasn't a noted authority like some of you are
to warrant any pro and con comments. I have read books on the JFK
Assassination just like all of you. I have studied up for years on
what really happened to JFK. The only thing I haven't been able to accomplish is uncovering alleged assassins like Files, etc. The only notable thing I do feel good about is that I have developed a friendship with Tim McNiven and have helped him land an Interview in the near future with INN World news. I thank Mr. Croxford for the Please Read, Seriously
post for me having the opportunity of contacting by email and phone Mr.
McNiven. This was my post from "The History Channel as no backbone"
which concerned the same ludicrous Documentary that was apparently aired over the weekend.

The History Channel presented another John F. Kennedy Assassination
Two hour program to do computer imagery showing how Lee Harvey Oswald
was able to fire three shots from the TSBD and naturally explaining the
"Magic Bullet Theory". The History Channel, which had aired "The Men Who
Killed Kenney in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Tragedy,
apparently has backed off on the truth opting instead to only sell "The Men
Who Killed Kennedy" in their DVD Store. The only Brave thing they did March 11th was air JFK by Oliver Stone.

Even more amusing, was a review of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy I found
by doing a google search ridiculing the program, not for the reliable interviews conducted but for some questionable conspirators that were
interviewed in France.

What are everybody's views on what used to be a reputable source in the
History Channel and how they've backed off on airing important historic
information? I know there was controversy surrounding the program on LBJ's alleged involvement in the Assassination but there was good information in most of the programs. I'm just relieved that I taped the airing of the Men Who Killed Kennedy back in 2003.

Tim [/b]
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Post by Bob »

It's obvious that the History Channel has been influenced to change it's views over the last several years. The power elite is using the media to further it's cause. They get to people with threats and other ways of changing opinion. Case in point, Gary Mack. Mack is clearly not the same person that he was in the TMWKK in the late 80's. At least his opinion isn't the same. Somebody got to him. Also remember that the FCC is now run by people that have a slant to the right. Look at the monopoly that Clear Channel has in radio. Talk about right wing leanings. What about Rupert Murdoch and his monopoly with newspapers and FOX news etc.? Can you get any more right wing than him? Again, remember that Prescott Bu$h was a founder at CBS in the early 50's. He realized how important it was to have the media to serve the desires of those in power. It still holds true today.
Dealey Joe
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Re: History Channel

Post by Dealey Joe »

review this
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Re: History Channel

Post by Bob »

You can add the Discovery channel to the list of cable outlets that is producing JFK assassination specials that point the finger to the lone nut gunman...Lee Harvey Oswald. LHO...however...was just as he said he was...a patsy. The only place to find truth nowadays is the internet. TV won't dare try and bring out the real truth about what happened on 11/22/1963, just like they won't do likewise about what happened on 9/11/2001. Why? A big reason is they took part in the conspiracy to cover up the true facts about what REALLY happened.